Ya, kemungkinan "the other side" itu benar juga ada. Saya rasa simpati
saya terhadap Kapten Yee yang besar telah membuat saya terlalu berpihak
padanya. Tidak menutup kemungkinan sekalipun Kapten Yee adalah seorang
mualaf dia melakukan kesalahan. Dan saya bisa menerima itu jika benar.

Saya memang merasa kesulitan untuk memeriksa kebenaran informasi "the
other side" itu. Terutama kepada pihak-pihak yang kredibel untuk
mengatakan itu benar atau itu fitnah. Sekalipun sumber yang mengeluarkan
"the other side" itu adalah Pihak Militer AS, saya rasa belum tentu benar,
karena mereka berada di pihak yang berseberangan dengan Kapten Yee. Tidak
menutup kemungkinan mereka sekedar membela diri. Tetapi terlepas apakah
Kapten Yee bersalah atau tidak sebagai penyebab dia dipenjara, juga
tuduhan dia selingkuh dengan seorang wanita, saya rasa banyak pihak
membenarkan apa yang ditulis Kapten Yee di dalam bukunya.

Silahkan jika ada yang bisa menjelaskan status "the other side" itu. Saya
minta maaf jika secara tidak sengaja menuduh anda memfitnah.

Sent by: wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com
06/01/2006 03:25 PM
Please respond to


Re: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Kisah Sedih Kapt. James Yee, karena Cina dan

Kok anda bilang saya mem-fitnah? Bukankah saya katakan
"the other side of the story"? Bukan saya yang
mengatakan melainkan pihak militer AS pengelola
penjara Guantanamo yang oleh Kapten Yee dalam bukunya
dikatakan telah memperlakukannya tidak adil dan

Saya sebenarnya juga terharu dengan penderitaan Kapten
Yee kalau memang dia tidak bersalah, tetapi bukankah
untuk mengambil kesimpulan dari satu kejadian kita
harus meneliti pernyataan kedua pihak?  Nih saya
berikan link sumber saya, dan saya tunjukkan semua
paragraf yang  materi-nya saya kutip.
Mudah-mudahan saja anda ngerti Inggris.
(kalau ndak ngerti ya memang ndak bakalan nyambung).


-- Accused of espionage, Army Capt. James Yee saw his
notoriety bloom overnight. He was vilified on the
airwaves and on the Internet as an operative in a
supposed spy ring that aimed to pass secrets to
al-Qaeda from suspected terrorists held at Guantanamo
Bay, Cuba, where Yee ministered to them. After his
arrest, Yee was blindfolded, placed in manacles and
taken to a Navy brig, where he spent 76 days in
solitary confinement.

-- Military officials involved in the case won't say
what they thought they had on Yee, or why they pursued
him with such zeal. Prosecutions are proceeding
against three other men â?? two Arabic translators and
an Army Reserve colonel â?? who worked at Guantanamo,
where the military is holding nearly 600 suspected
al-Qaeda and Taliban operatives captured in
Afghanistan and elsewhere.

-- The decision to jail Yee was made by Maj. Gen.
Geoffrey Miller, then commander of Guantanamo's
detention camp. He oversaw the espionage
investigations of all four men. He has since been
transferred to Iraq, where he is now engulfed in the
controversy involving prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib.

-- When the Army dropped six criminal counts against
Yee in March, military officials said they did so to
avoid making sensitive information public â?? not
because he was innocent. An Army general stressed that
again in April, when he took the unusual step of
removing the case from Yee's permanent military

-- They say that the military compounded its errors by
leaking to the media, before the Yee probe was
complete, that the chaplain could face multiple
death-penalty charges tied to espionage. Those charges
never materialized. The six counts against Yee that
were dropped later were significantly less serious and
included mishandling classified materials, adultery,
storing pornography on his Army laptop and lying to

-- Yee arrived at Guantanamo on Nov. 5, 2002, and was
assigned to minister to Muslim prisoners. He and
Muslim workers used a vacant office for their own
prayer sessions; sometimes they had a meal. The
lawyers think the get-togethers might have raised

-- Yee was arrested Sept. 10 at the start of a
one-week leave. Customs agents at the Jacksonville
(Fla.) Naval Air Station, tipped by an investigator at
Guantanamo that Yee could be carrying classified
materials, confiscated drawings and documents
containing information about the prisoners and their
interrogators. A Customs agent later testified at a
preliminary hearing that the items were "of interest
to national security."

-- Yee also had ties to Syria that apparently drew
investigators' attention: His wife, Huda, is Syrian.
He met her while studying Islam in Damascus in the
late 1990s, as he prepared to become one of the Army's
first Muslim chaplains. (Born in New Jersey and raised
a Lutheran, he converted to Islam in 1991.)

-- On Nov. 24, Fidell wrote to President Bush,
pleading for Yee's release. The next day, Yee was
released â?? and was hit with four new charges. The
new counts â?? adultery, lying to investigators and
two counts of downloading porn â?? were another sign
to many observers that the evidence didn't support the
original allegations.

-- When the hearing began Dec. 8 at Fort Benning, Ga.,
prosecutors led off not with their most serious
charges, but with adultery. As Yee's parents, wife and
4-year-old daughter watched, Navy Lt. Karyn Wallace
testified under immunity about her affair with Yee.

-- Under military rules, adultery rarely is
prosecuted. It is a crime only if it is "prejudicial
to good order and discipline," meaning that it has to
be disruptive or be so widely known that it damages
the service. Yee's affair apparently had been secret.
"It is arguable that there was no crime," Barry says.

-- On March 22, Yee was called to a non-criminal
hearing where he received a reprimand on the adultery
and pornography charges.

-- Yee appealed the reprimand. Appeals of disciplinary
actions rarely are granted, but on April 14, Hill did
just that. Hill said later, "While I believe that
Chaplain Yee's misconduct was wrong, I do not believe,
given the extreme notoriety of his case ... that
further stigmatizing Chaplain Yee would serve a just
and fair purpose."

-- Yee returned to his chaplain duties at Fort Lewis
two weeks ago. His tour of duty expires next year.
Fidell says Yee has made no decisions about his

--- Jamilah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ha.. ha... Biasa si Sato, agen humas CIA. Selalu
> memcounter semua berita dan
> opini yang negatif terhadap Amerika dan Israel! ha..
> ha..
> Sampai-sampai dia berani fitnah terhadap si korban,
> James Yee...
> Jamilah
> www.cordova-bookstore.com
> www.cordova-bookstore.com/sedapmalam.htm
> Date: Wed May 31, 2006 1:12 am (PDT)
>    From: "Sato Sakaki" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Re: Kisah Sedih Kapt. James Yee, karena
> Cina dan Muslim
> Saya kira komentar mas Yasuaki tepat ke sasarannya.
> Apakah WNI keturunan Cina bisa masuk akademi militer
> di Indonesia? Jadi apakah Amerik ataukah Indonesia
> yang mendiskriminasi warganegaranya?
> Sebagai tambahan, Kapten James Yee itu ditahan
> karena
> kedapatan membawa peta penjara Guantanamo beserta
> nama-nama tahanan dan nomor kamar tahanan mereka di
> bandar udara di Jacksonville, Florida dalam
> perjalanan
> pulang libur ke negarabagian Washington. Membawa
> peta
> penjara dan posisi kamar tahanan seperti itu keluar
> penjara merupakan hal yang terlarang, dan ini
> menyebabkan Kapten Yee dicurigai menjadi mata-mata
> Syria (isterinya orang Syria). Waktu itu bersama Yee
> juga ditahan seorang kolonel unit interogator dan
> dua
> orang penerjemah Arab. Yang memerintahkan
> penangkapan
> adalah komandan penjara Guantanamo sendiri yang
> waktu
> itu Mayor Jenderal George Miller yang kemudian
> menjadi
> perwira yang bertanggungjawab atas semua penjara
> militer di Iraq termasuk Abu Ghraib.
> Kapten Yee dibebaskan setelah ditahan 76 hari dan
> dakwaan spionase terhadap dirinya dicabut, yang oleh
> US Navy (yang berwenang atas penjara Guantanamo)
> dikatakan bukan karena James Yee benar-benar tidak
> bersalah melainkan demi menjaga agar kerahasiaan
> sejumlah informasi yang peka jangan sampai diketahui
> umum.
> Tuduhan kesalahan terhadap dirinya kemudian diubah
> menjadi pelanggaran disiplin militer antara lain
> "adultery" (untuk mana Letnan (L) Karyn Wallace
> memberi kesaksian pengakuan terlibat affair dengan
> Kapten Yee).
> Yee mengajukan banding atas teguran militer terhadap
> dirinya. Permohonan bandingnya dikabulkan, namanya
> dibersihkan dan dia dikembalikan ke tugasnya semula
> sebagai (chaplain) rohaniawan militer Islam.
> That's the other side of the story.
> --
> Internal Virus Database is out-of-date.
> Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
> Version: 7.0.289 / Virus Database: 265.0.0 - Release
> Date: 08-11-2004

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