do you have NBN to the premises ?
We have NBN to the house via iiNet and it is usually around 23Mbps on a 25Mbps 
plan here in Booragoon.
For some reason when streaming overseas TV channels it is often stop-start, 
especially in the evening. I have 
been told the ISP can “throttle” that type of streaming mode. Anyone has the 
same experience ?



> On 20 Sep 2016, at 19:20 , Peter Crisp <> wrote:
> Just recently I made the swing over to NBN. I am with Westnet, and against 
> quite a bit of online negative sentiment, I elected to remain with Westnet - 
> simply because email migration for 5 people in my family and many 
> associations with our email addresses with providers was a greater deterrent 
> than the online sentiment. 
> The conversion was completely seamless for us. It was very straightforward 
> and without hiccup. This was the main area of online unhappiness with Westnet 
> - the conversion from ADSL to NBN.
> Having made the change about a month ago - and as I work away from home where 
> the provision exists, I thought I’d do a speediest over the weekend just 
> gone. I did the speed test using the Speedtest app on my iPad attached to my 
> 5GHz network from my Time Capsule connected via ethernet connection to the 
> NBN Modem. On the weekend on a number of separate occasions I got Download 
> speeds of between 2 Mbps to 7  Mbps. I am away again now and I got my son to 
> re-run the test. He got 2.34 Mbps (wirelessly using his Macbook) and 11 Mbps 
> using his Macbook with an Ethernet cable directly connected to the TM port.
> I decided upon commencement I would opt for the 100 Mbps plan as it was only 
> $10/mth more than the 25 Mbps plan out of the box from Westnet.
> At best, it is no better than the ADSL1+ Turbo plan I had previously (ADSL2 
> service wasn’t available in my area in Mandurah). 
> Yes, I know there is the fine print stating I should not expect to get 100 
> Mbps due a litany of excuses - I am not even able to achieve half of the 
> cheaper plan. What is the point. There has been no point since I swapped over 
> where a Speedtest has resulted in maybe slightly close to 50 Mbps. This is my 
> experience.
> I’ve down full power off restarts numerous times too, I spoke with Westnet on 
> the weekend and I got a lame “oh, there seems to be slow NBN in WA at the 
> moment”. 
> Anyone out there with similar experience and course of action recommendation?
> Peter Crisp
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