Oh, oh jangan ngabur HMNA...

Oh, oh, ternyata lagi-lagi HMNA cuma sanggup menghadirkan cerita, ya
sekedar cerita...tidak ada bukti kebenaran omongan kawan Anda itu. 

Nah, sekarang saya berikan bukti dari situs resmi Ahmadiyah Lahore
dimana Hz. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad a.s. dengan jelas mengatakan bahwa
dirinya adalah nabi dan rasul. Lihat di:

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad menjelaskan dalam buku Ek Ghalati Ka Izala:

"Some people in our Movement who are not well-acquainted with my
claim and the arguments relating to it --- not having had the
occasion to study my books carefully, nor having stayed in my
company for a sufficient length of time to complete their knowledge -
-- in some instances in response to an objection of the opponents
give a reply which is entirely against facts. So, despite being on
the side of truth, they have to face embarrassment.

Thus it happened a few days ago that a person faced from an opponent
the objection that "the man whose pledge you have taken claims to be
a prophet (nabi) and a messenger (rasul)". This was answered by only
a denial, while such an answer is not correct. The fact is that the
holy revelation of God Almighty which descends upon me contains
words such as rasul, mursal and nabi, not once but hundreds of
times. So how can the reply be correct that such words are not
present? In fact, at this time these words occur more clearly and
explicitly than in the earlier days. And in the Barahin Ahmadiyya
too, published 22 years ago, these words are not few.

Thus, in the Divine communications published in Barahin Ahmadiyya,
one revelation from God is as follows: "He it is Who sent His
messenger (rasul) with guidance and the true religion in order to
make it prevail over all other religions" (see p. 498, Barahin
Ahmadiyya). Here, this humble one has been clearly addressed as
rasul. Then after this, in the same book, is the following Divine
revelation regarding myself: "The messenger of God in the mantle of
the prophets" (p. 504). Then quite near this in the same book is the
following revelation: "Muhammad is the messenger of God; those with
him are firm against disbelievers, compassionate among themselves.
(The Holy Quran: 48:29)" In this revelation I have been given the
name 'Muhammad'2 as well as rasul.4 Then there is the following
Divine revelation noted on page 557 of Barahin Ahmadiyya: "A warner
came into the world." Another version of it is: "A prophet (nabi)
came into the world."5 Similarly in many other places in Barahin
Ahmadiyya the word rasul has been applied to this humble one..." (Di 
copy paste dari situs resmi Ahmadiyah Lahore)

Dan seterusnya.

Oh, oh, makin kelihatan saja HMNA tidak mengerti apa yang ia dengar
dan ia omongkan, lalu menuduh saya berdusta, padahal dirinya sendiri 
yang sering berdusta.


--- In wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com, "H. M. Nur Abdurrahman" 
> MAS ngeyel lagi:
> Nah, sekarang saya berikan bukti dari situs resmi Ahmadiyah Lahore
> dimana Hz. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad a.s. dengan jelas mengatakan bahwa
> dirinya adalah nabi dan rasul. Lihat di:
> http://www.aaiil.org/text/books/mga/correctionerrorekghaltikaizala/tr
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Berikut yang saya down load dari situs Ahmadiyah Lahore => 
> ada disitu claim bahwa MGA adalah nabi dan rasul. Jadi ternyata MAS 
> ngeyel saja tetapi pendusta. 

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