On 22/07/2013, at 8:14 AM, Rick Armstrong <a...@iinet.net.au> wrote:

> Whats the best fonts and size to use in Mail so that the other side (PC) sees 
> your email in some sort of consistancy. I sometimes Bold and Italicise as 
> well as underline and colour.
> Message list font:
> Message font
> Fixed-width font
> On the 27" iMac 14pt is reasonable on screen but what does another 20" see 
> (will the font be too large).
> EXAMPLE: If I send an email in Comic Sans - whats happens when received.
> Thanks, Rick.

the thing to understand about email is that you have little to no control over 
what your recipient will see when they get your message. All formatting is 
carried by their email client, and will depend on its ability to interpret what 
you have sent. Apple Mail sends formatted email as RTFD, not HTML. If the 
recipient is not set up to be able to handle RTF format the the results will be 
unpredictable. This was the reason Microsoft originally developed the HTML 
format in Outlook Express, and the world has suffered for the practice ever 
since. The email protocol is very old in computer terms, and the only true 
standard is plain text. This is the only format which is guaranteed to be 
received in the same format you sent it. Anything else is subject to the 
abilities of the receiving software. 

If you really need to send a fully formatted, intricately laid out message, the 
only guaranteed method is by attaching it as a PDF. Again, your recipient will 
need to have the ability to receive attachments, something else which cannot be 
taken for granted, especially if your recipient is a Windows user who is 
paranoid about security. 

Seriously, just use plain text for email. It always works. And Comic Sans?? 
There are parts of the internet where a secret message bomb would be sent to 
blow your computer up for merely mentioning the possibility!   

Peter Hinchliffe        Apwin Computer Services
FileMaker Pro Solutions Developer
Perth, Western Australia
Phone (618) 9332 6482    Mob 0403 046 948
Mac because I prefer it -- Windows because I have to.

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