Good morning dear WAMUG’gers, 

I have been having two problems with my, otherwise, trusty iMac and am hoping 
someone would have a suggestion for me.

Computer is: iMac 27” (mid 2010), MacOS 10.13.6 (High Sierra), 20GB RAM

1. Mail application V11.5 (3445.9.6) would ‘quit unexpectedly’ whenever I try 
to copy part of a text on an email. Hence, if I highlight text and as soon as I 
do a ‘right-click’ Mail would quit. It would also quit unexpectedly (boy! do I 
love that expression) if I try to delete an attachment which I had incorrectly 
included, this problem is a random one. 

Not sure if this is relevant, but I notice that when Mail is launching  it 
somehow takes over the whole  computer, that is other applications do have 
problems to work as they should. Once Mail is launched, there is no further 
problem. Is that a sign of some deeper problems? 

2. The ‘copy & paste’ feature seems to be broken on my system. I am not able to 
always copy URLs from Safari or Firefox and paste anywhere else. I used to be 
able to copy a URL and paste it in an email, but that does not work regularly. 
The process of 'copy and paste’ has become a hit-and-miss one.
I did look up for solutions on the Web and one of which was to delete a 
specific process listed in Activity Monitor, can’t remember the name of that 
process, but this did not work. 

If someone can suggest a solution this will be great. I am desperately trying 
not to use Outlook, which currently is my ‘Plan B’ solution!!

Many thanks & Best Regards,

Philippe Chaperon

"Being the richest man in the cemetery don't matter to me … saying we've done 
something wonderful … that's what matters."
Steve Jobs, 1955-2011

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