
When I try to access the URL” fremantleports.com.au 
<https://www.fremantleports.com.au/>" I get the following message with my 
MacBook or MacMini but NOT my iMac..

‘Safari can’t open the page

Safari can’t open page “https://www.fremantleports.com.au” because
Safari can’t establish a secure connection to the server 

I get something similar in FireFox. Google Chrome loads everything without any 

Safari on neither MacBook or Mini shows the padlock/Certificate widget in the 
URL for “https://www.fremantleports.com.au”. 

Safari on the iMac does and has no trouble accessing 

I have 3 computers..

iMac Retina 5K, 27-inch, Late 2015 OS El Capitan 10.11.6

MacBook Air 13 inch, Mid 2011 Mac OS X Lion OS 10.7.5

Mac mini 2010 2.66 GHz, Mac OS X Server 10.6.8

I recently have had my internet access changed over to the NBN.

My iMac is accessing the internet without fault including secure sites 
including “https://www.fremantleports.com.au”. 

The MacBook and Mini can’t access the secure site 
“https://www.fremantleports.com.au” they had no problem before the change to 
Non-secure sites load ok. they even load 
without any problem.

Both the MacBook & Mini are connected by ethernet cables to the router.

I don’t suppose it has much to do with the NBN more likely something in my 
MacBook and Mini needs tweaking.
The router ZXHN H268A from ZTE got a firmware update early in the set-up phase.

A search on the web finds all sorts of fixes for this problem.
Neither MacBook or Mini appear to have a Library/Cookies directory
The time and date on both the MacBook & Mini are the same as on the iMac.
All my Keychain certificates in System Roots are valid including the one 
used by fremantleports.com.au which has the same settings on all computers.

I have tried reseting Safari and rebooting the MacBook & Mini.
I have tried Private Browsing in Safari and still can’t access 

I’ve tried restarting the router.

I have a wireless internet account that I use through a dongle on the MacBook I 
have the same trouble trying to
access “https://www.fremantleports.com.au” there also.

What can I do to get back to accessing “https://www.fremantleports.com.au” with 
Safari & FireFox?

Thanks for reading.
Brian Scott

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