Jul 7, 2005

Jihad knocks on House of Saud's door
By Rabbi Moshe Reiss

Earlier this year, descendants of former US president Franklin D Roosevelt 
and Saudi Arabia's first king, Ibn Saud, celebrated the 60th anniversary of 
the first Saudi-US summit at the Suez Canal, where the foundations were laid 
for a "special relationship" between the two countries based on an 
oil-for-security alliance. Despite the importance of Saudi Arabia to the 
world, this was not widely noted in the major media.

Until recently, jihad was strongly supported by the Saudi government and its 
Wahhabi religious establishment. Wahhabism is a puritanical form of Islamic 
extremism that cannot tolerate any other interpretations of Islam, much less 
Judaism and Christianity. Their religious and material support of jihad is 
similar to that of the Taliban. Given that 15 of the actual terrorists of 
September 11 were from Saudi Arabia and that Osama bin Laden was raised in 
Saudi Arabia and was a Saudi businessmen and citizen, the Saudi government 
can be construed as having some responsibility for the World Trade Center 
attack. It was certainly more responsible than the government of Iraq.

Saudi funding sources, developed during the Afghan war against the Soviets 
in the 1980s, continued as the jihad expanded outside Afghanistan. The 
growth of jihad from Saudi Arabia was transmitted through Saudi-supported 
Islamic international organizations (the Islamic Conference Organization, 
the World Muslim League and the World Assembly of Muslim Youth) to the rest 
of the Muslim world. Saudi funding has supported jihadis throughout the 
world; in Africa, Central Asia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Southeast Asia, in the 
United States and Europe; in fact in every area where jihad has occurred.

The Saudis have established and financed madrassas (religious schools) and 
mosques to indoctrinate young students and communities in virulent 
anti-Western dogma, and they have damaged tolerant and pluralistic 
traditions in Eastern and Central Asia and North Africa. Freedom House (a 
US-based think-tank) analyzed Saudi-sponsored books and pamphlets written in 
Arabic and found in mosques in the US. Freedom House stated that the 
teachings espouse an anti-Christian, anti-Semitic, misogynist, jihadi 
ideology, assume non-Muslims are enemies and propose Sharia law in America.

One former high-level Saudi government official described Imam Mohammed bin 
Saud Islamic University in Riyadh as "a factory for terrorism". Abd al-Hamid 
al-Ansari, dean of the faculty of Islamic law at Qatar University, has 
stated, "This culture [of terrorism] is rooted in the minds of those who 
suffered from a closed education that leaves no room for pluralism."

We are not claiming that the Saudis were behind September 11, any more than 
the Central Intelligence Agency or Mossad; only that they have a 
responsibility, and more, than Iraq.

Imagine, Bernard Lewis suggests, "If the Ku Klux Klan or Aryan Nation 
obtained total control of Texas and had at its disposal all the oil revenues 
and used this money to establish a network of well-endowed schools and 
colleges all over Christendom peddling their particular brand of 
Christianity. This is what the Saudis have done with Wahhabism."

Jihad is a holy war. It is based on a conspiracy theory of America and 
Israel (and other Western states) being "kufr" states; that is, states 
totally against the religion and way of life of Islam.

Its strategic objective is political change away from globalization and 
modernity. Jihadis believe globalization and modernity are part and parcel 
of the Judaic-Christian worldview. They have no positive objectives other 
than instituting medieval-oriented Sharia-based Islamic law. This could have 
only a negative impact on the socio-economic problems of Middle Eastern 
youth-based society - almost 50% of the populations are under voting age, 
with 20-30% unemployment.

Its objectives are the destruction of Western and Jewish influence over the 
Western world and all infidels. A well known hadith (commentary based on the 
Prophet Mohammed) states, "when even the rocks and trees will call out Oh 
Muslim, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him!" This hadith is 
frequently used by bin Laden, who has also accused the Jews of "holding 
America and the West hostage".

Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah opened a conference on February 5-8 in Saudi 
Arabia on international counterterrorism. Two days before the conference 
official Saudi television interviewed several prominent Saudis. Suheida 
Hammed explained how Saudi terrorism was caused by the Jews. Mash'as 
al-Harathi wrote a poem dedicated to Saudi Minister of Defense Prince Sultan 
Feted, proclaiming that bin Laden was sent by the Jews.

For Christians they have stated, "First the Saturday people, then the Sunday 
people." Recently, some have defined this "apocalyptic thinking" to mean 
that every Muslim must kill a Jew or Christian to substitute for him in 
Hell. This has (as noted by Richard Landes) been interpreted to mean that 
every Muslim has to kill a Jew or a Christian in order to be saved. A 
French-Arab youngster slaughtered and mutilated a Jew, his neighbor since 
childhood. He triumphantly announced to his parents, his hands still 
bloodied, "I've killed my Jew, I can go to paradise." The jihadis now even 
include among "infidels" other Muslims, such as Shi'ites and Sunni civilians 
working for Westerners.

Jihadis intrinsically believe death to be preferable to life in a 
non-Islamic world. Their mission is to create a kingdom of heaven here on 
Earth. From their perspective, the eventuality of death prior to the total 
eschatology is an insignificant price to pay. Heaven is after all the "true" 
world. (See Asia Times Online, Suicide bombing: Theology of death October 
22, 2004.)

Jihad is a modern form of totalitarianism challenging traditional Islam. 
Jihadis are fascists with imperial demands on the rest of the world. Sayyid 
Abdul Ala Mawdudi, a Pakistani and well known theoretician of jihad, has 
written, "Islam wants the whole Earth and does not content itself with only 
a part thereof. Islam wants and requires the Earth in order that the human 
race altogether can enjoy the concept and practical program of human 
happiness, by means of which God has honored Islam and put it above the 
other religions and laws."

Very few jihadis base their theology on traditional Islam. They are, 
according to the French Islamic scholar Oliver Roy, "a by-product of 
Westernization and not a backlash against traditional Muslim cultures ... 
they are born-again Muslims." And like other "born agains", despite their 
own choosing, they believe that choice itself is anti-God. Their training, 
with few exceptions, was not in the madrassas. The majority of the leaders 
are Western-oriented and educated. Sayyid Qutb, the self-proclaimed theocrat 
and leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, did not study theology, graduated from 
an Egyptian secular university, and then studied engineering at a college in 
the United States; bin Laden's deputy, Dr Ayman al-Zawahiri, is a medical 
doctor; Ramzi Yusuf (of the original 1993 World Trade Center bombing) was an 
electronics engineer trained in the United Kingdom, Omar Ahmad Saeed Sheikh, 
who was implicated in the murder of US journalist Daniel Pearl, was born a 
British Muslim of Pakistani descent, educated in private schools and at the 
London School of Economics. Muhammad Atta, the leader of the September 11 
bombing, was a promising architectural student who resided in Germany.

Bin Laden himself, despite issuing fatwas, is not a cleric or a trained 
theologian, but a Western-oriented businessman more familiar with arms 
dealing, money transfers and electronic technology than Islamic theology. He 
is the most successful entrepreneur of an enterprise dedicated to 
anti-liberal, anti-modern, anti-democratic objectives with a quasi-religious 
ideology. (One exception is Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, a Jordanian trained in 
Afghanistan, who as far as is known has never been associated with the West. 
He was recently declared the "emir" of Iraq by bin Laden.)

Jihad was created by the intersection of Islam and the West and these 
creators were trained in the West. They are modern, urbanized and influenced 
more by the leftist terrorists of the 1960s and 1970s than by traditional 
Islam. They have developed a modern political ideology based on their 
version of how to reconcile "Islam" with the modern world. Third World 
members of Islam learnt through television and the Internet about both the 
freedom and the materialism of the West. Roy finds the fundamentalist 
inspiration to be far more mundane than spiritual: "For many of them, the 
return to religion has been brought about through their experience in 
politics, and not as a result of their religious belief." Their arch 
competitors are capitalism and globalization; not Christianity or Judaism.

In 1979, the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini and his Shi'ite Muslims overthrew 
the Western-based government of the Shah of Iran. Shortly before the Cold 
War ended, Khomeini sent a letter to Mikhail Gorbachev in which he asserted 
the universality of Islam. He stressed the failure of communist ideology and 
implored the Soviet president not to turn West to market capitalism as a 
replacement, but to Islam.

After the ayatollahs took over Iran and established an Islamic state, Arab 
Sunni fundamentalists (with the help of the US) defeated the Soviet Union in 
Afghanistan in 1989. In the power vacuum that followed, amid destructive 
fighting among the victorious mujahideen, the puritanical strain of 
Wahhabism combined with the ideology and jihad of Qutb's Muslim Brotherhood 
to create the Taliban, who came to power in 1996. Qutb had been executed by 
the Egyptian government and the Brotherhood repressed. Its primary success 
was the founding of Hamas in Palestine and combining its ideology to create 
the Taliban in Afghanistan.

These two events - Iran and Afghanistan - gave rise to global jihad. Bin 
Laden as the self-proclaimed child of the Afghanistan war compares himself 
loosely to Mohammed and his conquest of the empires of eastern Christendom 
and Persia, as well as Saladin, who defeated the Crusader armies and 
conquered Jerusalem.

Is jihad a growth industry? Despite September 11, and with the exception of 
Iran 25 years ago, the globalization of jihad has not succeeded. Gilles 
Kepel, another French scholar, has suggested they are a dying breed.

In Iraq, though, jihad flourishes. According to several sources, more than 
half of the suicide bombers in the country come from Saudi Arabia (Rueven 
Paz, 61% of 154 names, Evan F Kohlmann, more than 50% of 235 names, and in a 
Washington Post analysis of websites listing dead suicide bombers, 44% came 
from Saudi Arabia).

Non-jihadi Muslim spokesmen are aware of the nature of jihadi 
revolutionaries as enemies of any prevailing order. Given the opportunity, 
al-Qaeda will destroy their self defined "near enemies", whether in Egypt, 
Syria, Jordan or Saudi Arabia. Jihadis consider less extreme Muslims as 
clients of the infidels. Despite the religious symbiosis between Wahhabism 
and jihad, it is important to prevent bin Laden's call to arms bringing 
these Muslims into his jihadi arms and into his ideological/political 

Saudi Arabia's problem
Saudi Arabia, apart from having bin Laden and al-Qaeda as an enemy, is in 
crisis. Its elite is bitterly divided over how to escape. Crown Prince 
Abdullah leads a camp of reformers who seek rapprochement with the West, 
while Interior Minister Prince Nayef has sided with an anti-American 
religious establishment. Neither side believes in democracy and they reject 
human rights.

As the Saudis fight a jihadi insurgency led by al-Qaeda, both use the same 
religious grounds from which to draw legitimacy. Turki Hamad, a Saudi 
journalist, said they come from the same cultural discourse. This could 
result in a consolidation of the ideas of Nayef and Crown Prince Abdullah, 
ending in less reform. Yet Saudi Arabia is in desperate need of 
comprehensive political, economic, social, legal and educational reform.

So the leadership is slowly closing ranks and reasserting its authoritarian 
rule. Emboldened by its success in the domestic "war on terror", which the 
Saudi government began only after its rule was directly threatened, the 
al-Saud family is flexing other muscles so that the masses, too, are left in 
no doubt that it is back in total control. Like other Arab regimes, it is 
using the "war on terror" to silence all dissent. (On Sunday, the al-Qaeda 
frontman in Saudi Arabia, Moroccan Younes Hayari, was killed in clashes with 
security forces.)

In Saudi Arabia, almost 50% of the native population is aged 18 or under and 
30% is unemployed. The government is run by men over 70 years of age. Even 
many of the 5,000 princes are unemployed. Yet 4 million foreign workers, out 
of a total population of 16 million, work in Saudi Arabia. They are 
overwhelmingly non-Wahhabi Sunnis, and therefore have neither religious nor 
any other rights. Almost 2 million Saudis are Shi'ites, also without rights. 
They follow Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani in Iraq. This must be a concern 
to the government.

The Saudis are finally realizing their problem. A member of the majlis 
al-shura (the Saudi consultative council that is a pretense for a 
parliament) once stated, "All they teach is to hate those who are different. 
We are a country that is economically in the 20th century and intellectually 
in the 14th century."

A recent municipal election (excluding women voters) was held in Saudi 
Arabia. The candidates of the hardline "golden list" in the country's most 
liberal city, Jeddah, won. Scholars have predicted that should democracy 
take hold in Saudi Arabia, the Islamists would win.

While the US has articulated a policy of democracy in Iraq, Lebanon and 
Palestine, even vaguely in Syria, it has not had a policy regarding 
political change in Saudi Arabia; it seeks the impossible - "stability" - 
from its oil-rich trading partner.

It has long been claimed that the primary reason then-president George H W 
Bush did not go further in 1991 in the Gulf War and take over Baghdad was 
his fear that it would set off a revolution in Saudi Arabia. The Bush 
connection to the House of Saud is too well known to need discussing.

Almost 20% of America's oil comes from Saudi Arabia. And it is estimated 
that 60% of the world's proven oil reserves lie under its soil, although 
this is disputed - see The Saudi oil bombshell, Asia Times Online, Jun 29.

The jihadis will do their best to disrupt this supply. Some people have 
claimed that the US-led invasion of Iraq (with less than a third of Saudi 
Arabia's oil supply) was based on ensuring an additional supply. If that is 
so, invading Saudi Arabia could become necessary. The American government 
has to protect its own interests. Israel would certainly support an American 
invasion of Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia might not be as much a master of its own fate as it would 

Rabbi Moshe Reiss is a graduate of Oxford University, has taught at Columbia 
University and was assistant rabbi at Yale University. He was the first 
rabbi to be invited to teach in the Department of Theology at the Catholic 
University of Leuven - Belgium (founded 1425) and has lectured in various 
countries. He has published three books on his website on Judaism, 
Christianity and Islam. His book on Judaism is being published by sections 
in the Jewish Bible Quarterly. He now lives in Israel.

(Copyright 2005 Asia Times Online Ltd. All rights reserved. Please contact 
us for information on sales, syndication and republishing.)

Al-Qaeda poised in Saudi Arabia (Jun 1, '05)

Saudi elections and Western myths (May 4, '05)

Dangerous games the Saudis play (Apr 26, '05)


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