I have an Elgato EyeTV 250 tuner on my iMac (10.6.8) with which I
record TV programs on at a  time I can't watch. Results are generally
quite satisfactory on all channels except for SBS. SBS broadcasts at
184.50 MHz, and recordings on any of the SBS/NITV channels at this
frequency suffer from missing and broken frames, especially for the
first few minutes of a recording (the problem slowly diminishes, but
doesn't disappear, after 5-10 minutes).

I've searched the Net for a possible fix for this problem, so far I've
only found the item below from "EyeTV signal problems" at
http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/archive/1184566, which suggest coating
the "the inner conductor of the antenna plug with sticky tape". I've
had a try at this, with no improvement, but I may not be understanding
what's actually recommended -- the antenna lead terminates in a very
thin solid bar in the centre, this goes into a thin cylinder in the
centre of the tuner socket. Either is only about 1.5 mm across, and
it's very difficult to wind a tiny piece of sticky tape round either.

Has anyone any idea what's going on here? Would it be possible to put
some sort of joiner in the line which might alleviate the problem at
the SBS frequency? I imagine it is tied up with the SBS frequency,
Channel 7 next below at 177.50 MHz and Channel 9 next above at 191.50
MHz have no problem. I'm really baffled here.

David Noel

Since I moved house, EyeTV (with an EyeTV DTT) reported signal
strength 100% but signal quality 0%, rendering it unable to tune to
any channel. I replaced much of the antenna cabling with no effect.
Eventually I discovered that if I made *loose* contact on the antenna
plug, the signal quality jumped up. We used it like this for months
but it was very difficult to get it right. Eventually I carefully
coated the inner conductor of the plug with sticky tape (scotch magic
tape to be precise), and it now gives signal quality 100% with the
plug firmly pressed in. I'm pretty comfortable that it will work
reliably in this state.
You sir, are a genuis. I registered with this forum to say thank for
your advice above. It worked a treat on my Netstream DTT. I was
literally minutes from putting it in the bin when I decided to try
your trick.
I put a small piece of sticky tape in the inner conductor rod of the
antenna connection and instantly I had a massive improvement. Who
woulda thought that would make such a difference. Crazy.

Anyway, thanks. And to those having similar problems, please try this
for VAST improvement on quality of picture and signal.
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