Hi Tim

Thank you for your email. I would have said quite confidently that all accounts 
were POP but further checking shows this is not so. 

My MBP shows iCloud as IMAP and iinet as POP. Likewise on my Mac Mini. In both 
cases the iCloud account is highlighted.

The iPad is a bit more difficult and is showing iinet for both accounts and 
outgoing mail server as STMP. I’m not sure the implication of this and could be 
where the problem lies.

Re your query about trashed emails,  I have checked and yes they had been 
trashed on my MBP. 

I have also just noticed that several emails received from WAMUG yesterday on 
my MacMini have not been received on the MBP which is of real concern. 

Now I am totally confused.

Thanks again for your interest.

On 25 Feb 2014, at 6:05 pm, Tim Law <t...@peoplehelp.com.au> wrote:

> Hi Laura,
> I forget your previous issues and what anyone has already helped you with.
> Another WAMUG member was having what sounds as similar issues and I suggested 
> that they check to make SURE that all their email accounts were set up using 
> IMAP and not POP.  They must all be the same otherwise odd things will 
> happen. 
> Daniel or Ronni posted an excellent summary on the advantages and differences 
> between both setups in the last week. A review of recent WAMUG archives would 
> find these I'm sure.
>>> Archives - <http://www.wamug.org.au/mailinglist/archives.shtml>
>>> Looking in the iPad Trash I can see a couple of emails have indeed come 
>>> through, one from Stephen about Security Questions for Apple ID on 13/2 and 
>>> a thread between Ronni and Pat, on QT behaviour on 15/2. Both these dates 
>>> were after my email address had been changed.
> These particular emails. Had you seen them before? Had you deleted them on 
> another device?  If yes, then that is how IMAP is meant to work. If not, then 
> I am less able to help.
> If you are well past this simple set up issue, then sorry, I can't help more. 
> Tim
> On 25 Feb 2014, at 5:30 pm, Laura Webb <elja...@me.com> wrote:
>> Good afternoon all
>> Some of you may recall my recent problems with the non receipt of WAMUG 
>> emails and that, after exhaustive enquires by iiNet no solution could be 
>> found other than changing my WAMUG email address to one of my two iCloud 
>> addresses. Having done that I am now receiving the WAMUG emails OK on both 
>> MBP and MacMini but not on my iPad. It was a while before I realised this. 
>> I’ve checked the settings on the iPad and as far as I am aware everything is 
>> as it should be. Both iCloud addresses are shown and both are supposed to 
>> receive incoming mail.  I receive a weekly email from IceTV via one of them 
>> (not the one being used by WAMUG)
>> Looking in the iPad Trash I can see a couple of emails have indeed come 
>> through, one from Stephen about Security Questions for Apple ID on 13/2 and 
>> a thread between Ronni and Pat, on QT behaviour on 15/2. Both these dates 
>> were after my email address had been changed.
>> At the time of all the trouble Daniel suggested perhaps trying once again to 
>> have WAMUG use my iiNet address. At that stage I was so confused at all that 
>> was going on I just wanted things to settle down. Maybe some time in the 
>> future I’ll try that again but in the meantime I am hoping there is a simple 
>> answer as to why WAMUG emails are not reaching my iPad.
>> Regards
>> Laura
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