Pakistan Orders Madrassah Foreign Students Out

"We will not issue visas to such people," Musharraf said. (Reuters)

Koment Taufikmalin; Sudah saatnya pakistan menutup dan mengusir pelajar2 yang 
belajar rasa benci kepada Barat(Nasrani dan yahudi). Akibat ledakan Bom di 

Kawan2 seiman di Indonesia, marilah kita ambil pelajaran yang baik dari 
Pakistan, agar kita umat Islam yang penuh kasih sayang, cinta manusia, dan 
rahmatan lillalamin kepada manusia, supaya meninggalkan ajaran2 kebencian 
kepada  murid2.

Waktu kecil saya dulu sering menerima cerita2 dari orang tua dan guru ngaji 
tentang kejahatan yang diperlakukan oleh orang Radikal Yahudi dan Nasrani 
kepada Rasul. Kita sudah diajarkan untuk membenci umat nasrani dan yahudi secar 
tidak lansung.

Sesungguhnya kebencia secara streriotype itu adalah salah sekali, tidak sesuai 
dgn ajaran2 Allah swt. Orang2 yahudi dan Nasrani yang Radikal jumlah nya 
sedikit sekali, sedangkan yang baik baik (moderat) ada kira2 90%.

Allah memperingatkan Rasul untuk berlaku adil kepada umat nasrani dan Yahudi 
yang mederat. Ajalah mereka bekerja sama untuk membangun bangsa menjadi bangsa 
yang makmur. Perintah wajib ini ada dalam al Quran QS6:8-9, Qs 5:8.

Demikian sedikit komen saya, wassalamu'alaikum wr w

Dari 1400 murid2 apakah ada pelajar2 yang datang dari Indonesia??


ISLAMABAD, July 30, 2005 (Islamn & News Agencies) – Amid mounting international 
pressure on Pakistan's religious schools, President Pervez Musharraf said 
Friday, July 30, ordered all foreign students attending madrassahs to leave the 

"We've decided all those who are here – there are about 1,400 -- they must 
leave," Musharraf told foreign correspondents in the garrison city of 
Rawalpindi Friday, July 30, Reuter reported.

"We will not issue visas to such people," said the Pakistani leader.

The number of foreign students attending madrassahs in Pakistan has already 
fallen sharply since the government imposed tougher visa restrictions after the 
9/11 attacks on the United States.

Musharraf said religious schools would have to register by the end of the year, 
calling madrassahs "the world's biggest non-governmental organization helping 
the poorest segment of the society".

"Don't think they are all negative, this is not the reality," he said.

There are around 12,000 madrassahs in Pakistan, often offering free religious 
education and board for more than one million Pakistani children, especially in 
areas neglected by state education services.

Thousands of Pakistanis took to the street on Friday, July 22, to protest the 
crackdown on madrasahs ordered after the July 7 London bomb attacks, carried 
out by three Britons of Pakistani descent and a fourth Briton of Jamaican 

British Prime Minister Tony Blair has urged Pakistan to move against "radical" 

Police said one of the men, Shehzad Tanweer, visited a religious school during 
trips to Pakistan in the past two years, a claim refuted by the madrassah in 


Interior Minister Aftab Ahmed Khan Sherpao said the foreign students have to 
leave the country soon, reported Agence France-Presse (AFP).

"We have decided to repatriate them because we don't want to see our country 
defamed if any of these students are found involved in any terrorist activities 
in future," he said.

"We are in the process of checking the visa documents of these students, and 
the ones whose time to stay in Pakistan has expired would be immediately 
repatriated to their countries," Sherpao told a Karachi function.

"We'll cancel the visas given to the rest and will repatriate those, too, to 
their countries."


Musharraf also ordered the arrest of leaders of "extremist groups," adding that 
his security forces were cooperating closely with their British counterparts.

"The action against the banned organizations will continue. It is a continuous 
process and we will be very strongly dealing with them. We have decided we are 
going to act against their leadership."

Musharraf, who took power in a bloodless military coup six years ago, said he 
was in a far stronger position to confront forces of religious extremism than 
he had been after the 9/11 attacks.

At that time, the economy was weak, Pakistan was close to a fourth war with 
India, and stronger action could have led to internal disturbances.

"I could have rocked the boat so much it could have capsized," said Musharraf, 
who survived two assassination attempts in December 2003.

As he spoke, police arrested another 200 preachers and prayer leaders for 
delivering sermons allegedly inciting anti-Western and sectarian hatred, a 
government official monitoring the crackdown told AFP.

The latest round-up raised to 800 the number of detainees since Musharraf 
launched the crackdown last week under pressure from Britain to investigate 
Pakistani links in the London bombings.

Several people have been detained based on leads from telephone records.

"We are in the process of going through each one of those (telephone) numbers. 
Anyone who had contact with those chaps we are weeding out," he said, referring 
to London bombers.

The senior security official, who asked not to be identified, told AFP security 
forces were "monitoring sermons at mosques and other places regularly, and we 
will continue this process to weed out the problem of propagation of hatred." 

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