Hi Stephen,

As an ABB shareholder, I would encourage everyone to change to ABB  ;o)

Though, I have to admit, I am still loyal to Internode - I switched to them 
from Telstra when we moved from dial-up to ADSL and have always found their 
customer support to be very good (even since the iiNet/TPG buyouts).

I too have frequently had service problems with Telstra in the past - both 
technical on the old dial-up and, more recently, with double billing of 
auto-recharge on pre-paid mobile plans - however, I have found their online 
chat service to have improved a lot (this was for the double billing issues).

One bonus I have had from Telstra: when I switched to internode, I continued to 
pay Telstra around $25 pa to keep my bigpond email address (like Daniel this 
wasn't my main email but I didn't want to lose it) so I was very surprised, 
back in 2015, when Telstra told me they were retiring Bigpond but they would 
continue to provide my Bigpond email FREE OR CHARGE!   -   a year or so later 
it was migrated to Telstra meil and, to date, it still all works - even though 
it is around 8 years since I paid for the email service!

Disclaimer - I am also a Telstra shareholder!!



-----Original Message-----
From: WAMUG <wamug-boun...@lists.wamug.org.au> on behalf of Stephen Chape via 
WAMUG <wa...@lists.wamug.org.au>
Reply-To: WAMUG <wa...@lists.wamug.org.au>
Date: Thursday, 13 July 2023 at 09:50
To: WAMUG <wa...@lists.wamug.org.au>
Cc: Stephen Chape <chap...@bigpond.com>
Subject: Re: [WAMUG] FTTP and ISPs…not Apple

       Hi Rosemary.
       I have had ongoing issues with Telstra for the past 4 months.
       Promise to fix issues but then fail to do so over and over again.
       I am now on the verge of going to Aussie Broadband.
       They get amazing reviews from customers.
       One review site recently ranked them number 1 in Australia.
       And 2 of my friends are with them and reckon they are the best.
       Their price for my plan is the same as Telstra, so no cost advantage
       But if I also take both our mobiles to them as well, that is way better
       Anyway just thought I would give some more feedback 👍
       On 12 Jul 2023, at 7:06 pm, Daniel Kerr via WAMUG
       <wa...@lists.wamug.org.au> wrote:
       Hi Rosemary
       Without know exact details, but if it’s similar to mine situation
       (which it sounds like it), technically neither side are actually
       “telling lies”.
       When NBNCo have been going through certain areas and doing the FTTP
       upgrades, they only have “some” ISP’s that seem to have early access to
       this “faster NBN”. Whereas iinet/Westnet dont seem to be one of the
       ISP’s with access to these upgrades. So when they look it up, in the
       iinet/Westnet/TPG system, your area probably isn’t available to go
       faster on their network.
       And NBNCo who do say the upgrade is available, in the “small print” -
       it’s only with some ISPs.
       This is the same sort of thing I’ve found. Because I’m signed up to
       NBNCo newsletter and info for my area, I got an email from saying
       “faster internet is available” But iinet tell me,..no I can’t get
       faster internet. So they’re both actually correct. As far as iinet are
       concerned for their “access”,..they can’t offer anything faster. But if
       I go with a different ISP,…then I can actually get faster.
       I just found the email from them,..which says,..
       "Hi Daniel,
       As you have registered for updates, we’d like to let you know that your
       location may be able to upgrade to nbn® Fibre to the Premises (FTTP) if
       you order an nbn powered plan based on nbnHome Fast or higher◊."
       Then a button I click that says “Check out the list of participating
       providers” - which loads this page
       And Westnet and iinet (for whatever reason) aren’t listed as a
       participating provider.
       For the time being I’ve stuck with iinet and use their NBN100 plan,….as
       I’ve always felt a bit loyal to them to stay.
       But with some of the newer ISP’s nothing offering better plans (and
       sometimes better pricing), I’ve been weighing it up to change as well.
       I was looking at the Aussie Broadband plans, as they tend to get good
       reviews and always seem to be ranked quite high for reliability, cost,
       service etc.
       (I wouldn’t touch dodo with a barge pole for another example,…lol. Had
       some many customers been with them that had issues and left).
       The one downside to moving obviously is losing your email address. But
       I believe iinet and Westnet still offer an “email only” service. (I
       know they previously had this service,..so I assume they still do.
       Haven’t checked for a while). You used to be able to pay $25 a year to
       keep your email address. So you then don’t have to go round and tell
       everyone your new address and lose access to your email address.
       (I don’t actually really use my @iinet address a lot, but I’d still
       like to keep it if I did change.
       I had considered going to the Aussie Broadband NBN1000 plan,. But it’s
       another $50 a month. So I didn’t really go much further then look and
       dream. lol.
       So as mentioned without knowing “exact” details, that would be my take
       on it anyway.
       The best place I find to see what you’re able to get is the actual
       NBNCo website. As they’re the ones who do or change the infrastructure.
       So normally their information is most up to date.
       If you go to https://www.nbnco.com.au - then put in your address to
       check. It will advise you what you can get on your premises.
       I also think some of the companies are wearing the cost of the “$0
       upgrade cost to upgrade to fibre” - in the hope of perhaps getting new
       customers and building their customer base. And perhaps iinet/Westnet
       didn’t want to wear the extra cost of it. But I’m only guessing there -
       I could be completely wrong.
       Hope something there helps.
       Kind regards
       Daniel Kerr
       p : 0414 795 960
       e : <daniel AT macwizardry.com.au>
       w : <http://www.macwizardry.com.au>
       **For everything Apple**
       NOTE: Any information provided in this email may be my personal opinion
       and as such should be taken accordingly, and may not be the views of
       MacWizardry. Any information provided does not offer or warrant any
       form of warranty or accept liability. It would be appreciated that if
       any information in this email is to be disseminated, distributed or
       copied, that permission by the author be requested.
         On 12 Jul 2023, at 6:33 pm, Rosemary Spark via WAMUG
         <wa...@lists.wamug.org.au> wrote:
          Hi there,
          I received a glossy flyer in the mail saying that FTTP fibre to
          premises is available in my area, listing various isp to contact
          the upgrade. I checked on the nbnco website and it indicated my
          was able to be upgraded.
          We’re with Westnet (taken over by iiNet, taken over by TPG) and
          been for many (20) years. Home page for accounts and email is still
          Westnet. Anyway no indication that TPG was included in the upgrade.
          I rang Westnet ( got a woman obviously based somewhere else) saying
          FTTP was not available at my address, after keeping me on hold for
          several minutes. I checked the only upgrade available on the
         website is
          for 5G…not the best fit.
          So who is telling lies?  Do I go with another ISP?
          What is other people’s experience?
          Rosemary Spark
          PO Box 781 South Fremantle WA 6162 Australia
          1. mailto:arkaysp...@gmail.com
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       Stephen Chape
       Mac by choice
       Windows because my employer knew no better
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