Hello Wonderful WAMUGgers,

Your committee held it’s first meeting for the year and on the agenda was the 
Annual AGM. 

Those who have been members for a number of years will be aware that the last 
few years we have battled to have sufficient members attending to comprise a 
quorum. There are a number of factors both personal and organisational that no 
doubt contribute to the decline in numbers.

The committee has been working on addressing this issue but it is a bit of a 
Catch 22. We need to have people attend the AGM in order to change the 
attendance requirements in our Constitution. 

This year the AGM will be held on Sunday 13th March at 12:00pm at a location 
TBA. It will be a combination of the AGM  followed by a chance to socialise 
over a meal. Loved ones are also welcome.

Please take the time to place this date in your iCal. We really need you!

More information will be coming out via the list.


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