Hi Ronni, 

        That is exactly how it works for me (as you've explained
below) except for one thing. When my wife makes her comment (She
signs it off Jo so we can all tell it's her) however, even her
comment still says from "You" when I read it on my iPhone and there
is no distinction between 'her' comment and 'my' comment on the same
photo. If I tap and hold my finger down on either 'her' or 'my'
comment I am able to delete either or our comments.





----- Original Message -----
From: wamug@wamug.org.au
Sent:Sun, 22 Nov 2015 13:41:24 +0800
Subject:Re: Shared Photo Album to members with same Apple ID

        Hi Peter, 

        To like an image or add and view comments in Photos for iOS, tap to
open the shared album, and then tap the picture itself to open it.  

        Beneath the picture, you see controls that let you like the image,
view comments, and add your own. To delete a comment, tap and hold
your finger down on it, and then tap the Delete button that appears
just above the comment.In the View comment window you should see:
'Posted by You' - an hour ago (or whatever) and your Comment by 'You'.
Then under your comment you should see your 'Wife's comment & her
'Name' and how long ago she made her comment. 
 Cheers, Ronni  
 Sent from Ronni's iPad4 

On 22 Nov 2015, at 10:24 AM, petercr...@westnet.com.au [1] wrote:

        Notifications is already is set to on. She is able to lodge comments,
Like etc. When she lodges a comment and I lodge a comment, there is
no distinction to me of who lodged the comment even though we're not
the same invitee. 





----- Original Message -----
 From: wamug@wamug.org.au [2]  
Sent:Sun, 22 Nov 2015 06:53:09 +0800
Subject:Re: Shared Photo Album to members with same Apple ID

 Hi Peter,

 Ask the invitee (your wife) to turn on notifications in photos.


 Sent from Ronni's iPad4

 > On 21 Nov 2015, at 7:48 PM, Peter Crisp  wrote:
 > I set up a ‘Test’ Shared photo album as I was seeing some odd
behaviour in a Shared album (setup by my brother) that has more than
one member with the same Apple ID as another subscriber.
 > I tried a test Shared album myself, I invited my Dad (different
Apple ID to me) and my wife (same Apple ID to me) and my Dad got an
invite and accepted and was able to see the photos. My wife said she
never got an invite and when I sent it again (from my iPhone 5S using
iOS V9.1) - the shared album disappeared off the iPhone - and no way
to retrieve it!!
 > This seems to be a bug with iOS V9.1.
 > I am sure years ago I was able to have other members of my family
(same Apple ID) coincident with other members (dissimilar Apple ID).
 > Anyone else see this behaviour?


[1] mailto:petercr...@westnet.com.au
[2] mailto:wamug@wamug.org.au
[3] mailto:wamug@wamug.org.au
[4] mailto:petercr...@westnet.com.au

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