Hi Rosemary

A few things that could help - 
1. Check that the icon wasn’t in a weird location behind something else (I’ve 
had this happen to a client where the drive icon was actually “hidden” 
underneath another file (which is shouldn’t do),..so each time it was plugged 
in, it went back to its “remembered location” below the file. My the file, it 
then showed up.
(Doesn’t happen often, but worth a look first “just incase”.

2. Try unticking the setting to “show external drives”. Once unticked, restart 
the computer with the setting “off” to not show them. After the restart then go 
back in and “Retick” the setting for it come back into effect. Then see if 

3. Check that there isn’t another Application that could be using (or hiding) 
the drive.

4. Delete the finder plist file. 
If you go into your User Library (hold down Option key and click on the Go menu 
then choose “Library” (being the one in Macintosh HD/Users/yourname/Library - 
also shown in some help as ~/Library). Then go into Preferences. Find the file 
called com.apple.Finder.plist - there may be a few. Drag these to the Desktop 
and then restart. Then check External Drive setting again and see if they show 

5. You can also try in Terminal the command to show External Disks
Go to Utilities folder and open Terminal
Copy and paste the following
defaults write com.apple.finder ShowExternalHardDrivesOnDesktop -bool true
Then /exit
Then Quit out Terminal. Restart (just incase). Then see if ehy show up as per 

That would be the main ones I would try first anyway and see how it goes.

Hope something there helps.
Kind regards

Daniel Kerr

p : 0414 795 960
e : <daniel AT macwizardry.com.au>
w : <http://www.macwizardry.com.au>

**For everything Apple**

NOTE: Any information provided in this email may be my personal opinion and as 
such should be taken accordingly, and may not be the views of MacWizardry. Any 
information provided does not offer or warrant any form of warranty or accept 
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be disseminated, distributed or copied, that permission by the author be 

> On 24 Jan 2023, at 5:56 pm, Rosemary Spark via WAMUG 
> <wa...@lists.wamug.org.au> wrote:
>   Hi there,
>   I have a mystery. The backup external drive (uses Carbon Copy Cloner)
>   no longer appears in the sidebar or on the desktop. I first went to
>   access the drive, but it wasn't there so I pulled it out thinking it
>   had become disconnected. So I got the message..don't pull out without
>   disconnecting. Obviously, it was connected...just not showing up. I've
>   disconnected and re-connected properly a number of times.
>   The preferences to see external drives are on and the other external
>   drives turn up as they should.
>   The only way I can access it is to go to Carbon Copy Cloner and select
>   the drive and use the Show in Finder command. I can also see it in Disk
>   Utility.
>   This happened on my old (Macbook Pro 2017) computer and is now
>   happening on this new one. (Macbook Air 2022)
>   I obviously have restarted and closed down the old computer a number of
>   times and similarly on the new computer.
>   If all the drives didn't appear I would think it was a glitch in
>   the preferences.
>   Anybody got any ideas?
>   Macbook Air 2022
>   Ventura 13.0 (22A380)
>   Rosemary Spark
>   PO Box 781
>   South Fremantle WA 6162 Australia
>   Phone: + 61 ‭8 6397 6822‬
>   Mobile: 0414268043
>   Email: [1]arkaysp...@gmail.com
> References
>   1. mailto:arkaysp...@gmail.com
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