Hi again Tim,

I won't add to Neil's reply.
I've been meaning to suggest Mac mini direct Ethernet connection to the Gateway 
not to AirPort Extreme LAN port in each of my replies to you and notice I 
haven't :(

You mentioned that you have the Airport Wi-Fi signal turned OFF on Mac mini so 

1. Connect Mac mini directly via Ethernet cable directly to a LAN port (Yellow) 
on the Gateway modem (not a LAN on AirPort Extreme)

2. Reboot the Gateway and your Mac mini

Sent from Ronni's iPad4

> On 20 Mar 2016, at 10:02 AM, Tim Law <t...@peoplehelp.com.au> wrote:
> I agree Ronni, it’s not the most highly regarded. The modem was a free 
> ‘upgrade’ when Telstra uprated the Cable network/capacity/something and my 
> reliable Motorola Surfboard modem wouldn’t work on the network anymore - and 
> it was speed limited. 
> I get the logic of the process you describe, but if the modem is the problem 
> I would have thought that like you said, it would lose connection and reset. 
> Or the Airport would sense a lost signal and show the orange light for no 
> service. Neither of these things occur
> I guess it’s feasible iTunes might be more sensitive to micro dropouts that 
> don’t seem to impact on other downloads. The modem also has a thing called 
> QOS - that is supposed to assist with gaming and downloads. It seems it is 
> built in and cannot be turned off for problem solving - at least not in 
> Bridge mode anyway. And I need to have it set to Bridge mode so I can get my 
> Dell 3110CN laser printer to work on the network via the Airport Extreme. 
> It’d be nice if there was another cable modem option available, but it seems 
> not. Sigh. 
> Thanks again
> Tim
>> On 20 Mar 2016, at 8:48 AM, Ronda Brown <ro...@mac.com> wrote:
>> Oh YES! That Telstra Cable rebranded modem is well known for Dropouts!!
>> A Google search will show thousands of customers experiencing connection 
>> dropouts!
>> And having it locked down so you are unable to change settings - bad!
>> The iTunes Store gives the unavailable message because you lost the 
>> connection to it therefore 'it is no longer available'?
>> Sent from Ronni's iPad4
>>> On 20 Mar 2016, at 8:26 AM, Tim Law <t...@peoplehelp.com.au> wrote:
>>> Thanks Ronni,
>>> Yes you are correct, it is a Netgear Telstra Gateway Max C6300BD-1TLAUS
>>> I will check the modem lights, but the modem log says System Up Time 6 days 
>>> 15h:22m:55s
>>> My problems occurred most recently less than 3 days ago. 
>>> Generally when the modem restarts it takes quite a few minutes to reboot, 
>>> then the Airport takes a while to reconnect, the kids complain - ie it’s a 
>>> significant life event and very noticeable - and I have not noticed the 
>>> modem rebooting when the iTunes store stops updating apps. 
>>> There are no firewall settings available on the modem user interface. This 
>>> modem is criticised on Whirlpool for it’s cut down settings, problems with 
>>> connecting a printer amongst other things.
>>> Yes, the OSX is protected by the System Firewall being on, and the Airport 
>>> is WPS2 protected. 
>>> I’ll wait a few weeks until I have a few apps I need to update and take 
>>> more notes on any messages in Console and the network
>>> Thanks for your ideas so far
>>> Tim
>>>> On 20 Mar 2016, at 7:46 AM, Ronni Brown <ro...@mac.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Tim,
>>>> I’m fairly sure The Gateway Max cable Modem is a re-brand Netgear Modem.
>>>> Have you noticed the lights on the Modem when the dropout happens?
>>>> I would suspect the cable modem drops out / looses internet connection and 
>>>> forces the modem to restart.
>>>> Log in to the Modem and check for a DoS (Denial of Service) setting in 
>>>> firewall settings. 
>>>> Disable this setting - save settings - and Reboot the Modem.
>>>> Test to see if the modem then holds a solid connection for 24 hours or so.
>>>> If it makes no difference at all, you can turn it on again. 
>>>> Your Mac is protected by the OS X  System Firewall ON and your Airport 
>>>> wireless network WPA2 protected.
>>>> If you are dropping the connection on the wireless network, have you tried 
>>>> changing channels on 5GHz & 2.5GHz bands?
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Ronni
>>>>> On 19 Mar 2016, at 5:58 PM, Tim Law <t...@peoplehelp.com.au> wrote:
>>>>> Thanks Ronni,
>>>>> It is more B than A
>>>>> Keychain First Aid was removed in the previous version of OSX.
>>>>>> B) Does it start to download updates but then times out after awhile & 
>>>>>> you receive the message?
>>>>> As an example, I hadn’t updated the apps via iTunes for a couple of 
>>>>> weeks, so there were probably 20 to download. I click on Download all 
>>>>> Updates and click the small circle at the top right of the screen that 
>>>>> shows me what is downloading.  I’m on a fairly fast connection so they 
>>>>> download with reasonable speed and I have selected Multiple Downloads. 
>>>>> Then after a period - not a consistent period - perhaps 30 seconds to a 
>>>>> minute - the download will stop and the error message shows up. 
>>>>> I cannot see anything useful in Console, but aren’t sure what to look 
>>>>> for. To help me view the most current, I have cleared the screen of old 
>>>>> logs. Nothing new is showing up. (The downloads are now completed so I’ll 
>>>>> have to wait for another time to recheck Console for any error logs)
>>>>> After I count to ten, I attempt to recommence the download and sometimes 
>>>>> it starts and runs for a few seconds before the error shows again, and 
>>>>> sometimes it seems to fault straight away. Sometimes it will keep 
>>>>> downloading and rip through the remaining apps without problem.
>>>>> I have tried turning off ‘simultaneous downloads’ but the problem still 
>>>>> reoccurs. May a little less, but it still reoccurs. 
>>>>> If it is a network issue, I’m not sure where to look past:
>>>>> - TELSTRA GATEWAY MAX  Cable modem is set to Bridge Mode
>>>>> - Airport Extreme is set to DHCP and NAT
>>>>> - Mac Mini is connected via Ethernet cable to the Airport Extreme - 
>>>>> Wireless is turned off. Cables are firm
>>>>> - Speedtest.net results show ping at 29ms and an even download speed of 
>>>>> 68.5Mbps
>>>>> - No other sites or downloads are having a problem
>>>>> - I’m not using a VPN or proxy connection.
>>>>> I will take note of the time of day and if the mysterious creatures that 
>>>>> inhabit the bedrooms in the house are in or out of the house, or if they 
>>>>> squawk if I unplug their network cables, and see if that makes a 
>>>>> difference to the iTunes download - thinking connection capacity here. 
>>>>> Hints are welcome. I can live with this problem - it’s just something 
>>>>> that doesn’t seem right and hasn’t always been like this. I can’t recall 
>>>>> making any changes that may have contributed to this problem, which has 
>>>>> been going on for a few months now. 
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Tim
>>>>>> On 19 Mar 2016, at 2:04 PM, Ronni Brown <ro...@mac.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Tim,
>>>>>> You can access secure websites in Safari ok.
>>>>>> You are ‘signed In’ to the iTunes Store with your Apple ID on Mac mini.
>>>>>> In iTunes:
>>>>>> A) When you select Apps - Updates and select “Update All Apps”, you 
>>>>>> receive the message “The iTunes Store is temporary unavailable. Please 
>>>>>> try again later”?
>>>>>> Or B) Does it start to download updates but then times out after awhile 
>>>>>> & you receive the message?
>>>>>> If A) It could be a Keychain issue
>>>>>> Open Keychain Access.app (in Utilities)
>>>>>> Under Keychain Access (in Menu bar)
>>>>>> Select Keychain First Aid
>>>>>> Select ‘Repair’
>>>>>> If B) I would suspect a problem with your Network.
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Ronni
>>>>>>> On 18 Mar 2016, at 7:51 AM, Tim Law <t...@peoplehelp.com.au> wrote:
>>>>>>> Good morning,
>>>>>>> Running 10.11.3 on a Mac Mini Late 2009
>>>>>>> Connected to the internet via Telstra cable modem with IP addresses 
>>>>>>> distributed by an Apple airport extreme. 
>>>>>>> All internet services appear to be working correctly.
>>>>>>> When I open iTunes and try to Update all apps, I regularly get  a 
>>>>>>> message “The iTunes Store is temporarily unavailable. Please try again 
>>>>>>> later”
>>>>>>> I can browse around the App Store in iTunes without a hitch. 
>>>>>>> I’ve deauthorised then reauthorised my computer, but this hasn’t 
>>>>>>> resolved the problem.
>>>>>>> If anyone has had a similar problem, can you give me some tips on how 
>>>>>>> this was resolved.
>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>> Tim
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