  Islam terbelakang ? ngarang ach....hmmm aemmm..stigma itu sudah 
"kuno"...Islam is the best...
  Jeng KB harus banyak jalan-jalan and minta pencerahan kepada Allah :)
  Banyak-banyak mendekatkan diri kepada Allah yachhh ?!
  Nich tak kasih info ya, silahkan diresapi dan dihayati,
  Di west country sono, maksud saya bukan " jawa barat " tapi di America sono, 
umat Islam pada maju dan sejajar dengan saudara-saudara kita yang bangsa Amrik, 
and muslimahnya diakui kemampuannya oleh Negara Super Power tersebut,
  America's First Muslimah Judge

  Zakia Mahasa, Master Chancery in the Family Division of the Baltimore City 
Circuit Court
by Nadirah Z. Sabir, 
  Zakia Mahasa, the first Muslimah ever to be appointed to a judgeship in the 
American courts, never apologizes for who she is; instead, she gains respect 
and accumulates success after success by focusing on being outstanding at 
whatever she does.
  A powerful presence in the courtroom and a dynamic woman who knows her own 
mind, Zakia has possessed this drive to achieve and strong sense of direction 
since her earliest years.
  "When I was about four years old," she smiles, "I was reading the newspaper. 
There's a game, Wishing Well. 'You'd count the letters in a name--mine spelled 
out, One day, you'll be a lawyer or doctor.' So I thought, I have to do really 
well in kindergarten so I can get into a really good first grade!"
  Since then Zakia's fortunes have multiplied with the power of that kind of 
determination and focus and on her belief in God. She asserts passionately that 
what gives her the aplomb to pursue her interests and to be herself is her 
Islamic faith.
  "You really have to have a certainty and surety and confidence about 
yourself," as a Muslimah, Zakia advises. "It carries me through everything I 
do. My way of life [as a Muslimah] is superior to anything out there. I believe 
God wanted me in this position."
  Zakia's study of Islam began while she was an undergraduate at the University 
of Maryland, where she was majoring in business management. She declared her 
shahadah [profession of faith] a year later.
  "It was initially difficult for my mother," Zakia recalls. "I had a cousin 
who had a bad experience with the Nation of Islam." But Zakia knew her path and 
stuck to it, and by the time Ramadan came, only two weeks after her conversion, 
Zakia says her mother "had my meals ready at the end of the day!"
  Zakia's father had more pragmatic concerns over his daughter's conversion to 
Islam. Since Zakia was headed toward law school at that time, he wondered 
whether there would be any place for a Muslimah in the circles of American law. 
Zakia herself was not at all worried. She explains, "Islam really does free you 
of all that. If God wants it for you, nobody can take it away. I felt that as 
long as I looked professional and really knew what I was doing," success would 
  Zakia's father asserted that appearances are important in the legal 
profession, but Zakia would not compromise her faith. "When I first became 
Muslim, from the very beginning I was covered," she says. "At work I knew it 
was important to look professional. I dress well. I wear suits, skirts, 
dresses, blazers. They're longer, looser. I don't wear over-garments to work, 
but it's evident I'm being modest. My hair is always covered, but pulled back 
and out of the way. I did my research and I am convinced that I am properly 
covered; you can dress many ways and still be properly covered."
  Much of her success Zakia attributes directly to this refusal to betray 
herself or her Islamic principles in order to be accepted by or blend in with 
others. Of her iman [faith], she says firmly, "I don't wear it on my sleeve. 
But I don't hide it. It's who I am." If you stand for what you are, even if it 
is different from the mainstream, Zakia believes, others will respect you.
  "My being a Muslim doesn't mean I'm standoffish or reclusive. I'm very 
approachable," she says.
  Above all, she advises, in order to earn the respect of others, "You have to 
be good," at what you do.
  Zakia excels at what she does. As Master Chancery in the family division of 
the Baltimore City Circuit Court, she presides over domestic cases, hearing 
anywhere from nine to thirty of them a day. These cases tend to be emotional 
and complicated, involving abused, neglected and delinquent children. Zakia 
unabashedly brings a healthy Islamic outlook to her work, believing that often 
the best way to propagate Islam is by example.
  ------ :)
  Kalau ada umat islam yang terbelakang itu mungkin saja, bisa aja di Bandung 
sono umat Islamnya ada yang terbelakang karena tergoda dengan duniawi.
  Repot ach kalau diskusi dengan insan yang kurang trappelingnya :( , maaf yang 
saya maksud adalah "travelling".
  Tak kasih lagi dech infonya, biar tambah tercerahkan yach.....yach ?!
  Why British Women are turning to Islam
  The Times - Tuesday, 9th November 1993 - Home-news Page
Lucy Berrington finds the Muslim Faith is winning Western admirers despite 
hostile media coverage
  Unprecedented numbers of British people, nearly all of them women, are 
converting to Islam at a time of deep divisions within the Anglican and 
Catholic churches. 
  The rate of conversions has prompted predictions that Islam will rapidly 
become an important religious force in this country. "Within the next 20 years 
the number of British converts will equal or overtake the immigrant Muslim 
community that brought the faith here", says Rose Kendrick, a religious 
education teacher at a Hull comprehensive and the author of a textbook guide to 
the Koran. She says: "Islam is as much a world faith as is Roman Catholicism. 
No one nationality claims it as its own". Islam is also spreading fast on the 
continent and in America.   The surge in conversions to Islam has taken place 
despite the negative image of the faith in the Western press. Indeed, the pace 
of conversions has accelerated since publicity over the Salman Rushdie affair, 
the Gulf War and the plight of the Muslims in Bosnia. It is even more ironic 
that most British converts should be women, given the widespread view in the 
west that Islam treats women poorly. In the United States,
 women converts outnumber men by four to one, and in Britain make up the bulk 
of the estimated 10, 000 to 20, 000 converts, forming part of a Muslim 
community of 1 to 1.5 million. Many of Britains "New Muslims" are from 
middle-class backgrounds. They include Matthew Wilkinson, a former head boy of 
Eton who went on to Cambridge, and a son and daughter of Lord Justice Scott, 
the judge heading the arms-to-Iraq enquiry.   A small scale survey by the 
Islamic Foundation in Leicester suggests that most converts are aged 30 to 50. 
Younger muslims point to many conversions among students and highlight the 
intellectual thrust of Islam. "Muhammad" said, "The light of Islam will rise in 
the West" and I think that is what is happening in our day" says Aliya Haeri, 
an American-born psychologist who converted 15 years ago. She is a consultant 
to the Zahra Trust, a charity publishing spiritual literature and is one of 
Britain's prominent Islamic speakers. She adds: "Western converts are
 coming to Islam with fresh eyes, without all the habits of the East, avoiding 
much of what is culturally wrong. The purest tradition is finding itself 
strongest in the West."   Some say the conversions are prompted by the rise of 
comparative religious education. The British media, offering what Muslims 
describe as a relentless bad press on all things Islamic, is also said to have 
helped. Westerners despairing of their own society - rising in crime, family 
breakdown, drugs and alcoholism - have come to admire the discipline and 
security of Islam. Many converts are former Christians disillusioned by the 
uncertainty of the church and unhappy with the concept of the Trinity and 
deification of Jesus.     Quest of the Convert - Why Change?  Other converts 
describe a search for a religious identity. Many had previously been practising 
Christians but found intellectual satisfaction in Islam. "I was a theology 
student and it was the academic argument that led to my conversion."
 Rose Kendrick, a religious education teacher and author, said she objected to 
the concept of the original sin: "Under Islam, the sins of the fathers aren't 
visited on the sons. The idea that God is not always forgiving is blasphemous 
to Muslims.   Maimuna, 39, was raised as a High Anglican and confirmed at 15 at 
the peak of her religious devotion. "I was entranced by the ritual of the High 
Church and thought about taking the veil." Her crisis came when a prayer was 
not answered. She slammed the door on visiting vicars but travelled to convents 
for discussions with nuns. "My belief came back stronger, but not for the 
Church, the institution or the dogma." She researched every Christian 
denomination, plus Judaism, Buddhism and Krishna Consciousness, before turning 
to Islam.   Many converts from Christianity reject the ecclesiastical heirarchy 
emphasising Muslims' direct relationship with God. They sense a lack of 
leadership in the Church of England and are suspicious of its
 apparent flexibility. "Muslims don't keep shifting their goal-posts ," says 
Huda Khattab, 28, author of The Muslim Woman's Handbook, published this year by 
Ta-Ha. She converted ten years ago while studying Arabic at university. 
"Christianity changes, like the way some have said pre-marital se is okay if 
its with the person you're going to marry. It seems so wishy-washy. Islam was 
constant about sex, about praying five times a day. The prayer makes you 
conscious of God all the time. You're continually touching base. 
  Nah tuch, female - female Europe pada ber Islam ria, mau ikutan ? 

kila4tb1roe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Pak Jano ko, anak SD juga tahu kalau  pedoman utama untuk umat Islam
itu Al-Qur'an dan hadis, tapi apa ini yang dijadika subject utamanya??
jika demikian pantas saja jika kita umat muslim seringkali menjadi
umat yang "terbelakang". Yang paling penting bukan sekedar tahu bahwa
pedoman umat Islam adalah Al-Qur'an tapi lebih kepada pemahaman
terhadap Al-Qur'an sendiri.

Semisal pemahaman ayat nusus dalam surat An-nisa, yang sering
diartikan dengan kata memukul dan dipahami bahwa perempuan yang
membangkang terhadap suami hendaknya di pukul. Padahal selain kata
pukul secara tata bahasa (lingustik) kata "dharaba" bisa berarti
merangsang atau menggairahkan, jadi mana yang kira-kira "pas" untuk di
praktekan kepada istri anda yang membangkang apakah hendak dipukul
agar menurut atau dirangsang (terserah mau pake apa bisa pake
perhiasaan, uang, kartu kredit, rumah, mobil atau "adik kecil;) utnuk
membuat istri anda menurut...mana yang memenuhi sifat keadilan??

--- In wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com, jano ko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Parameternya gampang aja lhah youwwww,
>   Pedoman utama saya dan bu Mei kan Al Qur'an dan Hadis, hiya tho ?,
buka saja Al Qur'an dan Hadis,  kan engga ok kalau saya harus
membacakan untuk bu Mei, kan bu Mei ini ustadzah .....:) , bu Mei
yakin engga dengan pedoman umat Islam tersebut ?
>   Kemudian kita lihat "ulamanya" itu perilakunya sesuai dengan Al
Qur'an dan Hadis atau tidak, lha kalau oknum "ulamanya" itu berani
sama gusti Allah ya didoakan supaya sadar, kalau engga sadar-sadar dan
merugikan umat ya dilaporkan ke Police gitu.
>   Salah satu parameter yang disebutkan oleh Al Qur'an tentang
eksistensinya Ulama adalah "rasa takut" kepada Allah, hmmm, indah
banget tuch parameternya, lha wong ada oknum "u" yang perbuatannya
tidak mencerminkan ajaran Islam, bu Mei tahu tho dengan "Orientalis",
nah mahluk yang banyak ini mempelajari Al Qur'an dan Hadis and soon,
tapi bukan tujuan untuk memuliakan Allah tapi untuk tujuan yang lain,
makanya "Orientalis" ini tidak pernah mempunyai "rasa takut" kepada Allah.
>   Saya memakai bahasa Inggris itu kan karena saya menghormati
insan-insan Liberal, mereka kan condongnya ke "barat", lha wong
"idolanya" saja baru belajar di Barat, tapi saya engga tahu "barat"
yang mana yang mereka condongi, lha wong orang-orang barat sekarang
pada "convert" ke Islam Salafi....:). Apa salah kalau saya menghormati
adik kita yang liberal-liberal itu ?
>   Jangan dikira di "Barat" sana tidak ada oarng yang "ndesit" atau
berpikiran "udik", saya engga tahu yang mana yang diikuti, yang udik
atau yang salafi...
>   Selamat belajar.
>   Wassalam
>   "L.Meilany" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Numpang tanya Pak Jano ko,
> Sekolah, pendidikan untuk ulama itu ada atau nggak?
> Atau 'pengakuan' [ sertifikat] sebagai ulama itu ada atau ndak..
> Apakah otomatis pengelola/pemilik pesantren turun temurun itu ulama?
> Kalo pak Jano ko rujukannya selalu ke barat, bahasa inggris [ ndak
paham saya]
> Sebagai orang indonesia yg dikatakan ulama adalah : orang2 yg
'pandai', ahli, dalam pengetahuan agama islam.
> Alim. Alim ulama, orang yg punya kepandaian agama islam dan orang yg
baik perilakunya...
> Jadi :
> Gimana yg bisa diangkat jadi ulama, kriterianya  [ kalo di
indonesia; menyebut MUI]  itu apa saja....
> Sebagai umat, kita ikuti ulama yg mana? yg muhammadiyah, nu, ht, al
arqam, atau ulama di kampung.....?
> Kalo ikuti ulama  [baca :MUI] isinya macam2, kadang2 di MUI ngomong
A, di organisasi ngomong B.
> Contohnya ulama DS ; di MUI bilang perayaan natal ndak boleh, di
organisasinya bilang 'o boleh, silaken, 
> pake gedung kami juga ndak pa-pa'........
> Itulah ulama di indonesia....... :-))
> salam 
> l.meilany
> [ kayaknya di WM juga banyak sekali ulama :-)) ]
> ----- Original Message ----- 
>   From: jano ko 
>   To: wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com 
>   Sent: Sunday, April 09, 2006 3:57 PM
>   Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Kami 'dengar' dan kami taat - Ulama
>   Maaf, disini ada salah kaprah,
>     Kalau ada orang yg merasa dirinya sebagai Allah, itu namanya
orang yang tidak mendapat petunjuk, namanya bukan 'Ulama', 
>     Menyamakan dirinya dengan Allah itu syirik, orang yang syirik
itu jelas orang yang tidak mengerti aturan Islam.
>     Sekarang kita baca bersama defisini Ulama :
>     The direct translation would be 'the ones possessing knowledge'.
Ulama is a plural term, and the singular can be both calîm (long i)
and câlim (long a), where both can be translated with 'learned,
knowing man'. câlim is the most frequently used of the two.
>     Normally ulama is used for the group of men with religious
education and religiously related professions. Ulama is the group of
men expressing the true content of Islam towards both the people and
the rulers. Men belonging to ulama have education in the Koran, the
Sunna and Sharia.
>   ---------
>     Al Qur'an
>     [4.116] Sesungguhnya Allah tidak mengampuni dosa mempersekutukan
(sesuatu) dengan Dia, dan Dia mengampuni dosa yang selain dari syirik
itu bagi siapa yang dikehendaki-Nya. Barang siapa yang mempersekutukan
(sesuatu) dengan Allah, maka sesungguhnya ia telah tersesat
>     [6.82] Orang-orang yang beriman dan tidak mencampur adukkan iman
mereka dengan kelaliman (syirik), mereka itulah orang-orang yang
mendapat keamanan dan mereka itu adalah orang-orang yang mendapat
>     ---------------
>     Maaf lagi, dengan parameter apa anda menilai Pak HMNA perlu
pencerahan?, maksud pencerahan itu apa ?, bertanya boleh ya...apakah
anda merasa lebih baik dari HMNA dalam beragama islam ?, bertanya lagi....
>     wassalam.
>   sarinesia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>     itu adalah ulama yg perlu pencerahan pak.. yaa seperti HMNA lah :))
>   --- In wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com, "st sabri" <st.sabri@> wrote:
>   >
>   > Yang menjadi persoalan, banyak ulama merasa dirinya "Allah" ketika
>   > menyampaikan ini. Jadi ketika ada yg sedikit mbalelo, meski
Allah gak
>   > ngasih kode apa-apa, sang ulama merasa boleh menghukum.
>   > 
>   > disini repotnya, banyak ulama 'merasa' pasti benar karena pikiran
>   > mereka berdasarkan ayat suci.
>   > 
>   > salam refot
>   > 
>   > 
>   > --- In wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com, "Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto"
>   > <asetijadi@> wrote:
>   > >
>   > > Nambahi Mbak Mei,
>   > > 
>   > > "Kami dengar dan kami taat itu" hanya sama Allah lho mbak,
bukan sama
>   > > manusia walaupun manusia itu ulama.
>   > > "Daging Babi haram DIMAKAN" itu betul kata Allah yang tertulis di
>   > Al-Quran,
>   > > tapi kan Allah bicaranya nggak cuman sampai di situ,
>   > >
>   >
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