Aneh yaa... kalau yang kawin mut'ah di haramkan tapi yang misyar
dihalakan padahal apa bedanya?? dua-duanya bukan model perkawinan yang

Dan apa benar kalau nikah misyar ini tidak pernah ada di zaman Nabi?
kalau begitu ini bentuk pernikahan yang baru di kenal sekitar tahun
1800'an, tapi ulama setingkat Y.Qardawi menghalakan nikah masyar
berdasarkan apa?? rujukannya apa??

--- In, "Ari Condro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Misyar Marriage in practice  (ini lho dasar hukum untuk ber yuhuu
yuhuu di
> puncak)
> The practice of Misyar marriage is often different from the original
> for creating this institution. Wealthy Kuwaiti and Saudi men
sometimes enter
> into a Misyar marriage while on vacation. This allows them to have
> relations with another woman without committing the sin of
> zina<>
> .
> They travel to poor countries, such as Egypt or Syria, and meet
> who arrange a marriage for them. Some men arrange Misyar marriages
> The middleman brings some girls and they pick the one that they like
> These men pay the girl's family some money.
> Islam and Misyar Marriage
> Misyar marriage has been practiced in Saudi
> Arabia<>and
> Egypt <> for many years. It was
> in Saudi Arabia by a fatwa issued by Sheikh Abdul 'Azeez ibn
Abdullaah ibn
> Baaz
> was officially legalized in Egypt by the Egyptian Sunni Imam Sheikh
> Muhammad
> Sayid Tantawy <>
in 1999.
> The Mufti <> of
> Egypt<>is a staunch defender of
> Misyar marriage.
> On 5/26/06, Dwi W. Soegardi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Setelah Majlis Fikih Islam (berafiliasi dengan Organisasi Konferensi
> > Islam, OKI) menerbitkan fatwa "progresif" tentang Nikah Al-Misyar
> > (sekali lagi bukan "misywar" seperti judul diskusi yang pernah lama
> > berlangsung di sini), nikah model ini semakin populer.
> >
> > Sekedar mengulang, nikah misyar ini:
> > = suami-istri tidak tinggal bersama, suami tidak bertanggung jawab
> > nafkah.
> >
> > Fatwa Majlis menyebutkan:
> > "akad nikah di mana pihak perempuan rela kehilangan hak tempat tinggal
> > dan nafkah, dan bersedia dikunjungi oleh pihak laki-laki di rumah
> > keluarganya kapan saja suaminya menginginkan, siang atau malam, .....
> > adalah SAH."
> >
> > Saya masih kurang jelas detil teknis pernikahan ini. Selain seks,
> > suami tidak punya tanggung jawab apapun. Bagaimana kalau menghasilkan
> > anak? Bagaimana kalau salah satu pihak ingin mengakhiri kontrak,
> > bagaimana prosedur talaknya, iddahnya?
> >
> > Selain itu ternyata pihak perempuan masih bisa menentukan besarnya
> > mahar dan "maintenance cost" bulanan (lho bedanya apa dengan nafkah?).
> > Karena fatwa ini datang dari majlis "bona fide", akankah menjadi
> > trendi di Indonesia?
> >
> > salam,
> > DWS
> >
> >
> > Published: 05/25/2006 12:00 AM  (UAE)
> >
> >
> > Misyar marriages gain popularity among Saudis
> >
> > By Mariam Al Hakeem, Correspondent
> >
> >
> > Riyadh: Matchmakers are becoming busy by the day with the wider appeal
> > of misyar marriages in Saudi Arabia.
> >
> > There has been a 50 percent increase in misyar marriages after the
> > issuance of a religious edict (fatwa) giving the alliance sanctity
> > last month by the Islamic Fiqh Academy.
> >
> > "Among the regions in the kingdom, Jeddah tops in the number of these
> > marriages, followed by Riyadh, Eastern Region and Qasim," said Shaikh
> > Ahmad Al Omari, a licensed marriage notary (mazoun) based in Jeddah.
> >
> > Shaikh Ahmad Al Omari, who is also an imam and preacher at a mosque in
> > Jeddah, said more marriage proposals come from men than women.
> >
> > Speaking to media persons, he said: "I am getting requests seeking to
> > facilitate misyar marriages not only from various parts of the
> > kingdom, but also from several other GCC countries, some Arab
> > countries like Egypt, Jordan and Morocco and even from European
> > countries.
> >
> > "Recently, I received a request from a 13-year-old girl asking for
> > misyar marriage for a mahar of Saudi 25,000 Saudi riyals (about
> > Dh25,000) and a monthly maintenance cost of 1,000 riyals." He added:
> > "When I made enquiries about the girl, I found out that she was living
> > with her mother and was in dire financial situation. For her, misyar
> > marriage is the only and ideal option left to get out of the
> > situation."
> >
> > Referring to protests and objections raised against this type of
> > marriage, Shaikh Ahmad Al Omari said misyar marriage is being held
> > strictly in conformity with the provisions of the Islamic marriage
> > contracts.
> >
> > "It meets all the criteria and conditions of an Islamic marriage. This
> > type of marriage will be valid only if the marriage is being held by
> > the parents or close blood relatives of the bride and with the consent
> > of the couple," he said.
> >
> > He also drew attention to the recent fatwa issued by the Jeddah-based
> > Islamic Fiqh Academy, an affiliate of the Organisation of the Islamic
> > Conference (OIC).
> >
> > The religious edict says that "a marriage contract in which the woman
> > relinquishes (her right to) housing and support money ... and accepts
> > that the man visits her in her family house whenever he likes, day or
> > night ... is valid."
> >
> > Shaikh Ahmad Al Omari said several university students also made
> > requests for misyar marriage. "They want woman who own a house and who
> > are not seeking any cost of maintenance. They are not bothered about
> > the age of the would-be spouses," he said.
> >
> > Shaikh Ahmad Al Omari also said several parties have withdrawn at the
> > eleventh hour before concluding the marriage contract.
> >
> > Husband is not financially responsible
> >
> >     * The word Misyar is from the colloquial Arabic word for visitor.
> >     * Misyar marriage is one where the couple does not live together
> > and the husband is not financially responsible for his wife.
> >     * Misyar marriage is usually sought after by men who want to avoid
> > the burden of dowries and alimonies that are usually stipulated in
> > standard Islamic marriage contracts.
> >
> >
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