Hi again, well I tried the cable reconfiguring to eliminate the NBN modem and 
short story is it is a necessary part of the phone to work - at least so far as 
it has been set up in my house by Westnet. There is a Cat 6 cable coming out of 
port 4 from the NBN modem going back into the wall (as installed by Westnet) 
which I have proved is a necessary requirement for the phone to work - without 
it in place, the phone doesn’t work. If I put that cable into one of the other 
NBN modem ports, the phone still doesn’t work - so that port has been set for 
this duty by Westnet it seems.

So my internet feed to the TC comes from the NBN modem.

Will set about implementing the network extender “Roaming Network” during the 
day today.



> On 7 Jan 2018, at 8:37 am, Robin Belford <rbelf...@highway1.com.au> wrote:
> Peter,
> To go back a few posts.
> Your configuration for the Airport Express doesn’t seem quite correct to me.
>> Secondary unit (Airport Express):
>> Internet tab>Connect using DHCP
>> Wireless tab>Network mode set to “Extend a wireless network”
> It should be, 
> Secondary unit (Airport Express):
> Internet tab>Connect using: DHCP
> Wireless tab>Network mode: “Create a wireless network” - Use the same network 
> name and password as your AirPort Extreme Base Station.
> Network Tab>Router Mode: “Off (Bridge Mode)
> Cheers
> Robin
> <Screen Shot 2018-01-07 at 8.29.49 am.png>
> <Screen Shot 2018-01-07 at 8.29.05 am.png>
> <Screen Shot 2018-01-07 at 8.29.26 am.png>
>> On 6 Jan 2018, at 11:40 pm, Ronni Brown <ro...@mac.com> wrote:
>> Hi Peter,
>> I hope you are restoring the Time Machine backup via Ethernet cable 
>> connection to a Ethernet Port on the Time Capsule as I got you to do with a 
>> Restore to James MacBook back in Jan. 2013 - as it’s much faster and more 
>> reliable than WiFi.
>> I didn’t have any Westnet Tech come to my house to setup my NBN connection 
>> or Network. 
>> I did the setup myself and have setup my NBN FTTP clients with Time Capsule 
>> (Simultaneous Dual-Band Networks) by direct connection and Fibre phone as 
>> below. 
>> Each time nothing had to be changed on the Time Capsule Dual-Band Wireless 
>> Network settings. 
>> Just direct cable connections from TC to the correct ports on the NBN Box… 
>> and that’s it!
>> Then Extend the Airport Wireless Network on Airport Express.
>> Cheers,
>> Ronni
>>> On 6 Jan 2018, at 7:07 pm, Peter Crisp <petercr...@westnet.com.au> wrote:
>>> Ok thanks Ronnie for that. I will of course wait for the back up to 
>>> complete, but that time is ~2 hours away. Will do the connection changes 
>>> per your notes and see if I have full alarm and phone functions before 
>>> assuming thats all I need to do. I don’t recall my ISP actually stating 
>>> which NBN port to use as the config was done by the Westnet Tech who came 
>>> to the house back then. I’ll try both UNI-V 1 and 2 and prove phone 
>>> function. The I’ll try the network settings for the Roaming Network set up. 
>>> Enjoy the Champagne, sounds special that one. Not long till footy season 
>>> too. Ha ha. 
>>> Regards
>>> Pete
>>>> On 6 Jan 2018, at 6:37 pm, Ronda Brown <ro...@mac.com> wrote:
>>>> Ok Peter,
>>>> Yes, if it’s a Fibre phone, disconnect the extra modem and connect as per 
>>>> my previous instructions.
>>>> Connect your phone cable to the NBN UNI-V 1 (if that is the port your ISP 
>>>> gave you - which should be the same as mine as I’m with Westnet also)
>>>> & Ethernet CAT6 cable from NBN UNI-D 1 to the WAN port on your Time 
>>>> Capsule.
>>>> And then try to setup your Network as per the settings I mentioned in my 
>>>> first reply below.
>>>> But wait until you have completed backup restoration etc for youngest 
>>>> child’s MacBook Air  :-)
>>>> I have to go now as my neighbours have dropped in for ‘drinkies’ so I need 
>>>> to open a bottle of my Chandon Cuvée Riche champagne ;-))
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Ronni
>>>>  Ronni Brown’s iPad Pro 12.9-inch 256GB 
>>>>> On 6 Jan 2018, at 6:07 pm, Peter Crisp <petercr...@westnet.com.au> wrote:
>>>>> Ok, I have taken the cover of the NBN termination box and I can see the 
>>>>> sockets named per your notes. UNI-V 1 and UNI-V 2 as well as the UNI-D 1 
>>>>> thru 4. I am thinking that I might try and eliminate the NBN modem as my 
>>>>> phone I believe is a ‘fibre phone’ set up (as opposed to net-phone) due 
>>>>> to the alarm requirements and retention of old number at change over. 
>>>>> I am in the middle of doing a backup restoration from TC to youngest 
>>>>> child’s MacBook Air in readiness for her school set up. 
>>>>> Once that is done I’ll have a go at removing the NBN modem. 
>>>>> Notwithstanding that, even if it must remain this way does this alter 
>>>>> what the Airport settings need to be for the AE Cat 6 connection for 
>>>>> Roaming Network?
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> Pete
>>>>>> On 6 Jan 2018, at 5:44 pm, Ronda Brown <ro...@mac.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Peter,
>>>>>> Hmmm, different setup to my NBN FTTP I’m using my original landline 
>>>>>> phone as a ‘Fibre phone’ which is connected to the NBN box port UNI-V 1.
>>>>>> And NO extra modem required just Airport Time Capsule connected directly 
>>>>>> to UNI-D 1 port on NBN Box.
>>>>>> So I’m not sure of your setup... 
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Ronni
>>>>>>  Ronni Brown’s iPad Pro 12.9-inch 256GB 
>>>>>>> On 6 Jan 2018, at 5:24 pm, Peter Crisp <petercr...@westnet.com.au> 
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Ronni, yes I have an NBN modem and to this is attached the lead to 
>>>>>>> the phone as well as the incoming Cat 6 cable from the NBN termination 
>>>>>>> box. Because my house security auto dial is reliant on the phone 
>>>>>>> connection I believe this is why I needed this. If it weren’t for that 
>>>>>>> perhaps I could be directly connected from the NBN termination box.
>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>> Pete
>>>>>>>> On 6 Jan 2018, at 5:02 pm, Ronda Brown <ro...@mac.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Peter,
>>>>>>>> What do you mean by your comment
>>>>>>>>> The WAN port (red bodied socket) on the NBN modem has the main 
>>>>>>>>> incoming connection from the wall mounted NDN ‘box’.?
>>>>>>>> Do you have a separate NBN modem? 
>>>>>>>> My NBN Termination Box doesn’t have any WAN port.
>>>>>>>> The only unit I have connected to the NBN termination box is a Time 
>>>>>>>> Capsule!
>>>>>>>>  Ronni Brown’s iPad Pro 12.9-inch 256GB 
>>>>>>>>> On 6 Jan 2018, at 4:41 pm, Peter Crisp <petercr...@westnet.com.au> 
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Ronni, thanks for these suggestions. Yes, I am on NBN FTTP. My 
>>>>>>>>> connection from the NBN modem is also Cat 6 in WAN port on TC to the 
>>>>>>>>> NBN modem port #1 (of 4). The WAN port (red bodied socket) on the NBN 
>>>>>>>>> modem has the main incoming connection from the wall mounted NDN 
>>>>>>>>> ‘box’.
>>>>>>>>> Will try the setting changes per below. Shall I connect the new Cat 6 
>>>>>>>>> into the AE prior to the new settings being installed or doesn’t it 
>>>>>>>>> matter?
>>>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>>>> Pete
>>>>>>>>>> On 6 Jan 2018, at 4:22 pm, Ronni Brown <ro...@mac.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Peter,
>>>>>>>>>> You are on NBN FTTP connection aren’t you?
>>>>>>>>>> And you have a CAT6 Ethernet cable connected directly from the 
>>>>>>>>>> Primary unit (Time Capsule) WAN port to the NBN UNI-D port on the 
>>>>>>>>>> NBN termination Box.
>>>>>>>>>> If so my suggestion below for Primary Unit (Time Capsule) in purple 
>>>>>>>>>> text
>>>>>>>>>>> On 6 Jan 2018, at 3:02 pm, Peter Crisp <petercr...@westnet.com.au> 
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi all, from the thread below I can happily say I have had the 
>>>>>>>>>>> electrician install the 30m Cat 6 cable from Time Capsule down the 
>>>>>>>>>>> back of the house where the Airport Express is sited. The challenge 
>>>>>>>>>>> has been for me to actually make use of this now. The online Apple 
>>>>>>>>>>> Support thread (https://support.apple.com/en-au/HT204616) for 
>>>>>>>>>>> establishing the “Roaming Network” as it is articulated in the 
>>>>>>>>>>> support link isn’t helping me. The screen shots noted in the link 
>>>>>>>>>>> here are older than the current version of Airport (by some years) 
>>>>>>>>>>> for the version I have in my TC and AE. Incidentally I have just 
>>>>>>>>>>> performed the firmware update so both units are using the latest 
>>>>>>>>>>> version (7.6.9 from memory).
>>>>>>>>>>> Some of the settings I have as follows.
>>>>>>>>>>> Primary unit (Time Capsule):
>>>>>>>>>>> Network Tab>Router Mode is set to Off (Bridge Mode)
>>>>>>>>>> Try changing to : Network Tab > Router Mode: DHCP and NAT
>>>>>>>>>> Network Options: will be DHCP Lease: 1 Day
>>>>>>>>>> IPv4 DHCP Range: 10.0 . 1. 2 to 200
>>>>>>>>>>> Internet Tab> Connect using DHCP
>>>>>>>>>>> Wireless tab> Network Mode set to “Create a wireless network”
>>>>>>>>>>> Secondary unit (Airport Express):
>>>>>>>>>>> Internet tab>Connect using DHCP
>>>>>>>>>>> Wireless tab>Network mode set to “Extend a wireless network”
>>>>>>>>>>> Network tab> Router mode is greyed out
>>>>>>>>>> Save the new settings and Update, wait until Time Capsule updates 
>>>>>>>>>> and Airport Utility has Internet Green light and Time Capsule green 
>>>>>>>>>> light
>>>>>>>>>>> The arrangement of the Airport Utility tabs for settings are 
>>>>>>>>>>> different to the online instructions and I am unable to interpret 
>>>>>>>>>>> what they mean using the current user interface to know what 
>>>>>>>>>>> setting changes to make. I’ve done a fair bit of browsing and not 
>>>>>>>>>>> found assistance to help me. When I did connect the Cat 6 cable, I 
>>>>>>>>>>> seemed to loose wifi from even the TC so clearly some settings need 
>>>>>>>>>>> updating. I did confirm with an MBP connected on the far end of the 
>>>>>>>>>>> Cat 6 cable that I do indeed have Ethernet connection back to the 
>>>>>>>>>>> TC so confirmed integrity of the cable.
>>>>>>>>>>> I think some of you (Robin I think) has this setup but looking for 
>>>>>>>>>>> tips about settings and the sequence to go through making the 
>>>>>>>>>>> changes if any can help I’d be obliged.
>>>>>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>>>>>> Pete
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 11 Nov 2017, at 9:59 am, Peter Crisp 
>>>>>>>>>>>> <petercr...@westnet.com.au> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> RIghto Ronni, noted thanks for that, I will settle for nothing 
>>>>>>>>>>>> less than Cat 6.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>>>>>>> Pete
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 11 Nov 2017, at 9:50 am, Ronda Brown <ro...@mac.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Peter,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cabling is very important with NBN!
>>>>>>>>>>>>> NBN Ethernet cabling must be at least Cat 5e but I use & 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> recommend Cat 6 it has the highest performance as it will support 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> very fast (or gigabit) speeds, to give you years of service.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ronni 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Ronni Brown’s iPad Pro 12.9-inch 256GB 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 11 Nov 2017, at 8:24 am, Peter Crisp 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <petercr...@westnet.com.au> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Robin, I’ve had a scout around eBay etc and can get a 30m 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cable ~$40. I think a pretty easy installation in the house. I 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> suppose I would need to configure the Airport Express a little 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> differently as it would no longer be functioning as an Extender 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but that shouldn’t be a big deal - I read about this previously. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I see Cat 5, Cat 5E and Cat 6 available, which of these is the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> preferred for this duty or does it even matter?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pete
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 11 Nov 2017, at 7:43 am, Robin Belford 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <rbelf...@highway1.com.au> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pete,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I can’t emphasise strongly enough that if you can install an 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ethernet link between your basestations you should do this. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It will provide the best level of service as the apple wireless 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> extension system uses some of the available bandwidth just to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> establish the service, leaving less for actual use.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Have a read of this guide from Apple
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://support.apple.com/en-au/HT202056
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have two Airport extremes, one at each end of my house on an 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ethernet backbone, which provide very good blanket coverage to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all rooms. I also have wireless links to an tv and and Airport 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Express which just stream sound and AV services so speed ids 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not an issue.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> My problem is the the ADSL service that tops out at 0.5MB/s.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> robin
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 9 Nov 2017, at 12:19 pm, Peter Crisp 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <petercr...@westnet.com.au> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Folks, I have NBN at my house (FTTP) and I purchased a 100mbps 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> download plan. I’ve noted before on the group here I NEVER get 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that downoad speed even when connected via ethernet to the NBN 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> modem in my house. More like 65mbps is the best I’ve seen. So 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am starting from a poistion of not being entirely happy with 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this service.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To the NBN modem, I have my Time Capsule attached to which the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> users in the house all connect to the 5GHz network emanating 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from it. It is located in a room immediately adjacent to the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> living area for best service but has a wall between that room 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and the living area. I get ~35mbps using the iPhone Speedtest 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> app when in the living area. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> My Dad handed me down an Airport Express some time back which 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I set up as an extender (in number 2 son’s room) to the TC 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wifi network and didn’t really pay much attention to the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> download rate before or after that. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> My kids from their rooms have been saying service is lousy 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> down their end of the house - approximately 20m down the hall 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but numerous walls between the TC and their rooms. Last night 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I checked and in one room (number 1 son - across the hall from 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> #2 son with extender in his room) I got 0.3 mbps (correct - 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.3 mbps). In number 2 son’s room I got ~0.9mbps. So 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> confirming their “lousy service” assertions. I did some online 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> searching and others report similar experiences with extenders 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not really helping the situation. But maybe my settings are 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not optimal as they should be and room for improvement there. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Some of the people online who have experienced this have 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> recommended either a long ethernet cable to physically connect 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the extender to the base OR an ethernet over power cabling 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> device. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Does anyone have any wisdom on this and recommended actions. I 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> am happy to spend money to fix the problem but want to target 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> expenditure to the right solution.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pete
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