Jano-ko menambahkan,     Nich ada oleh - oleh dari negara sono, mantan anggauta 
White Extremists British National Party yang menjadi muslim karena membaca Al 
Qur'an and kemudian menjadi da'i.     --------------------------------     From 
white extremist to pious Muslim      
  FEW conversions to Islam are as amazing as that of Mohammed Islam, a former 
‘Paki-bashing’ member of white extremists British National Party (BNP). 
Formerly known as John Ord, he went from being an active BNP member to a 
devoted Muslim. 
        Mohammed Islam (pictured) said: "Growing up, I was never particularly 
religious. I only went to church for weddings, funerals and baptisms."   Raised 
in the north-east, John Ord joined the BNP at the age of 16 because his friends 
were members. He quickly bought into the BNP idea that all Asians and black 
people were a threat to his way of life.   He said: "My father wasn’t 
particularly bothered because he disliked Jews and Muslims anyway, and my 
mother put it down to a phase I was going through.   "Like most parents, they 
didn’t know what I got up to while I was out with the lads."   The Geordie 
described how he used to actively go ‘Paki bashing’ in an area where he knew 
there was a small but growing Asian community.   He said: "We would find them 
and give them a good kicking and say stereotypical things such as,‘Why are you 
in our country and why are you taking our shops and jobs?’"   However, he soon 
became frustrated with what he said were the "only two policies
 the BNP had at the time", which were ‘to beat them up’ and ‘to kick them out’. 
  Disillusioned, he left the party when he was in his early 20s. Still a 
racist, he went to London and got involved with other like-minded people who 
saw Islam as a threat.   He claimed that his new-found group would be 
specifically briefed by the police to go to meetings, to make provocative 
statements and cause trouble in front of Muslims. By doing this, he thought he 
was helping the police.   He said: "Our job was to help them get evidence. We 
would always get a response to our statements and this gave the police a reason 
to arrest Muslims. Often the police would use this method to target those 
Muslims who were wanted by other countries."                                   
----------------------------------     The turning point in Ord’s life came 
when he unknowingly bought a copy of the Quran for 20 pence from a book stall.  
          He said: "I bought the book because of the picture on the
 cover – it was the most beautiful picture I had ever seen, with the most 
gorgeous colours and a beautiful building. I thought I’d buy a cheap frame and 
ended up with a nice picture. I had no idea I had bought the Quran until I got 
home."   He decided to read it to find things to use against Muslims.   He 
said: "My mind was telling me that like any book written by humans, it would 
contain errors and contradictions. I had this view of Islam being this great 
bad religion."         He would read the Quran and take verses out of context 
and quote them to Muslims just to catch them out. He had no idea that he had 
just begun on a life-changing journey. While reading the Quran, he realised 
that Islam was totally opposite to what society had led him to believe.         
   He also observed that many Muslims were not following the teachings in their 
own book. He started to debate with Muslims regularly asking them why they were 
not following the Quran. He would question Muslims about
 why they were selling alcohol or inquire about women’s rights.   He said: "I 
even asked Muslims to intellectually prove that God exists and the Quran is the 
word of God. Time and time again I felt let down by Muslims because they had no 
explanation and even tried to justify their actions."   He returned back to the 
north-east in 1992.   By this time, he was enjoying debating with Muslims as he 
found them easy to catch out due to their lack of knowledge. He was also 
observing anomalies in their actions compared to what he was reading in the 
Quran.   In that same year, he approached a group of Muslims at a stall in 
Newcastle expecting to debate with them and win. He said he was surprised to 
find that they were able to defend themselves with ease.   He said: "Not only 
were they able to intellectually prove that God existed but also that the Quran 
was the word of God."   The group instead challenged Ord to try and 
intellectually prove that God did not exist and the Quran was
 not the word of God. If he succeeded, they would become Christians, but if he 
failed then he would have to become Muslim.   Without thinking twice about the 
surprising challenge, he had no hesitation in accepting it. He said: "I 
returned to the stall many times with what I thought were convincing arguments 
but they would always have answers. Eventually I got scared and backed off."   
Four years later, he bumped into one of the Muslims from the stall and told him 
that he wanted to become a Muslim. He took his shahadah in November 1996 and 
became a Muslim himself.   Now called Mohammed Islam, he said: "Because I knew 
I was about to make a momentous decision that would affect the rest of my life, 
I felt as if a big rock was crushing me and that I couldn’t breathe.   "Once I 
was a 100 per cent sure that I wanted to become a Muslim and took the decision, 
I felt as if everything just lifted and I immediately felt better."   Most 
people close to Mohammed were not shocked by his
 conversion to Islam. He said: "I had made the decision to convert a year 
before and had told people that I was going to become a Muslim."   Although 
most of his friends accepted his decision and supported him, it was not the 
case with his family. He said: "My sister stopped talking to me and still does 
not talk to me. My father did not want to discuss it because Islam was a 
totally alien concept and an alien way of life to him. My mother seemed more 
concerned about what the neighbours would think. Initially she said I couldn’t 
pray in the house and I told her I’d pray in the garden. But my mother is okay 
about it, now."   Mohammed has lost all of his old friends. He said: "My 
friends were going out drinking and chasing girls and I had absolutely nothing 
in common with them anymore."   Mohammed said that he has no difficulty in 
practising his new faith because he had made a number of changes to his 
lifestyle a year before becoming a Muslim, such as not drinking alcohol.  
 He said: "Although becoming a Muslim has been a big step, it has not been a 
massive step in terms of practical issues."   The devout Muslim feels that he 
has been accepted more by non-Muslims and says many Muslims have accused him of 
being fanatic or fundamental just because he chooses to simply follow the 
fundamental principles of Islam.   Since converting, Mohammed has married and 
moved to the Midlands.   The 42-year-old is now looking ahead to a career in 
social work and is hoping to start his degree in September 2005. Once 
qualified, he wants to focus on the Muslim community and focus on problems that 
community leaders are not aware of or are simply ignoring.   He said: "I want 
to try and deal with these social problems that especially affect the youth, 
with an Islamic perspective." 
  semoga bermanfaat

"H. M. Nur Abdurrahman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
          Oh, oh, bicara tak senonoh yang keluar dari mulut Uwan itu hasil 
nabinya si Uwan, yaitu Ghulam Ahmad
Oh, oh, siapa sebenarnya itu Uwan?
Oh, oh, ini ana sampaikan amanah Abah supaya ana melayani itu Uwan
Nanti dijawab Muammar malam/hari Jum'at.
Muammar, jawab ucapan Uwan ini yang bilang: Nan maadokan Tuwan Ollah tu
adolah awak nan picayo ka Inyo, artinya Yang mengadakan Allah itu adalah
orang yang percaya kepadaNya.

Muammar toles:
Oh, oh, bodoh betul ini Uwan
Oh, oh, kalau begitu sebelum ada manusia lalu Allah tidak ada? SubhanaLlah
Oh, oh, itu ucapan Uwan itu, ucapan orang kafir, ateis
Oh, oh, jadi Uwan itu kafir, ateis

Oh, oh, yang diadakan orang adalah ilah, bukan Allah
Oh, oh, ini Uwan beragama Ahmadiyah, karena bukan Islam, pantas tidak tahu
makna Laa ila-ha illaLlah
Oh, oh, ilah itu adalah sesembahan/tuhan yang dicipta orang dalam benaknya.
Oh, oh, sebelum ada manusia ilah itu belum ada, tetapi Allah tidak pernah
tidak ada. Lam yalid wa lam yuwlad

Oh, oh, ini Uwan yang beragama Ahmadiyah perlu diajar karena kurang-ajar
Oh, oh, Laa ila-ha illaLlah artinya tidak ada ilah/tuhan yang dicipta
manusia dalam benaknya, yang Ada hanya Allah.

----- Original Message -----
To: <wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2006 09:20
Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] Preman

> Ingatlah nasehat Aa Gym, mulut teko itu hanya mengeluarkan apa isi
> tekonya. Jika isi tekonya susu maka dari mulut teko itu juga akan keluar
> susu. Jika isi teko itu khamar maka dari mulut teko itu juga akan keluar
> khamar.
> Salam,
> "H. Nadri Saaduddin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent by: wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com
> 09/04/2006 03:52 PM
> Please respond to
> wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com
> To
> <wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com>
> cc
> Subject
> Re: [wanita-muslimah] Preman
> Mendingan kosong katimbang kayak si Abah ibarat tong yang berisi dengan
> "sampah"
> dan "beling".... Kalau tong sampah nggak ada yang khsusus dia terima dan
> semuanya ditelan tidak bisa membedakan mana yang roti mana yang tahi...
> Semuanya ditelan aja!
> Kalau si He-Man diaktakan Abah ibarat tong kosong, si Abah adalah ibarat
> tong
> ayng ada isinya tetapi isinya adalah sampah!
> Mendingan si He-man dari pada si Abah!
> Uwan Oji
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: H. M. Nur Abdurrahman
> To: wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2006 10:06 AM
> Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] Preman
> Itu He-Man kena pepatah: Tong yang kosong bunyinya nyaring, air beriak
> tanda
> tak dalam, padi yang hampa tegak berdirinya.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "jano ko" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2006 10:14
> Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] Preman
> > Bung Maman berkata,
> >
> > Kalo gitu bikin aja pengajian banyak-banyak supaya preman pada sadar
> > sekalian diusulin buat dibikin sinetronnya.
> >
> > ==============================
> >
> > Jano-ko berkata,
> >
> > Weh, .........bung maman gaya nich......merasa yang paling tahu sendiri
> tentang dunia preman ya ?, udah pengalaman berapa tahun bung ?, belajar
> lagi
> dech supaya engga asmuni. Level bergaulnya bung maman dengan preman
> paling-paling masing level "lokal", jangan "gaya" ach.
> > Nyebut dech....and sadar....Allah SWT bisa membolak-balikkan hati
> siapaun sesuai dengan kehendak-Nya.
> >
> > Wawasannya tolong dibuka lebih luas lagi ya. Coba dech jalan-jalan ke
> Pondok Pesantren At - Taibin milik Anton Medan and juga coba bung maman
> ketemu sama Jhony indo yang sekarang jadi Mubaligh.
> >
> > Wes yo....
> >
> > Salim
> >
> > PS
> > Salah satu insan yang telah jano-ko sadarkan adalah preman Inggris yang
> mau membunuh orang tuanya. Karena kebesaran Allah SWT, beliau sekarang
> jadi
> orang yang baik dan manis.
> >
> >
> >
> > He-Man <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Kalo gitu bikin aja pengajian banyak-banyak supaya preman pada sadar
> > sekalian diusulin buat dibikin sinetronnya.
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "H. M. Nur Abdurrahman"
> > To:
> > Sent: Monday, September 04, 2006 7:59 PM
> > Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] Preman
> >
> >
> > > Preman tidak bisa disadarkan dengan pengajian? Ente yang bermimpi.
> > > HMNA
> > >
> > > ----- Original Message -----
> > > From: "He-Man"
> > > To:
> > > Sent: Monday, September 04, 2006 20:36
> > > Subject: [wanita-muslimah] Preman
> > >
> > >
> > > >
> > > > Preman disadarkan dengan pengajian..? ente ini mengingau yah bah..

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