Ini kan kau mengutipnya dari situs propaganda sampah.
Dari semua foto yang dipajang, hanya foto dimana ada
anggota MP (Military Police) Pfc (Private First Class
- Pratu) Lyndie England dan Spec. (Specialist -
pangkat antara koral dan sersan) Jane Hartman yang
saya yakini otentik (bukan tipuan) seperti yang
lainnya yang saya ragukan juga adalah tentara Amerik.
Malah kemungkinan pemerkosaan yang dilakukan tentara
Saddam Hussein terhadap perempuan Syiah di penjara
yang sama (Abu Ghraib). Atau mungkin juga wartawati
Italia yang diculik lalu kemudian dibebaskan dengan
uang tebusan. Tapi anehnya kok tidak ada foto Miss
England menuntun seorang tawanan laki-laki tegap
telanjang bulat yang merangkak di lantai dengan
memegang ujung tali yang diikatkan ke leher si
tawanan. Dan juga tidak ada foto tawanan laki-laki
tegap yang dikarungi kepala dan wajahnya dengan
cel-dal perempuan. Barangkali si empunya situs "malu"
kebanggaan rasa kelelakian Arab mereka diperhinakan
perempuan se demikian rupa. 

Sebagai tambahan, itu tentara perempuan anggota US
Military Police Amrik itu cantik-cantik lho. Cuman si
Lyndie England dan Jane Hartmand saja yang jelek
hehehe. Saya pernah melihat mereka dalam parade
militer. Ihh banyak yang cantik-cantik serta seksi dan
feminin sekali. (Kita tidak tahu benar apakah para
female interogators Amrik menggunakan seks dalam
teknik interogasi). Dan konon separuh pengawal dan
interogator penjara Teluk Guantanamo adalah para
polisi militer perempuan yang cantik-cantik ini.
Membayangkan ini apakah para tahanan di sana bukannya
merasa seperti hidup di sorga yang penuh houries?
Hehehehe  ... Dan sama sekali tidak tertutup
kemungkinan (terutama bagi yang ganteng) untuk
"ketiban rejeki" diperkosa diam-diam oleh salah
seorang pengawal cantik itu bukan? Cihui! HAHAHAHAHA

--- "Dadang Fahmi (QA)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> uuuuuhhh ngeri dan keji.......sangat biadab
>   _____  
> Photos Show Rape of Iraqi Women
> by US Occupation Forces
> (Please Note: Many of the photographs showing the
> rape of Iraqi women and
> the sodomization of Iraqi POW's at the Abu Ghraib
> prison are now at USA
> pornographic websites pointing to the possibility of
> collusion between the
> depraved US soldiers in the pictures and US based
> Jewish pornographers. Many
> of these photographs were also freely disseminated
> to US occupation forces,
> perhaps to inflame their nefarious desires and to
> motivate them to strike
> out against the Iraqi populace in these perverse
> ways.) 
> by 
> Ernesto Cienfuegos
> La Voz de Aztlan 
>   <>
> Los Angeles, Alta
> California - May 2, 2004 - (ACN) The release, by CBS
> News, of the
> photographs showing the heinous sexual abuse and
> torture of Iraqi POW's at
> the notorious Abu Ghraib prison has opened a
> Pandora's box for the Bush
> regime. Apparently, the suspended US commander of
> the prison where the worst
> abuses took place, Brigadier General Janis
> Karpinski, has refused to take
> the fall by herself and has implicated the CIA,
> Military Intelligence and
> private US government contractors in the torturing
> of POW's and in the
> raping of Iraqi women detainees as well. 
>   <>
> Brigadier General Janis
> Karpinski said to the Washington Post that Military
> Intelligence, rather
> than the Military Police, dictated the treatment of
> prisoners at Abu Ghraib
> prison. "The prison, and that particular cellblock
> where the events took
> place, were under the control of the Military
> Intelligence command,"
> Brigadier General Karpinski said to the Washington
> Post Saturday night in a
> telephone interview from her home in Hilton Head,
> South Carolina. 
> Brigadier General Karpinski, who commanded the 800th
> Military Police
> Brigade, described a high-pressure Military
> Intelligence and CIA command
> that prized successful interrogations. A month
> before the alleged abuses and
> rapes occurred, she said, a team of CIA, Military
> Intelligence officers and
> private consultants under the employ of the US
> government came to Abu
> Ghraib. "Their main and specific mission was to give
> the interrogators new
> techniques to get more information from detainees,"
> she said. 
>   <>
> Today, new photographs
> were sent to La Voz de Aztlan from confidential
> sources depicting the
> shocking rapes of two Iraqi women by what are
> purported to be US Military
> Intelligence personnel and private US mercenaries in
> military fatigues. It
> is now known that hundreds of these photographs had
> been in circulation
> among the troops in Iraq. The graphic photos were
> being swapped between the
> soldiers like baseball cards. 
> Speaking on condition of anonymity, one
> Mexican-American soldier told La Voz
> de Aztlan, "Maybe the officers didn't know what was
> going on, but everybody
> else did. I have seen literally hundreds of these
> types of pictures." Many
> of the pictures were destroyed last September when
> the luggage of soldiers
> was searched as they left Iraq, he said 
> An investigation, led by Army Major General Antonio
> M. Taguba, identified
> two military intelligence officers and two civilian
> contractors for the Army
> as key figures in the abuse cases at the Abu Ghraib
> prison. In an internal
> report on his findings, Major General Taguba said he
> suspected that the four
> were "either directly or indirectly responsible for
> the abuses at Abu Ghraib
> and strongly recommended disciplinary action." 
> The Taguba report states that "military intelligence
> interrogators and other
> U.S. Government Agency interrogators actively
> requested that Military Police
> guards set physical and mental conditions for
> favorable interrogation of
> witnesses." The report noted that one civilian
> interrogator, a contractor
> from a company called CACI International and
> attached to the 205th Military
> Intelligence Brigade, "clearly knew his
> instructions" to the Military Police
> equated to physical and sexual abuse. It is not
> known whether these
> instructions included, or led to, the raping of
> Iraqi women detainees as
> well. 
>  <> 
> Iraqi POW Torture Photographs (Click Here)
>  Sodomized Iraqi POW
> <> 
> A released Iraqi POW has come forward and stated to
> the internationl media
> that that he was sodomized at the Abu Ghraib prison
> while a female US
> soldier cheered and the entire incident filmed.
> Related La Voz de Aztlan article: 
> The Rape of Latinas in the US
> Military 
>   <> 
>  <> 
> [Non-text portions of this message have been
> removed]

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