Jeng Rita yang anti korupsi ,
  Their conclusion? "Foreign investors will never return to Indonesia 
as long as our legal system, including courts, remain as corrupt as 
they are at present." 
  Jano-ko menanggapi,
  Artikel itu belum menjawab pertanyaan dari saya yang saya tujukan kepada 
ananda Aisha yang kreatif itu, yang saya tanyakan itu adalah pernyataan beliau 
yang berbunyi Indonesia 'paling ngetop'  itu lho.
  I  n  i   t i d a k   a d a   k a i t a n n y a   d e n g a n  a r t i k e l  
d i a t a s  & 
  ini tidak ada kaitannya dengan Ananda Aisha lho, pokoke Jano-ko akan protes 
kalau bangsa Indonesia disebut bangsa terkorup, lha sudah jelas Indonesia itu 
negara Agraris and sebag bsr penduduknya adalah petani, mereka miskin dan 
teraniaya. Pertanyaannya adalah, logikane dimana menyebut bangsa indonesia itu 
bangsa yang paling korup didunia?, soale petani-petani kita itu kan pada 
"kere", lha yang mau dikorupsi apanya ? sedih aku.....ini namanya sudah ketimpa 
atap rumah lalu kejatuhan almari besi yang beratnya berton-tonan...mecedel......
  Jeng Rita sudah pernah belum menyatu dengan para petani ?
  O hiya, beberapa waktu yang lalu jano-ko "menyelamatkan" sebuah keluarga 
petani yang dianiaya dan diusir dari desanya oleh begundal-begundal yang tidak 
  Mau apa, jeng Rita disebut koruptor hanya karena jeng Rita sebagai WNI 
?...:)..yang jelas kaum feminis harus marah tuh kalau terjadi pelabelan yang 
super ...........seperti itu. Aku ora emongsi lho.......
  Nah jeng Rita, kalau jeng Rita belum kenal dengan dunia bisnis, cobalah 
mengenal dunia bisnis, coba hayati saja kalimat dibawah ini yang merupakan 
potongan dari artikel yang anda kirim itu,
  "Their conclusion? "Foreign investors will never return to Indonesia as long 
as our legal system, including courts, remain as corrupt as they are at 

  Coba hayati artikel tersebut, kalau belum jelas silahkan japri kesaya.....:)
  And pertanyaan untuk Jeng Rita, kolusi yang dirmuat diartikel itu melibatkan 
satu pihak "oknum" saja atau dua pihak "oknum''  ?  atau banyak pihak ?
ritajkt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
          Artikel ini terutama teruntuk Kakanda Janoko yang mempertanyakan 
tingkat korupnya birokrat Indonesya. Sumonggo diwaos..Bos..:)
S'pore courts win trust, RI courts 'win the bribes' 

By : Kornelius Purba, The Jakarta Post, Singapore

What is different about people's reactions to losing cases -- both 
civil and criminal -- in Singaporean courts as compared to 
Indonesian ones?

"In Singapore, the most I can say is stupid judge," said an 
Indonesian whose company has been battling for months against 
another Indonesian company in a civil case in Singapore. 

In Indonesia? "There are no other words but 'the judge has obviously 
been bribed'," said another Indonesian on the opposite side. 

Their conclusion? "Foreign investors will never return to Indonesia 
as long as our legal system, including courts, remain as corrupt as 
they are at present." 

After attending some court sessions here, Indonesian visitors will 
very likely draw a united conclusion: That people have tremendous 
respect for judges in Singapore. 

Trials appear to be both transparent and efficient and judges to 
have high integrity and vast knowledge of the law. Sadly the 
Indonesian courts are another story. 

In Singapore, the parties concerned can even get a full transcript 
of each session, often on the same day, from the court. Based on my 
own observations, the High Court here hires a private company, 
WordWave International Asia Ltd., to provide a computerized 
transcribing system. According to an Indonesian legal expert, the 
verdict is even available on the court's website. 

Take, for example, a business dispute here, which is being handled 
by Justice Kan Ting Chiu and is now nearing completion after months 
of open court proceedings. 

Indonesian conglomerate Sukanto Tanoto is suing two defendants, 
Deutsche Bank and PT Dianlia Setyamukti (DSM) -- owned by Edwin 
Soeryadjaya and his business associates -- because Sukanto believes 
the two defendants were involved in a conspiracy to take away his 
shares in a coal mine in South Kalimantan, which produces one of the 
world's highest-grade coals. 

The plaintiff and the two defendants reportedly hired 
representatives of Singapore's top three law firms. They use the 
same strategy: Convince the judge their rivals have very 
questionable reputations and committed gross legal violations. 

Sukanto's legal council Steven Chong, alleged the bank had illegally 
sold his client's share, which he put up as collateral for his 
US$100 million loan from the bank in 1998. 

During the testimonies of Edwin and his business partner, Sandiaga 
Uno, apart from trying to prove the shares transaction was a fraud, 
Steven also pressed the two witnesses to prove his allegation that 
PT DSM had also committed fraud in obtaining a US$46 million loan 
from state-owned Bank Mandiri in 2002. The loan was used to pay for 
the shares Sukanto bought from Deutsche Bank. 

Meanwhile, a Deutsche Bank lawyer described Sukanto as a "crook." 
Edwin was more polite." He (Sukanto) is someone with whom I will 
never do business." 

"I am very tired," Sandiaga said after being questioned by Chong 
over several days. 

Apart from their complaints over the tough questioning sessions, 
both Sandiaga and Edwin respected the process. 

Getting a bank loan in Indonesia can require a personal approach. 
While it may seem strange to the people of other countries, it is 
not a practice that is against Indonesian law. 

Sandiaga testified about getting a loan from Bank Mandiri,"... In 
Indonesia, the way you get a loan is, you lobby the (bank) director 
first ... Once the green light is given by the director, we work 
with the team that is appointed, and everything when the structure 
is finalized, the term is agreed, then the documentation takes 
place .. That's how at least Bank Mandiri approached the loan back 
then in 2002 ..." 

The Soeryadjayas, the founder of automotive firm PT Astra 
International, is a highly respected family in Indonesia. For 
Indonesian banks a family's reputation means something. 

But for non-Indonesians, Sandiaga's testimony that "... Pak Edwin 
has a very good relationship with the president of Bank Mandiri," 
could give the wrong impression. 

As Chong brought home his point about the deal between Bank Mandiri 
and Sandiaga, however, Justice Kan warned: "Sometimes we think 
everything outside Singapore has a parallel system to ours, but it 
is not. We already have seen a lot of things which do not exactly 
coincide with the way we do things here." 

The coal saga itself began in 1997, when the government granted PT 
Adaro a 25-year coal concession. Sukanto, through the subsidiaries 
of his holding company PT Raja Garuda Mas International (RGMI) 
indirectly controlled 15 percent of Adaro shares. The economic 
crisis hit Asia in the same year. 

One year later, Sukanto intended to increase his stake to 40 
percent. Deutsche Bank agreed to provide a $100 million loan to 
Sukanto's firm with the 40 percent shares as collateral. The 
agreement was signed in Singapore. Until the end of 2001 the bank 
could not get the payment for its loan. At that time many Indonesian 
companies were facing similar problems with their foreign creditors. 

Concluding that Sukanto had no goodwill to honor his obligation, in 
February 2002, the bank sold the shares in a private deal to Edwin's 
DSM. After selling other collateral the bank could get $46 million. 
The shares now are worth 10 times the price, according to 

Sukanto argued he lost his shares because of a conspiracy. He sued 
the two defendants in Singapore because the loan was signed in 
Singapore. However as coal miner PT Adaro operates in Indonesia, 
Sukanto has to file another lawsuit in Indonesia. He has not done 

He wants the shares to be returned to him, which is a tough ask, 
because the shares have in fact,"flown everywhere." 

However, no matter who wins the case in Singapore, it is unlikely 
anyone will think,"Justice Kan was bribed." While in Indonesia, that 
would probably be the loser's first reaction. 


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