Kita shalat, menyembah Nya, sebagai ungkapan syukur dan terimakasih kita
kepada Nya atas segala karunianya. Oleh karenanya kita memuji Nya ketika
ruku dan sujud. Dan sebagai cara untuk berdoa dan meminta pertolongan Nya.
Oleh karenanya kita meminta ketika duduk di antara dua sujud. Sebagai
sarana meditasi dan berkomunikasi dengan Nya. Oleh karenanya kita membaca
al-Fatihah dan al-Qur'an (pesan-pesan Nya) ketika kita berdiri.


Sent by:
05/09/2006 02:08 PM
Please respond to


RE: [wanita-muslimah] SINAR CAHAYA AYAT KURSI - Tafsir Ayat Al-Kursi From
Tafsir of Imam ibn Kathir

Kalau saya yang menerjemahkan di tafsir yang saya tulis, "to be
worshipped" saya terjemahkan dengan "to be oriented" atau "to be served".

Terjemahan "ilah" dengan "yang disembah" sudah kadaluwarsa dalam zaman
sekarang. Mengapa? Karena, Tuhan sama sekali tidak butuh disembah. Tuhan
bukanlah raja yang gila sesembahan! Tuhan adalah yang menjadi orientasi
hidup kita. Tuhan adalah Dia yang harus senantiasa dilayani dengan cara
melayani semua makhluk hidup. Jadi, dalam hidup ini kita sebagai manusia
harus berorientasi kepada Tuhan semata-mata, dan hanya Dia yang kita
layani dengan "ta'awun 'alaa al-birri wa al-taqwaa", hidup saling melayani
dalam kebajikan dan ketakwaan.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of jano ko
Sent: Monday, May 08, 2006 8:56 PM
Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] SINAR CAHAYA AYAT KURSI - Tafsir Ayat
Al-Kursi From Tafsir of Imam ibn Kathir

Jano - ko mencari pahala :

  Tafsir Ayat Al-Kursi
>From Tafsir of Imam Ibn Kathir
Abridged under the supervision of Shaykh Safiur-Rahman Al-Mubarakpuri

  "Allah! None has the right to be worshipped but He, the Ever Living, the
One Who sustains and protects all that exists. Neither slumber nor sleep
overtakes Him. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is
on the earth. Who is he that can intercede with Him except with His
permission? He know what happens to them (His creatures) in this world,
and what will happen to them in the Hereafter. and they will never compass
anything of His Knowledge except that which He wills. His Kursi extends
over the heavens and the earth, and He feels no fatigue in guarding and
preserving them. And He is the Most High, the Most Great."
Surah Al-Baqarah Ayat Al-Kursi (v.255)

  Ayat Al Kursi has Ten Complete Arabic Sentences
  Allah's statement,
    Allah! None has the right to be worshipped but He
  mentions that Allah is the One and Only Lord of all creation.

Allah's statement,
  testifies that Allah is the Ever Living, Who never dies, Who sustains
everyone and everything,. All creation stands in need of Allah and totally
relies on Him, while He is the Most Rich, Who stands in need of nothing
created. Similarly, Allah said,
    And among his signs is that the heaven and the earth stand by His
Surah Ar-Rum Ayah 25
  Neither slumber nor sleep overtakes Him
  means, no shortcoming, unawareness or ignorance ever touches Allah.
Rather, He is aware of, and controls what every soul earns, has perfect
watch over everything, nothing escapes His knowlegde, and no secret matter
is secret to Him. Among His perfect attributes, is the fact that He is
never effected by slumber or sleep. therefore Allah's statement,
    Neither slumber nor sleep overtakes Him
  indicates that no unawareness due to slumber or sleep ever overtakes
Allah. Allah said afterwards,
    nor sleep
  which is stronger than slumber. It is recorded in the Sahih that Abu
Musa said,
    The Messenger of Allah  delivered a speech regarding four words:
"Allah does not sleep, and it does not befit His majesty that He sleeps.
He lowers the scales and raises them. The deeds of the day are resurrected
in front of Him before the deeds before the deeds of the night, and the
deeds of the night before the deeds of day. His Veil is light, or fire,
and if He removes it, the rays from His Face would burn whatever His sight
reaches of His creation."
Sahih Muslim 1:161

  Allah's statement,
    To him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth
  indicated that everyone is a servant for Allah, a part of his kingdom
and under His power and authority. Similarly, Allah said
    There is none in the heavens and the earth but comes unto the Most
Gracious (Allah) as a servant.
Verily, He knows each one of them, and has counted them a full counting.
And everyone of them will come to Him alone on the Day of Resurrection
(without any Helper, or protector or defender).
Surah Maryam Ayah's 93-95
  Allahs statement
    Who is he that can intercede with Him except with His permission?
  is similar to His statements,
    And there are many angels in the heavens, whose intercession will
avail nothing except after Allah has given leave for whom He wills and is
pleased with.
Surah An-Najm Ayah 26
    They cannot intercede except for him with whome He is pleased
Surah Al-Anbiya Ayah 28
  these Ayat assert Allah's greatness, pride, and grace, and that no one
dares to intercede with Him on behalf of anyone else, except by His
permission. Indeed, the Hadith about the intercession, states that the
Prophet  said,
    "I will stand under the Throne and fall in prostration, and Allah will
allow me to remain in that position as much as He wills. I will thereafter
be told, "Raise your head, speak and you will be heard, intercede and your
intercession will be accepted". The Prophet  then said, "He will allow me
a proportion whom I will enter into Paradise."
Sahih Muslim 1:180
  Allah's statement,
    He knows what happens to them (His creatures) in this world, and what
will happen to them in the Hereafter
  this refers to His perfect knowledge of all creation; its past, present
and future. Similarly, Allah said that the angels proclaimed;
    And we (angels) descend not except by the command of your Lord (O
Muhammad ). to Him belongs what is before us and what is behind us, and
what is between those two; and your Lord is never forgetful
Surah Maryam Ayah 64
  Allah's statement,
    And they will never compass anything of His Knowledge except that
which He wills
  asserts the fact that no one attains any part of Allah's knowledge
except what Allah conveys and allows. this part of the Ayah indicates that
no one ever acquires knowledge of Allah and in His Attributes, except what
He conveys to them. For instance Allah said,
    But they will never compass anything of His knowledge
Surah Ta-Ha Ayah 110
  Allah said,
    His Kursi extends over the heavens and the earth.
  Waki' narrated in his Tafsir that Ibn Abbas said,
    "Kursi is the footstool, and no one is able to give due consideration
to [Allah's] Throne"
At-Tabarani 12:39
  Al-Hakim recorded this Hadith in his Mustadrak (Al-Hakim 2:282) from Ibn
Abbas who did not relate it to the . Al-Hakim said, "It is Sahih according
to the criteria of the Two Sahihs, and they (Al-Bukhari and Muslim) did
not record it."

In addition, Ad-Dahhak said that Ibn Abbas said,
    "If the seven heavens and the seven earths were flattened and laid
side by side, they would add up to the size of a ring in a desert,
compared to the Kursi"
Ibn Abi Hatim 3:981
  Allah said,
    And He feels no fatigue in guarding and preservng them
  meaning, it does not burden or cause Him fatigue to protect the heavens
and earth and all that is in between them. Rather, this is an easy matter
fo Him. Further, Allah sustains everything, has perfect watch over
everything, nothing ever escapes His knowledge and no matter is ever a
secret to Him. All matters are insignificant, modest and humble before
Him. He is the Most Rich, worthy of all praise. He does, what He will, and
no one can ask Him about what He does, while they perfect alertness
concerning everything. He is the Most High, the Greatest, there is no
deity worthy of worship except Him, and no Lord other than Him.
  Allah's statement,
    And he is the Most High, the Most Great
  is similar to His statement,
    the Most Great, the Most High
Surah Ar-Rad Ayah 9
  These and similar Ayat and authentic Hadiths about Allah's Attributes
must be treated the way the Salaf (righteous ancestors) treated them by
accepting their apparent meanings without equating them [with the
attributes of the creation] or altering their apparent meaning.


He-Man <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Yang beginian biasanya hadis pegangan ahli hikmah/tasawuf yang tidak
terlalu peduli sanad.Amalan ayat kursi itu termasuk amalan berat bahkan
bisa bikin gila.Makanya di kalangan orang-orang yang doyan wiridan
dilarang wirid ayat kursi kalau tidak didahului oleh shalawat dan

----- Original Message -----
From: "Yulia Artati" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, May 08, 2006 11:58 AM
Subject: [wanita-muslimah] SINAR CAHAYA AYAT KURSI

> Sekedar berbagi...semoga bermanfaat....
> Dlm sebuah hadis, ada menyebut perihal seekor syaitan
> yg duduk
> diatas pintu rumah.
> Tugasnya ialah utk menanam keraguan di hati suami
> terhadap
> kesetiaan isteri di rumah dan keraguan dihati isteri
> terhadap
> kejujuran suami di luar rumah.
>  Sebab itulah Rasulullah tidak
> akan masuk rumah sehinggalah Baginda mendengar jawaban
> salam
> daripada isterinya.
> Disaat itu syaitan akan lari bersama-sama dengan salam
> itu.
> Hikmat Ayat Al-Kursi mengikut Hadis-hadis:
> 1) Barang siapa membaca ayat Al-Kursi apabila
> berbaring di
> tempat tidurnya, Allah SWT mewakilkan dua orang
> Malaikat
> memeliharanya hingga subuh.
> 2) Barang siapa membaca ayat Al-Kursi di akhir setiap
> sembahyang Fardhu, dia akan berada dlm lindungan Allah
> hingga sembahyang yang lain.
> 3) Barang siapa membaca ayat Al-Kursi di akhir tiap
> sembahyang,tidak menegah akan dia daripada masuk
> syurga
> kecuali maut dan barang siapa membacanya ketika hendak
> tidur,
> Allah SWT memelihara akan dia ke atas rumahnya, rumah
> jirannya
> dan ahli rumah-rumah disekitarnya.
> 4) Barang siapa membaca ayat Al-Kursi di akhir tiap2
> sembahyang fardhu, Allah SWT
> menganugerahkan dia setiap hati orang yg
> bersyukur,setiap
> perbuatan orang yg benar,pahala nabi2 serta Allah
> melimpahkan
> padanya rahmat.
> 5) Barang siapa membaca ayat Al-Kursi sebelum keluar
> rumahnya,
> maka Allah SWT mengutuskan 70,000 Malaikat kepadanya -
> mereka
> semua memohon keampunan dan mendoakan baginya.
> 6) Barang siapa membaca ayat Al-Kursi di akhir
> sembahyang
> Allah SWT akan mengendalikan
> pengambilan rohnya dan dia adalah seperti orang yang
> berperang
> bersama Nabi Allah sehingga mati syahid.
> 7) Barang siapa yang membaca ayat Al-Kursi ketika
> dalam
> kesempitan nescaya Allah SWT berkenan memberi
> pertolongan
> kepadanya.
> Dari Abdullah bin 'Amr r.a., Rasulullah S.A.W.
> bersabda,Sampaikanlah pesanku biarpun satu ayat..."
> Wassalam,
> "Utamakan SELAMAT dan SEHAT untuk Dunia Mu, Utamakan
> dan ZAKAT untuk Akhirat Mu"
> Subhanallah...

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