Hi folks, my son James has a Macbook (2011) running OS Sierra (latest
OSX this machine can run). His Photos library (~90GB) is on his 1TB
external drive (WD) currently and it opens and all things seem fine
with it, but the drive is near full. He bought a new 4TB external
drive (Seagate) and we tried the Apple discussion method of drag and
drop the entire Photos library file over to the newly formatted (OSX
Journalled) drive. It ran for quite some time (~24 hours) and then the
next morning there was a (cannot copy, file error 36). Tried
reformatting and again same error. Did some online searching of this
error code and it seems a common error. Eventually after much trying,
the drive became unreadable - would not mount on any of the Macbooks
in the house. He returned it to seller who replaced it. 
We now have the replacement 4TB drive where we reformatted again to OS
Extend Journalled. This time we tried the copying process using the
Show Package Contents of the source library and by individual folder
copy over to the new root folder "Photo Library Copy" on the
destination drive. Most of the folders within the package are System
folders except for the folder called "Masters". The Masters folder
contains an orderly number of subfolders hierarchically structured by
Year>Month>Date of the import when an Import was done to the Photos
database. His Photos library starts at year 2000 when iPhoto was the
application in OSX and at the time when he did his OSX update, a
migration process to Photos was run first open. But I digress. 
When copying over the Masters subfolders, it would go quite ok for
many folders and eventually some files within folders would give error
36. A second attempt and sometimes they would copy successfully and
others not so, so we would skip over these files. Once completing this
copying process with forensic attention to folder "Get Info" on folder
size and file count, we finished. Then checked all folders present as
per the source Photos library (apart from those files not copied due
to error 36). Attempted to launch the library and Photos opened and
says Repair needed. Repair got to 5% then hung for a long while and
then said "Cant repair".
Tried a different tack then. Reformatted the drive again (Mac OS
Jouranelled again) and attempted to Create New Photos library on the
blank drive. Success. This opened. 4 options in how to bring photo
images into library presented. Drag and drop from source was chosen.
So with Finder tiled with the new Photos library, systematically
dragged (at the image file level - not folder level) images over into
the Photos panel. Tried one first, it worked. Then more. It was going
very well, we got to 2007 year folder. Then error 36 again!
I had to quit for a while as busy doing Work From Home at the same
time making it difficult. Ended up closing Photos and having a look at
the package contents of the new library. Unsurprisingly all subfolders
folders (from each drag/drop action) sitting within one Masters folder
labelled "2020". Then the folder from the last drag drop when error
occurred contained images up to the one before the image which had
caused the error 36. I thought there may be a subfolder count limit
and figured if I waited until today - the date increment would force
the creation of a new level 2 subfolder and hence the count issue
theory I had thought of would be either proven or not. So this morning
we tried and having properly ejected the drive last night, this
morning it wont mount!
I meant to also say that having reached a road block on the Photos
library copying, the other purpose for James buying the 4TB drive was
to hold a lot of his other data information (iTunes library
eventually), downloaded movies etc. We tried to drag a movie file over
- and that faulted too with the same error. It seems the problem is
not limited to just Photos. I had previously checked that the Drive
permissions were Read and Write so that seems ok.
I am a bit stuck right now. Sorry it's so wordy but without all the
information, others may be thinking 'did you try this'...
I hope there are others out there whom have successfully circumvented
this one...

Kind Regards

Peter Crisp
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