Kalau sebuah negeri mengikuti syariat agamanya masing....maka yang terjadi 
pembunuhan2.....lihatlah sejarah  eropah dimana setiap kerajaan yang 
berdasarkan agama, membunuh atau mengusir setiap aliran agama yang berbeda 
dengan ulama2 penguasa.
  Pengusiran dan pembunuhan yang terbesar adalah antara golongan Katolik yang 
berkuasa dan Refomis Protestan..
  Akiranya Reformist melarikan diri ke Amerika dan negara lain2nya
  Ulama2 Protestan di Amerika membuat sistem negaranya menjadi negara Demokrasi 
Seculer...setipa orang merdeka menjalanakan agama dan keyakinanannya,serta 
merdeka mentasirkan buku2 Injil atau taurat menurut ulama2 masing2..
  pemerintah membuat Undang2 untuk menjamin semua golongan...
  Sistem demokrasi ini di tiru oleh negera2 Eropah dan Japan.
  Hasilnya kita dapat saksikan sekarang ini di Amerika dan Japan dan eropah.
  Semua agama merdeka menjalankan keyakinannya di lindungi oleh Pemerintah.
  Sekarang negara2 Timur Tengah yang bergejolak, tidak mengambil hikmah dari 
sejarah eropah..akirnya gol.suni dan syiah yangsama sama dalam satu negara dan 
bangsa saling bumuh membunuh..Nauzubillah.
  Sedangkan ALLAH mengtakan di al quran..Umat islam itu adalah BERSAUDARA kalau 
terjadi perbedaan ,haruslah saling hormat menghormati...
  Kenyataan terbalik,ulama2 lebih sukan mengambil rujukan dari Hadist yang 
bertentangan dgn ayat ALLAH...kalau terdapat kemungkaran....laranglah mereka ...
  Semoga ulama2 Indonesia dapat mengambil hikmah agar janganlah mendirikan 
negeara Islam..di Indonesia,pasti akan terjadi ketidak adilan oleh ulama2 atau 
pemerintah yang berkuasa, pemerintahan DIKTATOR seperti di Arab.

Sunny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thursday, 14, June, 2007 (28, Jumada al-Ula, 1428)

The Brutal Fatwas in Israel
Fahmi Howaidi, Arab News

While people in Muslim countries have been preoccupied with fatwas (religious 
rulings) concerning breast-feeding adults, the purity of the Prophet's urine, 
and the legality of the recent different types of marriages such as Misyar and 
Mesfar, perhaps it would be appropriate to take a look at fatwas in Israel. It 
might give us a chance to compare the two, evaluating the circumstances on both 

It is worthy of further consideration to consider the Israeli fatwas that my 
Palestinian colleague Salih Al-Tuhami observed. Conservative Jewish thought and 
tradition say that in case the country's laws contradict the rabbi's fatwas, 
the fatwa must be implemented and anything the government says is worthless. 
That's the opinion of Rabbi Elie - who is one of Israel's senior rabbis - who 
is supported by the majority of his peers.

These Jewish fatwas are responsible for instigating religious Jews against 
Arabs. Last year, Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu, former Sephardic chief rabbi and an 
influential authority among conservative Jews, issued a fatwa asking the 
Israeli Army not to flinch from killing Palestinian civilians in the context of 
the ongoing military campaign against armed groups resisting the occupation. He 
mentioned in his fatwa, which received special attention from religious media 
outlets and hundreds of pamphlets distributed inside synagogues in Israel. that 
all Palestinians must be murdered, even the ones who are not participating in 
the war against terrorism. This wasn't enough for the revered rabbi, who said 
that this was not only a fatwa, but a religious duty from God that Jews must 

After that, one of the most important Jewish rabbis issued a fatwa that allowed 
his students in one of the Jewish settlements in the northern West Bank to 
steal the agricultural produce grown by Palestinians. It said that everything 
in the West Bank belongs to the Jews, giving them the right to confiscate such 
properties. This fatwa was implemented and his students confiscated the 
agricultural yield of the Palestinians.

Rabbi Dov Lior, chief rabbi of Hebron and Kiryat-Arba, did the same when he 
issued a fatwa that allowed Jewish settlers to poison the livestock and water 
wells owned by Palestinians in neighboring cities and villages. The settlers 
didn't hesitate in implementing the fatwa. Not a single day passed without 
Palestinians finding dead sheep and poisoned water.

On the other hand, a group of prominent Jewish rabbis addressed the Israeli 
defense minister, Shaul Mofaz, saying that killing enemy civilians was "normal" 
during wartime and that the Israeli Army should never hesitate to kill 
non-Jewish civilians in order to save Jewish lives. "There is no war in the 
world in which it is possible to delineate neatly between the population and 
the enemy's army, neither in the US war in Iraq, the Russian war in Chechnya, 
nor in Israel's war with its enemies," the rabbis said.

The rabbis quoted a Talmudic ruling, which states "Our lives come first." In 
their famous letter, the rabbis warned against what they called Christian 
preaching in dealing with conflict. "The Christian preaching of 'turning the 
other cheek' doesn't concern us, and we will not be impressed by those who 
prefer the lives of our enemies to our lives," they said.

These tense times have influenced a number of other fatwas from rabbis about 
underestimating the lives of Arabs and humiliating them. Yediot Ahronot 
newspaper reported on July 25, 2002 that Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the current 
spiritual leader of the Shas political party in the Knesset (Israel's 
Parliament), said that until Christ the Savior arrives, he will send all Arabs 
to hellfire. "Why doesn't Ariel Sharon do what needs to be done? He's scared of 
the people of the world. But when the Savior Christ comes, he won't fear 
anyone. He will send all the Arabs to hell." Yosef described Arabs as snakes 
and said Jews should not trust them.

It's no wonder that one of the rabbis - Isaac Ginzburg - published a book 
entitled "Baruch the Hero" to immortalize the name of Dr. Baruch Goldstein who 
perpetrated the 1994 Cave of the Patriarchs massacre in the city of Hebron, 
killing 29 Arab attendants of the Ibrahimi Mosque (within the Cave of the 
Patriarchs) and wounding another 150 in a shooting attack. 

As for Rabbi Eli Albaz, who is one of the distinctive Eastern rabbis, he never 
misses an opportunity to attack Islam and condemn the Prophet (pbuh). He 
insists on complaining in front of his audience by telling jokes that address 
Muslims and Palestinians and using filthy language to attack Muslims. And Rabbi 
Eliyahu Reskin continuously ridicules the reconciliation attempts to create 
dialogue between Jewish rabbis and Arab officials. He believes that the only 
language of dialogue between Muslims and Jews should be bullets. He feels that 
without convincing the Arabs in general, and the Palestinians specifically, 
settlement can't be forced upon Israel so the efforts of peace are worthless.

It's true that from a legal perspective, the rabbis' fatwas concerning 
political issues don't exert much influence. But their words, that come from 
their religious backgrounds, have a huge impact especially with the increasing 
dominance of religious parties that have developed tremendous political power 
that cannot be underestimated. Therefore, their fatwas influence more than 
religious people and are used to pressure political decisions. It's true that 
conservatives, whether the followers of Zionism or from the ultra-Orthodox 
movement, make up 28 percent of the Israeli population, yet more than 50 
percent of the inhabitants of the country introduce themselves as 
conservatives. These people empathize greatly with Jewish religious authorities 
and pay attention to what they say.

What's interesting is that all the laws and systems in Israel have never tried, 
not even once, to address those rabbis or question them about their racial 
discrimination. Not only that, but these rabbis, who are involved in this 
discrimination, are given great prominence in Israeli politics. Decision makers 
in Israel compete with each other to earn the endorsement of rabbis, and to be 
close to them.

When one examines these fatwas and their influence in instigating and serving 
the Zionist schemes and its evil goals, one can't help but feel sad and bitter 
when compared with the fatwas that are preoccupying Muslim scholars. The latter 
provoke gossip among people and divert their attention from what's vital and 
fateful, making them regress instead of moving forward.

I pray to God to enlighten our scholars and guide them.

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