Hello WAMUGgers,

   Christmas has passed, the New Year festivities are over, and Australia
   Day has been and gone. If you are feeling the post-celebration blues,
   don't despair. There is a celebratory event on the horizon.

   WAMUG's first meeting for 2023 is just nine days away. Yes, our first
   member's meeting will take place on Tuesday, 7 February. So mark the
   date in your calendar.

   WAMUG general meetings are open to WAMUG members and their friends and
   list subscribers. If you know someone who might want to join in, please
   send them the meeting details. (Just no horses. Experience has found
   they are so negative in meetings, such neigh-sayers.)

   Meeting Format

   As usual, we will begin with general greetings followed by question
   time, and then 'show, tell and ask topics.'

   This month's topics are

     * Phone parking apps - their uses, security etc.

     * Revisiting the application Keychain.

   How it works,

   Why you should use it and

   Do you need another password manager app?

     * Using QR codes on your macs

   These ubiquitous black-and-white, two-dimensional barcodes were
   designed to be accessed using smartphone devices. But what if you have
   a mac? Tune into our meeting to find out.

   So mark the date in iCal and set a reminder. We look forward to seeing


   Time: 7 February, 2023 07:30 PM Perth

   Join Zoom Meeting


   Meeting ID: 819 6515 7004

   Passcode: 143279




   1. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81965157004?pwd=dTYrSFRLbjhFSmY5cXRLS2JpTE9uQT09
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