Hi Pete and All, 

No problems with me. 

Philippe Chaperon 

On 7 Dec 2021, at 11:28 pm, Daniel Kerr <wa...@macwizardry.com.au> wrote:

If anyone’s ever not sure if they a) are getting WAMUG emails or b) aren’t sure 
if it gets to the list, you can also check the Archive here -
(The link to it is always in the bottom of every WAMUG post that goes out also 
- the link goes to the WAMUG page then about 3/4’s way done it talks about 
Archives which goes to the above link).

Though, can’t quite see why some of Ronni’s post come to the list fine, but 
don’t show up on the Archives page. That one is a mystery - as I can actually 
see it hit the servers, which then posts to the list. But it’s like it doesn’t 
get “collected” from the Mail Archive page - though some do, some don’t). Was 
thinking it could be device specific - but ruled that one when looked further). 
That one is a mystery.

Kind regards

Daniel Kerr

p : 0414 795 960
e : <daniel AT macwizardry.com.au>
w : <http://www.macwizardry.com.au>

**For everything Apple**

NOTE: Any information provided in this email may be my personal opinion and as 
such should be taken accordingly, and may not be the views of MacWizardry. Any 
information provided does not offer or warrant any form of warranty or accept 
liability. It would be appreciated that if any information in this email is to 
be disseminated, distributed or copied, that permission by the author be 

> On 7 Dec 2021, at 10:55 pm, Mike Murray <mdmur...@bigpond.net.au> wrote:
> This is exciting…lots of activity.
> I’ve seen all the replies…hang on, how do I know that’s all of them?
> Anyway, nice to see there’s something happening.
> Cheers
> Mike
> Sent from my iPad
>> On 7 Dec 2021, at 10:44 pm, Marlene Oostryck <oostr...@optusnet.com.au> 
>> wrote:
>> Hi Pete,
>> Yes I received your message and also lots of the replies.
>> Regards
>> Marlene Oostryck
>>> On 7 Dec 2021, at 6:30 pm, Pete Smith <smudd...@internode.on.net> wrote:
>>> Hi all.
>>> We are trying to work out if there is a problem with the List.
>>> Can anyone see this message?
>>> Many thanks in anticipation.
>>> (For those that can’t see this, no need to reply… Tee Hee Hee)
>>> Regards,
>>> Pete Smith
>>> -- The WA Macintosh User Group Mailing List --
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>>> <http://lists.wamug.org.au/listinfo/wamug.org.au-wamug>
>> -- The WA Macintosh User Group Mailing List --
>> Archives - <http://www.wamug.org.au/mailinglist/archives.shtml>
>> Guidelines - <http://www.wamug.org.au/mailinglist/guidelines.shtml>
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> -- The WA Macintosh User Group Mailing List --
> Archives - <http://www.wamug.org.au/mailinglist/archives.shtml>
> Guidelines - <http://www.wamug.org.au/mailinglist/guidelines.shtml>
> Settings & Unsubscribe - 
> <http://lists.wamug.org.au/listinfo/wamug.org.au-wamug>

-- The WA Macintosh User Group Mailing List --
Archives - <http://www.wamug.org.au/mailinglist/archives.shtml>
Guidelines - <http://www.wamug.org.au/mailinglist/guidelines.shtml>
Settings & Unsubscribe - <http://lists.wamug.org.au/listinfo/wamug.org.au-wamug>

-- The WA Macintosh User Group Mailing List --
Archives - <http://www.wamug.org.au/mailinglist/archives.shtml>
Guidelines - <http://www.wamug.org.au/mailinglist/guidelines.shtml>
Settings & Unsubscribe - <http://lists.wamug.org.au/listinfo/wamug.org.au-wamug>