Charge Your Electronics Before Flying, or Risk Losing Them:
"Keeping up with technology is hard; keeping up with the regulations 
surrounding technology is much, much harder.

The latest development for the travelling techie is the news that the American 
Transportation Security Administration (TSA) will start requiring, at some 
overseas airports, that electronic devices flying into the U.S. must be capable 
of being turned on. “Powerless devices will not be permitted onboard the 
aircraft,” the TSA’s announcement states, adding that some travellers may be 
subjected to “additional screening.”

The logic behind this announcement is that a cell phone or laptop that can be 
powered up during a security screening must, therefore, be so utterly 
chock-full of electronics and batteries that there simply would be no room left 
for an explosive. NBC News reports that the new measures come as a response to 
fears that western fighters in the Syrian civil war might try to smuggle 
small-but-powerful bombs onto U.S. aircraft. The enhanced security measures are 
apparently being implemented in airports in Europe, the Middle East, and 
northern Africa, and are being applied to passengers on flights headed directly 
for American destinations. Details remain sketchy at the moment — the TSA, in 
characteristically mysterious fashion, are releasing few details of the new 
measures. According to NBC, the enhanced screenings are taking place at 
airports in London, Frankfurt, and Paris, but the TSA are not specifying which 
other ports may be included."

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