I will try to attendWendy Corrick

----- Original Message -----
From: wamug@wamug.org.au
To:"WAMUG List" 
Sent:Mon, 06 Jul 2020 11:31:22 +0800
Subject:Yes I can attend the meeting

        Hello Fellow WAMUGgers,

        Apologies for the late notice. (You just can't get good staff these
days. Hee Hee)  Our WAMUG Zoom meeting will take place this Tuesday
at 7:30 pm. The first half hour is a presentation, followed by general

        This month Peter Hinchcliffe will present Art Text 4.  This software
allows you to create sophisticated text effects and typography
graphics for a variety of media. Just might be the thing to take your
presentations and projects to the next level. 

        Art Text 4 is available on the App Store. Incidentally, the paid
version is currently on offer at 30% discount until July 9. It is not
often you get to see software in action before you decide if it is for

        If you would like to join please indicate via the list and you will
be individually emailed the login details.  


        Maureen Smith

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