August 26, 2007
Shiite Pilgrims Converge on Karbala 
Filed at 4:27 a.m. ET

BAGHDAD (AP) -- Waves of Shiite pilgrims descended on Karbala Sunday for a 
festival marking the birth of the 9th century Hidden Imam. A woman making the 
50-mile trek from Baghdad was shot to death by men in a passing car in the 
southwest of the capital.

More than a million Shiite faithful from throughout the world were expected to 
converge on the Shiite holy city for the celebrations, which reach their high 
point late Tuesday and early Wednesday. The Shabaniyah festival marks the birth 
of Mohammed al-Mahdi, the 12th and last Shiite imam who disappeared in the 9th 

Religious Shiites refer to al-Mahdi as the ''Hidden Imam,'' believing he was 
spared death and will return to Earth to bring peace and justice.

Six men were wounded as they walked toward Karbala with the woman who was 
gunned down, according to Baghdad police officials, who spoke on condition of 
anonymity because they were not authorized to release the information.

In the past, Sunni religious extremists, including al-Qaida in Iraq, have 
launched massive and deadly attacks against pilgrims during Shiite 
celebrations, which have drawn huge crowds since the 2003 ouster of Saddam 
Hussein's Sunni-dominated regime.

Last March, about 340 people were killed in a weeklong wave of bombings and 
shootings. Most of the dead were Shiite pilgrims en route to religious 
ceremonies in Karbala.

To prevent a repeat, Iraqi authorities Saturday banned motorcycles, bicycles 
and horse-drawn wagons from the streets of Baghdad indefinitely. Earlier in the 
day, state television announced that the ban applied to all vehicles, including 
cars and trucks.

Later, the chief military spokesman for Baghdad, Brig. Gen. Qassim al-Mousawi, 
said cars and trucks would be allowed but other forms of transport that could 
slip into smaller places were banned until further notice.

All vehicles were banned from the Karbala city center and each pilgrim entering 
the district was subjected to a security pat-down by the thousands of police on 

''I was hesitant to come because I feared a terrorist attack, but when I saw 
these strict security I felt safe,'' said Haji Sabeeh Raheem, a 61-year-old 
pilgrim from Najaf, another Shiite holy city to the south.

During an interview with government television Saturday night, Baghdad chief 
military spokesman Brig. Gen. Qassim al-Mousawial-Mousawi said U.S. and other 
international troops would provide water to pilgrims along the route to 
Karbala. U.S. aircraft would provide surveillance to prevent extremists from 
firing on the crowds.

He also said pilgrims would be forbidden to carry mobile phones, which can be 
used to detonate bombs, and large bags which could conceal weapons.

''These measures will provide the right basis for the success of the security 
plan,'' al-Mousawi said. ''We have taken into consideration all possible 

In Karbala, police asked hotel owners not to accept guests who have no 
passports or residency papers as protection against Sunni extremists 
infiltrating the crowds. Police said vehicles would be banned from the city 
center to prevent car bombings near the two mosques that are the focal point of 
the commemorations.

All vehicles were ordered off the streets of Baghdad from Aug. 8 through the 
morning of Aug. 11 during Shiite ceremonies honoring Imam Kadhim, whose tomb 
was near the site of Saturday's car bombing. The move paralyzed the city but 
brought killings to a near standstill.

As pilgrims began leaving Baghdad on Saturday, a car bomb exploded near the 
city's most important Shiite shrine, killing seven people and wounding dozens 
as authorities imposed new security restrictions to prevent attacks on Shiite 
pilgrims ahead of major religious ceremonies south of the capital.

The blast occurred around noon in busy Oruba Square, a major commercial area in 
the Kazimiyah district of Baghdad about 500 yards from the twin-domed shrine of 
Imam Musa Kadhim, an 8th century Shiite religious leader who is buried there.

An official at the neighborhood hospital said seven people were killed and 30 
wounded, including two children. He spoke on condition of anonymity because he 
was not supposed to release the information.

No group claimed responsibility, but suspicion fell on Sunni religious 
extremists who consider Shiites as heretics and collaborators with the 
Americans. Shiites dominate the U.S.-backed Iraqi government.

The blast gouged a small hole in the street, shattered windows in nearby shops 
and restaurants and set three cars ablaze.

''It was a big explosion,'' said shop owner Hussein Abdul-Rahman, who suffered 
minor shrapnel wounds. ''I rushed to the scene and saw some dead and injured. 
Then I felt blood oozing from my back. Then rescuers took me to the hospital 
for treatment.''

Despite the force of the blast, casualties were relatively low because many 
people were indoors during the broiling noontime heat or had left for Karbala.

The U.S. military, meanwhile, announced the grisly discovery of an execution 
site in the Arab Jabour district, a Sunni Arab area just south of Baghdad where 
al-Qaida in Iraq is known to operate.

During a 24-hour operation on Tuesday and Wednesday, soldiers found human 
skulls, decomposing bodies in a pit and bones wrapped in bloody clothes, U.S. 
spokesman Lt. Col. Christopher Garver said in a statement. Troops found blood 
spatter in a nearby building and other signs that executions had taken place 

The troops took fire as they entered the area and shot back, killing one 
suspected insurgent, Garver said. Troops discovered homemade bombs and a 
weapons cache including trigger wires, he added. Eight suspects were taken into 

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