Hi Maureen,

> Please make your cheque payable to the “Western Macintosh Users Group"

Is that correct?... 
Shouldn't it be "Western Australian Macintosh Users Group", the same as 
electronic transfer?


Sent from Ronni's iPad4

> On 19 Jul 2014, at 2:44 pm, Maureen Smith <topsm...@internode.on.net> wrote:
> Hello fellow WAMUGgers,
> Well did anyone spot the deliberate mistake???  Let’s do Lunch - WAMUG 50th 
> Celebrations. For those of you who were on the ball and very kindly did not 
> expose my errors via the list - yes it should have read “WAMUG 30th 
> Celebration.”  
> So, hopefully that has not put you off and you are planning to come to lunch. 
> Rather than scroll though your emails the details are listed below.
> The celebration will take the form of a meet, greet & eat (otherwise know as 
> ‘doing lunch’). This will give us a chance to match faces with online names 
> and get to know each other, beyond just what we know from our forays onto the 
> list, and generally celebrate 50 years of WAMUG.
> You are welcome to bring spouses, partners, children,mates and the odd 
> Klingon 
> Let’s Do Lunch 
> Date:       Sunday 10th August
> Time:      12:00 for 12:30pm
> Where:    Burswood Atrium
> Cost:       Members $25:00   Non-members $45:00
> Confirmation and payment need to be made by Wednesday August 6th.
> Payment can be made by electronic transfer, cheque or you can pay when you 
> attend July or August’s meetings. 
> Electronic Transfer
> NAME:  Western Australian Macintosh Users Group
> BSB:     306-075
> A/C:     4197787
> Please place your name and number of tickets you require in the reference 
> area.
> Cheque
> Please make your cheque payable to the “Western Macintosh Users Group" and 
> post to; 
> WAMUG Treasurer
> C/- PO Box 1204
> Any questions, feel free to email them to the list.
> Cheers,
> Maureen Smith
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