Well done outgoing and incoming committee, and good outcome for the 
resolutions. Have a great 2013


On 19/03/2013, at 6:49 pm, WAMUG Announcement <annou...@wamug.org.au> wrote:

> Hi all.
> Sorry about the lateness of this email.
> Well, the AGM was held last Tuesday in accordance with the constitution after 
> the first meeting failed to attract a quorum. The committee stood down and a 
> new committee was elected and the special resolutions were put to the vote.
> Peter Hinchliffe was elected by the members present to be the chairman of AGM.
> The first order of business was the election of a new president. Peter 
> Hinchliffe was nominated and accepted the nomination and was voted in 
> unopposed.
> Peter H has been a stalwart of both the group and previous committees and we 
> congratulate and thank him for taking the reigns yet again.
> Peter Botman was nominated, and accepted, and voted in unopposed to the 
> position of treasurer again.
> Peter B has done a sterling job as our treasurer in years past and we thank 
> him for taking on this difficult task again.
> The remainder of the outgoing committee also put up their hands to be on the 
> committee for 2013 as well a new member, Bernard Barnwell.
> We thank those people for contributing again and also thank Bernard and 
> welcome him to the committee.
> So  the new committee for 2013 is:-
> Peter Hinchliffe – President
> Peter Botman – Treasurer
> Bernard Barnwell,  Daniel Kerr, Maureen Smith & Peter Smith - committee 
> members
> The next order of business was the special resolutions. Each of the three was 
> put to the meeting of financial members and the votes recorded. These results 
> were then tallied with the proxy votes already received. A 75% vote in the 
> affirmative from those members voting was required for each special 
> resolution to pass.
> The first special resolution was: -
> “That the WAMUG Constitution be amended as set in Appendix 1 to the “WAMUG 
> Constitution Special Resolution – Proposed Amendments” document to ensure 
> conformity with the Associations Incorporation Act 1987.”
> This resolution was passed unanimously.
> The second special resolution was; -
> “That the WAMUG Constitution be amended in clause 2 by deleting the term 
> “Macintosh Computers” wherever it appears and substituting it with the term 
> “Apple Macintosh Computers and other Apple products”.
> This resolution was passed unanimously.
> The third resolution, and probably the one you all want to know about, was: -
> “The name of the Western Australian Macintosh Users’ Group Incorporated be 
> changed to “Apple Users WA Incorporated” and any necessary changes made to 
> the constitution.”
> As you can probably surmise this vote was not a unanimous one. So, I hear you 
> all ask (or shout!), are we still WAMUG or are we AUWA?
> Well, we are still WAMUG with only 40% of the votes cast for the name change 
> and 60% against it. There was a total 20 votes recorded, just under 30% of 
> the current membership at the time of voting.
> On behalf of the committee, I would like to thank those who took the time to 
> cast their votes and also to those who had their say when this matter was 
> raised.
> There being no other business, the meeting was closed and as we walked out 
> the door, the bloke with red underpants over his blue body suit waiting 
> outside to use the phone thanked us very much. Tee Hee Hee.
> ‘Till next time WAMUGGERS.
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Reg Whitely

Home: 08 9921 7272
Mob: 04 8899 7313
Email: rwhit...@internode.on.net

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