Let’s Do Lunch
Hello Fellow Wamuggers,

Another reminder concerning our 30 years Celebratory Lunch. The closing date is 
fast upon us. 
If you have been meaning to attend but just have not got around to sending you 
money please do so by Wednesday of this week.

Date:       Sunday 10th August
Time:      12:00 for 12:30pm
Where:    Burswood Atrium
Cost:       Members $25:00   Non-members $45:00

Confirmation and payment need to be made by Wednesday August 6th.
Payment can be made by electronic transfer, cheque or you can pay when you 
attend this month’s meeting.

Electronic Transfer

NAME:  Western Australian Macintosh Users Group
BSB:     306-075
A/C:     4197787

Please place your name and number of tickets you require in the reference area.


Please make your cheque payable to the “Western Macintosh Users Group" and post 

WAMUG Treasurer
C/- PO Box 1204

Any questions, feel free to email them to the list.


Maureen Smith

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