To all members,

This is the final reminder that as of the 31 March any list subscriber who has 
not paid their membership fee for 2014 will be ‘moderated’. In plain english 
that means that after 31 March moderated list members will still be able to 
receive the list notices but not be able to post to the list or request help.

If you have been meaning to pay your membership fees you can do this by 
electronic transfer or post a cheque.


NAME     : Western Australian Macintosh Users Group
BSB       : 306-075
Account  : 4197787

Please quote your name in the reference area;


Please email a copy of the remittance advice to <>. This 
will assist in identifying and confirming any request you make to post to the 
Mailing List


Please make the cheque payable to the “Western Australian Macintosh Users 
Group” and post to:

WAMUG Treasurer
C/- PO Box 1204

If you paid your subscription after July 1st 2013 then you are covered until 
July of this year and can safely ignore this message.

If you have any queries please contact the WAMUG Membership Coordinator at the 
link given below.

Sincere regards,

WAMUG Membership Coordinator
-- The WA Macintosh User Group Mailing List --
Archives - <>
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