abdul latif berkoar:
Lihatlah Taliban, hancur, ribuan rakyat yang mendirita dan meninggal. 
He abdul latif, yang bikin ribu-ribuan penduduk (laki-laki perempuan, bayi, 
anak-anak, remaja, orang tua) yang menderita dan meninggal bukan ulah Thaliban, 
melainkan mesin perang state terrorists anglo-amrik (linggis-seterika) yang 
merajam, menghancur leburkan negeri Afghanistan. Betul-betul kowe itu budak 
anglo-amrik. Lihat itu kowe punya gelar pada alamat cc di atas !

The Taliban 

They're a blessing of Allah on the Ummah of Imaan.
They're believers in Islam, they're the Taliban. 

They are symbolizing peace, they're upholding every right.
May Allah give them ease, may Allah give them might.
May Allah guide them so, they only do what is right.
May Allah help them to, hold the rope of Allah tight. 

They're a blessing of Allah on the Ummah of Imaan.
They're upholders of Islam, they're the Taliban. 

Where they won the war we see, peace and justice in the land. 
To the poor and needy, they have lent a helping hand.
Despite so many sanctions from the disbelieving band,
They're holding on, and trying hard, and firm are on their stand. 

They're a blessing of Allah on the Ummah of Imaan.
They're the victors of Islam, they're the Taliban. 

They are getting from the world, only negative and worse.
They are treated by the enemies, as a bitter curse.
They've emptied out their pockets, and empty is their purse.
They're wounded by the sanctions, now who is there to nurse? 

They're a blessing of Allah on the Ummah of Imaan.
They're your brothers in Islam, they're the Taliban. 

Why listen to the media, that hates and does defame,
The Taliban and others, who rise in Allah's name.
It's run by open enemies, who lie and have no shame.
Don't be deceived by Satan, this is his dirty game. 

They're a blessing of Allah on the Ummah of Imaan.
They're the scholars of Islam, they're the Taliban. 

If truth is what you seek, and that's the way to be,
Go travel to the Taliban, with your own eyes to see,
Or listen to good Muslims, who've been there recently,
Insha'Allah you will then, like all of us agree:  

They're a blessing of Allah on the Ummah of Imaan.
They're an asset for Islam, they're the Taliban. 

Will the Ummah realize: they're a symbol of it's might.
They went against the world, they stood up for what is right,
Their strength is our strength, let's not limit our sight
Let's strengthen them and aid them and make their burden light. 

They're a blessing of Allah on the Ummah of Imaan,
They're a power for Islam, they're the Taliban.  

Will the Ummah realize: it has a role to play,
To help a wounded nation, that the world is bound to slay,
Through sanctions and through weapons, and every other way
What will you say to Allah? Don't waste another day.
Go help and not just criticize the Taliban today. 

They're a blessing of Allah on the Ummah of Imaan,
They're your brothers in Islam, they're the Taliban. 



Thursday, October 18, 2001
http://www.asiaweek.com/asiaweek/daily/foc/0,  8773,  180342,  00.html 

Japanese doctor Tetsu Nakamura works with leprosy patients and refugees in 
Afghanistan and Pakistan. It's a job that keeps him in touch with the raw  
reality of life in that troubled country. And he says that from what he has 
seen, the Taliban are being wrongly portrayed internationally. "There's 
something wrong with the media reports,  " he says. "This talk of  the Taliban 
being vicious and disliked doesn't fit with reality." Nakamura  says the 
fundamentalists have wide support from the population, particularly in rural 
areas. "Otherwise, how can they rule 95% of the country with only 15,  000 

Villagers around Nakamura's Peshawar base hospital and 10 clinics in both 
north-western Pakistan and eastern Afghanistan were pleased to see peace 
established under Taliban rule, he says. The Pushtun people, who make up 
two-thirds of the Afghan population, can accept strict Muslim codes because 
they have lived by them all their lives, he says. Women are not deprived of 
education or jobs, as far as he can see. In fact, half the local doctors at his 
clinics are women. 

So why are the people of the capital, Kabul, reportedly hoping to see the  
Taliban overthrown? "The Taliban may act differently there,  " he told me when 
we met recently in Tokyo. "They're obliged to fix the corrupt urban life. The 
people most vocal in criticizing the Taliban are upper-class Afghans who have 
been deprived of their privileges." Nakamura's words reminded me of news 
footage I have seen several times since the attacks on New York and Washington. 
Shot by French journalists in Afghanistan, it showed Afghan women speaking 
critically of the Taliban. Significantly, they are dressed in shiny silk-like 
costumes, with large rings on their fingers. 

Nakamura, 55, says the anti-Taliban Northern Alliance are not the freedom 
fighters some journalists describe them as. Villagers are frightened of them 
because they are more violent and cruel than the Taliban, he says. They execute 
innocent people in horrific ways, though not in public as the Taliban do as a 
warning to others. 

Nakamura works for Peshawarkai Medical Services, a Japanese aid agency based in 
Fukuoka City that has been operating in the Peshawar district for 17 years. He 
first visited the area as an alpinist when he was still a medical school 
student in Fukuoka. Shocked by the lack of medical care in the area, 
particularly for leprosy patients, he volunteered to work at a local hospital 
in l984. He says: "I spent most of my time not in straight medical work but in 
trying to understand my patients, their lifestyles and values -- what makes 
them weep or what matters most for them. "Luckily, I can eat anything and sleep 
anywhere,  " he grins. 

Nakamura has seen foreigners visiting Afghanistan and returning home to 
criticise the Muslim culture -- from a Western perspective. These people may be 
"heroes or heroines in London or New York,  " he says, "but they contribute 
nothing to the welfare of Afghans." As for suggestions the Taliban have cut the 
country off from the world, Nakamura says the Afghans are perhaps better 
informed than the Japanese, as they listen daily to BBC radio in their own 

The doctor's greatest concern is the fate of millions of starving refugees in 
and around Afghanistan. Over one million of them are suffering from hunger, he 
says, while up to 40% are bordering on starvation. He thinks 10% could die 
during the winter. Nakamura and his staff stopped focusing exclusively on 
leprosy in the l980s as they had so many refugees to deal with, many suffering 
from malaria, diarrhoea, infections and fever. Severe draught in recent years 
created hundreds of thousands of refugees. And now the American bombing and the 
fear of an invasion has brought more. His aid agency helps to dig wells not 
only to provide water but also for irrigation for farms, so that the refugees 
can return to their villages. 

Back home in Japan temporarily and thinking of his base area in Pakistan 
andAfghanistan,  Nakamura says: "It's all like a mirage far off in the desert." 
He fondly recalls the red-brown soil of Afghanistan fields,  the villagers 
sharing their joy about water from newly dug wells,  and the friendly faces of 
Taliban soldiers helping villagers. "I have one simple question,  " he says. 
"What are the big powers trying to defend by attacking this ailing, tiny 
country?" It's a good question.  

Some in Kandahar Mourn the End of Taliban Rule

By Pamela Constable
Washington Post Foreign Service
Wednesday, January 16, 2002; Page A12 
Kandahar, Afghanistan, Jan. 15
Every day, mourners slip into the Taliban cemetery at the edge of the city, 
stooping to caress the smooth white stones covering the graves or quietly 
contemplating the headstones that relate the history of Taliban heros. One tall 
slate stone, surrounded by flags fluttering on bamboo poles and carved in 
Afghan Pashto script, honors Yar Mohammad Akhund, a former anti-Soviet fighter 
and later a Taliban governor of several Afghan provinces. The tribute recounts 
the high points of his life, and death.
Di Kandahar sebagian berduka-cita atas berakhirnya Pemerintahan Thaliban 

Oleh Pamela Constable
Bagian Peliputan Berita Luar Negeri (harian) Washington Post 
Rabu, 16 January 2002, Hal A12
Kandahar, Afghanistan, Jan 15

Setiap hari, para peziarah membanjiri pemakaman Pejuang Thaliban di  sudut 
kota, mereka membungkuk untuk mengusap-usap batu putih halus yang  melapisi 
pemakaman atau merenungi batu -batu nisan yang berhubungan dengan sejarah para 
pahlawan Thaliban. Sebuah batu tulis tinggi, dikelilingi oleh bendera-bendera 
yang berkibar pada tiang bambu dan diukir dengan huruf Afghan Pasthun, 
penghormatan bagi Yar Mohammad Akhund, seorang mantan pejuang anti soviet dan 
berikutnya menjabat sebagai Gubernur Thaliban di berbagai propinsi Afghanistan. 
Penghormatan ini mengisahkan puncak tertinggi dalam hidup dan wafatnya.

"These boys died here alone, in a foreign country. They were our Muslim 
brothers and we weep for them," said Sher Mohammed, 65, a horse cart driver who 
was visiting the Arab cemetery Monday. "It is the duty of every Muslim to see 
they are buried with respect."

"Pemuda-pemuda ini wafat di sini dalam kesendirian, di negri asing. Mereka 
adalah saudara muslim kami dan kami menangisi (kepergian) mereka." kata Sher 
Muhammad, 65 tahun, seorang kusir sado (delman) yang mengunjungi makam  pejuang 
Arab hari Senin. "Ini adalah kewajiban setiap muslim untuk menyaksikan bahwa 
mereka dimakamkan secara hormat."

While some Afghans are relieved at the demise of the radical Islamic Taliban 
forces that controlled most of the country for five years, the people of 
Kandahar have a strikingly different view. This southern city was the 
birthplace of the Taliban, which ruled the city beginning in 1994, and its 
populace shared its ethnic Pashtun roots.

Now that the Taliban rulers have been replaced by an interim government that 
includes a hodgepodge of unruly ethnic militias from other parts of 
Afghanistan, many residents of Kandahar are openly mourning the end of the 
previous era, which they say brought seven years of peace, stability and ethnic 
Ketika sejumlah rakyat Afghan lega dengan berakhirnya kekuatan Islam radikal 
Thaliban  yang telah berkuasa di negri tsb selama lima tahun, namun masyarakat 
Kandahar mempunyai pemikiran yang amat berbeda. Kota di wilayah selatan ini 
adalah tempat terbentuknya Thaliban, yang memerintah kota sejak 1994 dan 
kebanyakan didominasi oleh etnis Pastun.
Sekarang Penguasa Thaliban telah digantikan oleh Pemerintah sementara yang 
terdiri dari milisi etnis gado-gado yang sulit diatur dari berbagai bagian 
Afghanistan, sejumlah penduduk Kandahar ada yang terang-terangan meratapi 
berakhirnya era pemerintahan sebelumnya yang mereka katakan telah membawa tujuh 
tahun kedamaian, stabilitas, dan penghargaan atas etnis.

Despite the presence of more than 3,000 U.S. troops here, Kandahar residents 
from all walks of life said they now live in fear of armed militia members and 
gunmen roaming the streets. They expressed deep mistrust of the new provincial 
governor, Gul Agha Shirzai, a controversial figure who held the same post in 
the early 1990s during a period of arbitrary violence and lawlessness.

"During the Taliban time, you could walk the streets safely day and night. Now 
we have to sleep with guns for pillows because we can be robbed at any time," 
said Abdul Haddi, 35, a car dealer. "Now we have the freedom to listen to 
music, and nobody bothers us about wearing beards, but music does not put food 
on the table. "
Walaupun ada 3 ribu pasukan Amerika di sini, namun penduduk Kandahar dari 
berbagai tingkat sosial kehidupan mengatakan bahwa saat ini mereka hidup dalam 
ketakutan akan anggota milisi bersenjata dan orang-orang bersenjata yang 
bolak-balik di jalan-jalan. Mereka menunjukkan ketidak percayaan mendalam 
terhadap Gubernur baru, Gul Agha Shirzai, tokoh kontrovesial yang pernah duduk 
di posisi yang sama di awal 1990-an pada periode kekerasan kesewenang-wenangan 
dan tiada hukum.
"Pada masa Era Thaliban, anda bisa berjalan di jalanan dengan tenang dan  
selamat baik siang maupun malam. Sekarang kami harus tidur dengan senjata 
sebagai bantal, karena kami bisa saja dirampok setiap saat." menurut Abdul 
Haddi, 35 tahun, seorang dealer mobil. "Sekarang kami memiliki kebebasan untuk 
mendengarkan musik, tak ada yang mengganggu kami tentang menumbuhkan
jenggot, tapi musik tidak membuat makanan hadir ke atas meja." 
At a nursing school on the grounds of Mir Weis Hospital, female students and 
teachers this week expressed grave concern for their safety in the streets. 
Saying they feared being accosted and molested by gunmen, they begged the 
school's director for door-to-door bus service so they would not have to walk 
or wait outdoors.
During the Taliban era, the school received special permission to teach girls 
after agreeing to follow strict Islamic rules, with no men allowed on the 
premises, no music or parties and special curtained buses bringing veiled 
students to class. Now, the girls said, the atmosphere inside the school is 
more relaxed, but the conditions outside are far more frightening. "We are so 
confused and worried. There are gunmen everywhere, and there is no stability," 
said Khatira, 18, a nursing student. "I hate guns, and I only want to study. I 
was born in a time of fighting, and I never saw any stable conditions except 
with the Taliban. In the time of extremism, I could study safely. Now I can't."
Di sebuah sekolah perawat di wilayah  Rumah Sakit Mir Weis, pelajar wanita dan 
gurunya minggu ini mengungkapkan kekhawatiran mendalam akan keselamatan mereka 
di perjalanan. Mereka takut dihampiri dan diganggu oleh orang-orang bersenjata, 
mereka memohon Kepala Sekolah untuk mengadakan bus antar jemput pintu ke pintu, 
sehingga mereka tidak perlu berjalan atau menunggu di luar rumah.

Selama Era Thaliban, sekolah ini memperoleh ijin khusus untuk mengajar kaum 
wanita setelah menyetujui aturan Islam yang 'ketat', tidak ada lelaki diijinkan 
berada di lokasi belajar mengajar, tidak ada musik atau pesta-pesta, dan 
bis-bis bertabir khusus yang biasa membawa para pelajar berjilbab menuju ke 
kelas. Sekarang, para wanita mengatakan, kondisi di dalam sekolah terasa agak 
santai, tapi kondisi di luarnya jauh lebih mengerikan/menakutkan. "Kami sangat 
bingung dan takut. Orang-orang bersenjata berkeliaran di mana-mana, dan tidak 
ada ke stabilan." kata Khatira, 18 tahun, seorang siswi perawat."Saya benci 
senjata, dan saya hanya menginginkan belajar. Saya dilahirkan di saat 
peperangan berkecamuk, dan saya belum pernah sekalipun menyaksikan situasi yang 
stabil kecuali di bawah Thaliban. Di masa ekstrimisme, saya bisa belajar dengan 
aman. Tidak untuk saat ini."

A number of Kandahar residents said they wished the U.S. military forces now 
stationed in the area would do more to help provide law and order to their 
communities, rather than focusing their efforts on hunting down Arab fighters, 
suspected terrorist leader Osama bin Laden and former heads of the Taliban.

To a certain extent, Taliban sympathies here also extend to Arabs who lived 
here and fought alongside the Taliban against its armed domestic opponents in 
northern Afghanistan, and who later were killed or wounded in the U.S. bombing
Sejumlah penduduk Kandahar mengatakan bahwa mereka berandai-andai kalau saja 
tentara Amerika yang sedang berada di daerah mereka dapat melakukan lebih 
banyak hal untuk membantu mengadakan hukum untuk komunitas mereka, daripada 
memfokuskan  usaha mereka memburu pejuang Arab, tertuduh pemimpin 'teroris' 
Usamah bin Ladin, dan bekas pemimpin Thaliban.

Pada tingkatan tertentu, simpati thdp Thaliban di sini berlanjut kepada simpati 
terhadap para pejuang Arab yang tinggal di sini dan berjuang bahu membahu 
dengan Thaliban melawan milisi-milisi lokal yang bersenjata di bagian utara 
Afghanistan, dan mereka inilah yang kemudian hari banyak terbunuh dan terluka 
akibat serangan bom-bom Amerika.


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: abdul latif 
  To: wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2005 09:02
  Subject: [wanita-muslimah] (Semoga HMNA juga sadar)<<kswmesir>> FPI Minta 
Nasehat ke PBNU

  Alhamdulillah, semoga anggota islam Radikal yang lain juga sadar, bahwa 
tindakan kekerasan tidak sama sekali membawa kebaikan, malah memberikan nama 
buruk kepada kesucian ajaran islam itu sendiri.  Banyak belajarlah dari keadaan 
sekeliling kita yang berjuang dengan tindakan kekerasan atau berbicara dengan 
ganas, keras dan tidak sopan.Hasilnya apa??

  1.Lihatlah Taliban, hancur, ribuan rakyat yang mendirita dan meninggal

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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