Hi, I have a WD 1.5Tb firewire Ext HDD which stores the family videos. 

Over the course of years I have had many problems with it for some reasons not 
turning on and on other occasions not showing up on my iMac desktop. It would 
work in about 5% of the attempts.

As I knew I was retiring last year and would have more time available, I put 
off worrying about it.  Last year in the US I picked up a Voyager S3 3.5 SATA 
drive dock to try to bypass the problem, whether it be, the Mybook power 
source, the on/off Switch or the WD Case. 

When I loaded the Ext HDD in the dock I had the following message “The disk you 
inserted was not readable by this computer” And it gave me three options:- 
Initialize…, Ignore, or Eject. Well, the last two were not going to be very 
helpful and the first one Initialize filled me with dread as it was always 
formatted as an OS X Extended disc and I believe you can’t initialize without 

I have another WD 1Tb Firewire Ext HDD, which loaded into the dock without a 
problem, is readable and is in the same format OS X Extended as the “not 
readable” 1.5Tb was.

I tried Disk Utility to run First Aid on the 1.5Tb and the Voyager S3 Media 
shows up under External, but there is no drop down arrow as there is when I use 
the 1.0Tb.
It states 1.5TB Unitialized. Then Location - Eternal, Connection - USB, 
Partition Map - Not Supported, S.M.A.R.T. status - Not Supported, Capacity - 
1.5 Tb, Child count -0, Type - Disk, Device -disk1.

When I ran First Aid on it, I got the Message, “First Aid process is complete, 
click Done to continue” The arrow Show Details when activated says - Operation 
The only other options available on Disk Utility are “Erase” which obviously I 
don’t want to do and “Info” which repeats much of the previous information in 
the last paragraph along with, Volume type - Unknown, File system - Unknown, 
Writable - No, Owners enabled - No, Is encrypted - no, Can be verified - no, 
Can be repaired - no, Bootable - no, Journaled - No.

I tried DiskWarrior. A disk appeared as [Unrecognizable Format] - under 
Directory but the Rebuild button was greyed out

Overview - Directory cannot be rebuilt, the partition map may be corrupt.
-This disk is an external USB disk.
-This disk is 1.50 TB in size.
-This disk is not mounted.

Directory Optimisation Index - empty

A Directory Optimization Index could not be calculated for this disk because of 
a disk malfunction.
Rebuild this disk as soon as possible to recover your files.
The disk did not appear under Files or Hardware.

Any ideas of where do I go from here to try and recover the files?  Are there 
any alternative strategies that I could try or I might have missed?

Or should I be looking at a Data Recovery Application or a Data Recovery Store?


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