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The Saudi government, which controls the Hijaz and Mecca, has prohibited the
commercial export of Zamzam water from the kingdom. However, there is a
strong commercial demand for Zamzam water and Zamzam water can be found on
sale in many countries. There is some evidence that most, if not all, of
this water is mislabeled. UK environmental agencies (e.g. Leicester City
Council) have tested purported Zamzam water on sale in the UK, and found
arsenic levels three times the permitted level in much of it. In addition,
nitrate was found at twice the permitted level. The fake water is not only
fraudulent, but dangerous to health. Trade in fake Zamzam water is said to
be spreading.


On 12/25/06, Kartono Mohamad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Iya, dua kali gagal saya kirim. Padahal yang kedua tidak pakai sistem
> attachment tapi sistem kopi dan pastel. Isinya adalah:
> Surat edaran dari Pemerintah Arab saudi yang bunyinya kira-kira begini:
> 1. Pada saat ini di beberapa negara beredar air yang diklaim sebagai air
> Zam-Zam ternyata mengandung zat kimia tambahan, termasuk aresnik.
> 2. Pemerintah Arab Saudi melarang orang mengemas air zam-zam dan
> memperjual
> belikannya.
> 3. Pemerintah Arab Saudi melarang mengekspor air Zam-Zam.
> KM
> .

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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