Suharto, Former Indonesian Dictator, Dies at 86 
Published: January 28, 2008

Suharto of Indonesia, whose 32-year dictatorship was one of the most brutal and 
corrupt of the 20th century, died Sunday in Jakarta. He was 86. 

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Suharto during a ceremony in 1967 in which he replaced President Sukarno. More 
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Suharto, 1921-2008 
Times Topics: Suharto
Mr. Suharto had been hospitalized on Jan. 4 with heart, lung and kidney 
problems, according to medical officials of Pertamina Hospital in Jakarta. His 
condition worsened dramatically over the weekend and he lost consciousness and 
stopped breathing on his own, they said.

A statement issued by the chief presidential doctor, Marjo Subiandono, said he 
was declared dead at 1:10 p.m. The cause of death was given as multi-organ 

Mr. Suharto was driven from office in 1998 by widespread rioting, economic 
paralysis and political chaos. His rule was not without accomplishment; he led 
Indonesia to stability and nurtured economic growth. But these successes were 
ultimately overshadowed by his pervasive and large-scale corruption; 
repressive, militarized rule; and a convulsion of mass bloodletting when he 
seized power in the late 1960s that took at least 500,000 lives. 

As the leader of one of the world's most populous countries, Mr. Suharto and 
his family became notorious for controlling state enterprises and taking 
kickbacks for government contracts, for siphoning money from state charities 
and for committing gross violations of human rights. 

Yet Mr. Suharto remained virtually untouchable to the end, even as his 
successors in a new democratic system repudiated his rule. He was never charged 
with the killings committed under his command, and managed to escape criminal 
prosecution for embezzling millions of dollars, possibly billions, by having 
himself declared mentally incapable to stand trial. A civil suit against him 
was pending at his death.

After he was forced from office, he tried to give the appearance of a frail and 
humiliated former potentate, but he could be seen jogging and swinging a golf 
club at his home in the center of Jakarta. His health deteriorated in his final 
years and he became something of a recluse.

In his last days, a parade of the country's power elite visited the hospital to 
pay their respects. 

Mr. Suharto - who like many Indonesians used only one name - stepped down on 
May 21, 1998, just two months after arranging to have himself elected to a 
seventh five-year term. He departed with an apology to the nation. "I am sorry 
for my mistakes," he said. But his quiet statement came only after the deaths 
of 500 student protesters, an event that shocked the people into a consensus 
that the president must go. 

When demonstrators occupied the Parliament building, once-docile legislators 
finally called on the president to resign. 

Like his predecessor, Sukarno, Mr. Suharto worked to forge national unity in a 
fractious country of 200 million people comprising 300 ethnic groups speaking 
250 languages and inhabiting more than 17,000 islands spread over a 3,500-mile 

Sukarno had also fallen from power in a wave of violence, one that swept the 
country in 1965 after an attack that was officially portrayed as an abortive 
leftist coup. Mr. Suharto, one of the few senior military officers to escape 
execution on the first day of that uprising, moved decisively against the 
insurgents and effectively took control of the country. 

Mr. Suharto dealt gingerly with Sukarno, a founding father of the nation who 
still had support within the army. Sukarno was kept as a figurehead while Mr. 
Suharto, a relatively little known major general, waited three years to 
officially succeed him, in 1968. 

In the following years, governing through consensus, traditional mysticism, 
military repression and authoritarian control, President Suharto restored order 
to the country and presided over an era of substantial development. Many 
Indonesians benefited from his programs, but none more so than members of his 
family, who became billionaires many times over. Last year, he topped a new 
list of world leaders who had stolen from state coffers. The list, by the 
United Nations and the World Bank, cited an estimate that he had embezzled $15 
billion to $35 billion.

Enigmatic and Magical

Mr. Suharto was an unlikely character to play such a major role in his 
country's destiny. He was a private person, and although he wielded complete 
power, he spoke in gentle tones, smiled sweetly to friend and foe and presented 
himself as a man of humble origins, shy, retiring and enigmatic. Short and 
thick set, he almost invariably dressed in a Western business suit or a safari 
jacket once he gave up his military uniform, and a black songkok, the flat 
traditional Indonesian cap. 

He rarely took a public stand on any issue. Instead, by waiting to allow a 
consensus to form, he was usually able to make events evolve the way he wished. 
He can be better understood in the context of the old forms of Javanese 
kingship in which the ruler was surrounded by courtiers who tried to divine the 
royal mind. 

Although he was a Muslim, Mr. Suharto seemed imbued with Indonesian traditions 
of animism and mysticism overlaid with Hindu and Buddhist teachings. In a 
country given to superstition, where ancient patterns of belief coexist with 
more modern ideas, he consulted gurus and dukuns, spiritual advisers and 
soothsayers who were believed to be in touch with natural forces.

Whether it was those forces or his timing, good fortune came to him. Just as 
the United States was becoming embroiled in Vietnam, he stood as a bulwark 
against Communism in Asia. The United States rewarded him with a foreign aid 
program that eventually amounted to more than $4 billion a year. In addition, a 
consortium of Western countries and Japan established an aid program that in 
1994 alone totaled almost $5 billion.

In doing so, the United States, along with much of the rest of the world, 
showed a willingness to overlook the corruption, favoritism and violations of 
human rights, including the disappearance of opposition politicians, that came 
to characterize Mr. Suharto's rule. 

Many Indonesians, too, supported him, at least while the economy was buoyant. 
But the Asian economic turmoil in 1997 exposed Indonesia's economy as on the 
brink of collapse. 

The currency lost 30 percent of its value in 1996, a drought made rice scarce, 
unemployment rose and the widening income gap led to rioting and violence. Mr. 
Suharto turned to the International Monetary Fund, which agreed to a $43 
billion bailout if Indonesia would abide by its terms. 

His signing of those terms was seen as a humiliating capitulation, but he 
equivocated when it came to instituting them. Many saw his hesitation as an 
effort to protect the fortunes of his family and friends, money widely believed 
to have been stashed in foreign banks.

Mr. Suharto called for belt-tightening. He raised fuel prices, then revoked the 
order. He promised bank reform and ended tax breaks, then reversed himself or 
left wide loopholes. 

His failure to come to grips with economic problems brought a wave of student 
unrest. In May 1998, student rallies spilled from the campuses into the streets 
and across the archipelago. Hundreds died in fires and clashes with security 

Apparently unable to grasp the seriousness of the situation, Mr. Suharto left 
on a trip to Cairo, but was forced to cut it short in an effort to restore 
order. The economic crisis was a challenge that he did not seem to know how to 

"This is something he cannot shoot, he cannot put in jail, he cannot close 
down, like our newspaper," said Jusuf Wanandi, a senior fellow at the Center 
for Strategic and International Studies in Jakarta, an Indonesian policy 

Anti-Communist Purges

In the 1960s, during the turbulent months following his rise to power, few 
would have predicted that Mr. Suharto, a peasant turned soldier, would be able 
to weather crisis after crisis, as he did for 32 years. 

The first of those was touched off by long-smoldering resentments between 
Communists, conservative Muslims and ethnic Chinese that exploded into one of 
the bloodiest massacres in modern history. 

His precise role in the violence is not clear; he managed to keep his name from 
being directly attached to it. What is clear is that in many areas the army, 
which he controlled, supplied weapons to and whipped up an aroused population 
to mutilate and murder people suspected of being Communists, many of them of 
Chinese ancestry. Estimates of the number of dead have ranged from 500,000 to 
as many as one million.

Contemporary dispatches reported that the general sent crack troops of the 
army's Strategic Reserve Command to organize the liquidation of the Communists. 
Hamish McDonald, a journalist with wide experience in Asia, wrote in his book 
"Suharto's Indonesia" that General Suharto later dispatched Col. Sarwo Edhi 
Wibowo with a force of commandos "to encourage the anti-Communist civilians to 
help with the job." The colonel said, "We gave them two or three days' 
training, then sent them out to kill the Communists."

Along with presumed Communists, entire families were wiped out and personal 
scores settled with ethnic Chinese, longtime residents of the country. 

Mr. Suharto had blamed the Indonesian Communist Party for what he described as 
an abortive coup in 1965, though the Communists' exact role in it remains 
unclear. In that uprising, six senior anti-Communist generals were killed in 
one evening, and questions have lingered about why Mr. Suharto was one of the 
few senior officers not marked for assassination. In any event, he became the 
chief beneficiary of the subsequent crackdown as he moved quickly to 
consolidate his control.

When Mr. Suharto took over from Sukarno, the country was bankrupt. Inflation 
was rampant and hunger was commonplace in a country rich in natural resources. 

Mr. Suharto ended Sukarno's policy of confrontation with Malaysia and became a 
force for regional stability by helping to establish the Association of 
Southeast Asian Nations. Indonesia rejoined the United Nations, from which it 
had withdrawn in 1965. 

With the help of American-trained economists, Indonesia moved from being the 
world's largest rice-importing nation to a rice exporter. During the 1970s, oil 
was a major export and a significant source of foreign exchange. High oil 
prices allowed considerable economic development, but when Pertamina, the 
national oil company, was shaken by scandal in the late '70s, the country again 
neared bankruptcy.

Mr. Suharto brought what became known as the New Order to Indonesia, but at the 
price of repression. Scholars have estimated that as many as 750,000 people 
were arrested in the military crackdown after the killing of the generals, and 
that 55,000 to 100,000 people accused of being Communists may have been held 
without trial for as long as 14 years. 

In the early '80s, 4,000 to 9,000 people were killed by death squads organized 
by army Special Forces to deal with petty criminals and some political 
operatives. And, according to Benedict Richard O'Gorman Anderson, a professor 
emeritus of government at Cornell, 200,000 people of a population of 700,000 
died in East Timor in the civil war and famine after Indonesia's invasion and 
annexation in 1975.

Professor Anderson called Mr. Suharto a "malign dictator with blood on his 
hands - over the years anywhere from half a million to a million people."

The repressiveness of the Suharto era broke into the headlines during President 
Ronald Reagan's trip to Asia in 1986, a trip meant to highlight the "winds of 
freedom" in the region. Just before Mr. Reagan's arrival in Bali, the 
government expelled a correspondent for The New York Times and barred two 
Australian journalists after unfavorable reports about the great wealth 
accumulated by the general and his family. 

When he came to power, he refused at first to move into the presidential 
palace, saying he preferred to live in his own modest house in Jakarta. During 
his years as president, however, his homes became palatial. 

The Family Business

While he occupied himself with affairs of state or relaxed with a round of golf 
or a day of fishing, his wife, Siti Hartinah Suharto, known as Madame Tien, 
handled the family's business affairs. She became the object of quiet 
criticism, with her detractors calling her "Madame Tien Percent," a reference 
to what were said to be commissions she received on business deals. 

But Madame Tien, who died in 1996, was restrained compared with the six Suharto 
children. They used their connections to amass as much as $35 billion from 
their business interests, according to an estimate by Transparency 
International, a private anticorruption organization. Cartels and monopolies 
extended the family's reach to paper, cement, plywood, cloves, toll roads, 
power plants, automobiles and banks. 

One daughter, Siti Hadijanti Rukmana, led a corporate group that collected many 
of the tolls on new highways. A son, Bambang Trihatmodjo, became chairman of a 
conglomerate of some 90 companies with interests in everything from shipping 
and insurance to cocoa and timber, hotels, television, automobiles, even 
condoms. Another son was connected to the state oil monopoly. 

Whatever favors were not given to the Suharto family went to friends. A 
respected Indonesian scholar was quoted by The Times as saying: "At least 80 
percent of major government projects go in some form to the president's 
children or friends." 

The family has denied that it benefited unfairly from tax breaks and other 
favors and said government contracts had been subject to competitive bidding, a 
widely disputed assertion.

Impoverished Childhood

Mr. Suharto was born on June 8, 1921, in Kemusu Argamulja, a village west of 
Yogyakarta in central Java. He was the only child from his father's second 
marriage, but he had 11 half-brothers and sisters. His father was a village 
irrigation official, with control over the water for rice growers. 

His parents divorced, and he moved from his mother's home to an aunt's, to his 
father's, to his stepfather's. At one point he was transferred to the household 
of Daryatmo, a noted guru and dukun, who remained an adviser to Mr. Suharto in 
his later years. 

He was so poor that he once had to change schools because he could not afford 
the shorts and shoes that were the required uniform. His education ended with 
junior high school. He found a job in the bank in his village, but resigned 
after he tore his only set of work clothes in a bicycle accident. 

Indonesia was a Dutch colony and with the outbreak of war in 1940, he joined 
the Royal Netherlands Indies Army, which surrendered to the Japanese three 
months after Pearl Harbor. Indonesian nationalists began cooperating with the 
Japanese as a step toward independence, and he joined the Japanese-sponsored 
Volunteer Army, reaching the rank of commander. 

After the Japanese surrender he joined the independence forces, emerging as a 
lieutenant colonel, steeped in anticolonialism and anti-Communism. 

In 1947 he married Siti Hartinah; they had six children, Siti Hardiyanti 
Hastuti, Sigit Harjojudanto, Bambang Trihatmodjo, Siti Hediati, Hutomo Mandala 
Putra and Siti Hutami Endang Adiningsih, who survive, along with 11 
grandchildren and a great-grandchild. 

After attending the army staff and command school, he was made a brigadier 
general and placed in charge of intelligence. He rose to command the army's new 
Strategic Reserve Force, the position he held when the six generals were killed 
in 1965. On that night, he was visiting his youngest child in a hospital, and 
it was said that that was how he escaped assassination. 

Despite the allegations of human-rights abuses and corruption, Mr. Suharto 
escaped prosecution, evidence of the influence he retained long after he was 
forced from power. In 2000, the government charged him with having embezzled 
more than $600 million, but later dropped the charges because he was in ill 
health. After Time magazine reported that he had stolen up to $15 billion, he 
sued for defamation, and lost twice in lower courts before the Supreme Court 
ruled in his favor last year. 

In July, prosecutors filed a civil suit, which is still pending, seeking $1.1 
billion in damages for embezzling. And in December, an investigation was 
announced into six cases of human-rights abuses, including the killing of more 
than half a million people in the '60s. 

Because of a stroke and other ailments, he was said to have brain damage and 
trouble communicating. But in November, after obtaining the verdict against 
Time, he gave a rare interview to an Indonesian news magazine. Asked about the 
accusations of corruption, he laughed. "It's all empty talk," he said. "Let 
them accuse me. The fact is I have never committed corruption."

Seth Mydans contributed reporting from Solo, Indonesia.

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