Bisa gak ya.. para ulama itu bersedia untuk duduk bersama dan berdiskusi?
Saling melapangkan dada kalau di pihak lain terdapat kebenaran? Dan
bersedia dengan lapang dada pula mengkoreksi pendapatnya ke masyarakat
jika setelah didiskusikan memang mengandung kesalahan? Jadi bukan dengan
sikap tidak mau berdiskusi dan tidak mau melihat kemungkinan kebenaran di
pihak lain. Alangkah baiknya jika para ulama itu saling berkasih sayang
dan memikirkan kemaslahatan ummat bukan diri mereka sendiri. Yang paling
dirugikan dengan pertengkaran para ulama itu adalah ummat, yang semakin
bingung dan hilang pegangan. Tetapi alangkah sulitnya... Para ulama saling
mengeluarkan pendapatnya sendiri-sendiri, tidak mau mendiskusikan terlebih
dahulu sebelum "released" ke ummat. Banyaknya para ulama yang mengeluarkan
pendapat, menjadikan umat mendengar banyak suara. Masing-masing sukar
untuk menerima koreksi dari yang lain dan tidak bisa berlaku rendah hati.
Dan yang lain kurang bisa memberikan koreksi dengan kasih sayang.

"Dwi W. Soegardi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by:
04/24/2006 02:16 PM
Please respond to


[wanita-muslimah] Re: "Fatwa Kontemporer" Hassan Turabi

On 4/20/06, Dwi W. Soegardi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mantan Jubir Parlemen Sudan Hassan Turabi:
> - muslimah boleh menikah dengan laki-laki Ahli Kitab
> - perempuan diperintahkan menutup dada, bukan wajah
> - perempuan dapat menjadi imam salat
> - perempuan dapat menjadi pemimpin negara
> - tidak ada hukuman bagi orang yang minum alkohol di rumahnya

Akibat melontarkan pendapat2 di atas, Hassan Turabi kini dicap sesat
oleh para ulama Sudan dan diharuskan bertobat atau menghadapi hukuman
serius. Ironisnya, di tahun 80-an Turabi menjadi penasehat presiden
Jafar Nimeiri yang menggantung Mahmud Muhammad Taha .

salam, DWS

Sudan's Turabi considered apostate

April 23, 2006 (KHARTOUM) ? A Sudanese Islamist leader who once
protected Al Qaeda supremo Osama Bin Laden was branded an apostate by
the country's Muslim scholars on Sunday for taking a liberal stand on
women's rights.

The clerics proposed trying Hassan al-Turabi for apostasy following
recent declarations by the Popular Congress Party leader that women
were equal to men, had the right to marry a Christian or a Jew and
could even lead prayers.

"Turabi should declare repentance or face the Sharia Hadd for heresy,"
said the statement by the Muslim Scholars Committee, which has the
support of the government and controls many of the country's mosques.

Hadd is a word in Islamic law that applies to punishments inflicted
for some of the most serious offenses. The traditional punishment for
heresy or apostasy in Sharia law is the death penalty.

During a conference in Khartoum earlier this month, Turabi - the
country's most famous Muslim theologian - sparked an intense debate by
expressing liberal views on Sudanese society and Islam.

The white-turbaned 74-year-old cleric described the Muslim teachings
that a Muslim woman should not marry a Christian or a Jew as
"backward" and that adherence to such principles was aimed at
hampering women's rights.

He sanctioned mixed prayers so long as men and women did not sit too
close to each other, in order to avoid "arousing sexual feelings" that
could distract worshippers from their praying.

Turabi, who spent several years aggressively promoting a hardline
Islamist ideology, also said a woman's testimony was worth a man's and
even more in cases when a woman commands superior expertise in a
specific field.

Once the power behind President Omar al-Bashir's throne, Turabi fell
from grace in 2000 and was detained several times. He was last
released in June 2005 and remains one of Sudan's leading opposition

It was on Turabi's advice that former Sudanese president Jaafar
Nimeiri ordered in 1985 the execution by hanging at age 75 of Mahmoud
Mohamed Taha for refusing to recant his unorthodox views on Islam.

Taha, who founded the Republican Brothers organisation and held
liberal views notably on the place of women in society, was then
Turabi's arch rival.

The Islamist leader now faces a taste of his own medicine but
defiantly reiterated his views several times in recent interviews and
lectures, sparking the ire of Muslim traditionalists worldwide.

He hit back at his critics on Saturday night during a gathering at the
University of Khartoum, accusing them of defending "stale ideas". He
justified his statement on marriage by explaining that Christians and
Jews are "People of the Book" and therefore not infidels.

Turabi also advocated dialogue with the West in order to improve the
image of Islam and stressed that jihad [holy struggle] should only be
waged "in self-defence and not in aggression against others".

He deplored that the West had "a wrong idea and a bad image of Islam".
"We seek to present a good model and I have even spoken with the Pope
on this matter," he added.

It was Turabi, then the gray eminence of Bashir's Islamist regime, who
invited Bin Laden to Sudan in 1990 and provided him with a safe haven
from 1991 to 1996, when the Al Qaeda chief was eventually expelled
under mounting international pressure on Khartoum.

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