Afghan journalist jailed for translating Koran

By Nelofer Pazira
Friday, 15 February 2008 

In the Soviet-occupied Kabul of the late 1980s, Ahmed Ghous Zalmai was a 
charismatic television and radio host, the people's favourite enemy of the 
state. He survived the Soviet tyranny - but would not be so fortunate under the 
Western-backed "democracy" of President Hamid Karzai. Since October 2007, he 
has been in prison for helping to distribute translated copies of the Koran.

Afghanistan in the 1980s was a police state and a generation of intellectuals 
and educated or influential people was already decaying inside the notorious 
Puli Charkhi prison.

Mr Zalmai started the first Afghan open talk radio called "Voice of the 
People". Callers didn't have to identify themselves and Mr Zalmai took their 
complaints to the relevant authorities, demanding a response. The programme was 
eventually brought under control, but the precedent was set; Mr Zalmai was 
already hosting other programmes.

He found a way of turning the rhetoric of the Communist state on its head - 
using the language of propaganda to point out the government's failures, 
challenging the authorities to answer the people they claimed to serve. 

After the fall of the Communist regime in 1992, Mr Zalmai became a cultural 
attaché to the mujahedin government at the Afghan embassy in Tajikistan.

Eventually he moved to the Netherlands as a refugee, until he received a formal 
invitation from the new Afghan government, asking him to return to take up an 
important post with the official Afghan TV and Radio. Mr Zalmai moved back to 
Kabul with his family to return to his profession. He became the president of 
the Association of Afghan Journalists and spokesman for the Attorney General's 
department (Saranwal) of the Afghan government.

When, as a teenager, I got the job of co-hosting a youth radio show with him, I 
was envied by peers and strangers alike. What people loved and feared about him 
was not just his good looks, dress style and the fact that he spoke French, but 
his ability to encourage criticism at a time when other media personalities 
were either fleeing the country, or too frightened to risk their positions.

Mr Zalmai's journalist colleagues claim that the Attorney General himself, 
Zabar Sabit, an overly religious man, played a significant role in Mr Zalmai's 
arrest. Mr Sabit is widely regarded as sympathetic towards the Taliban; some 
say he is proving his credentials because he is waiting for the Taliban's 
return to power. Mr Zalmai and his friend are accused of distributing a Koran 
which consists of "mistakes" and "misconceptions".

The Farsi (Persian) edition of the Koran - Dari, the Afghan version of Persian, 
is one of Afghanistan's two official languages - had been published in the 
United States but appeared in Afghanistan without its original Arabic text 
alongside. Mr Zalmai had two other collaborators from the Saranwal with 
religious credentials to help him with the project, one of whom was also 
arrested. Small groups of students demonstrated against Mr Zalmai even though 
he had no role in the translation.

He has been imprisoned without any formal charges and has been given no access 
to a lawyer. Whether belonging to the wrong ethnic class - being a member of a 
well-known Sufi order - or because he was regarded as a liberal, 
Western-thinking intellectual, Mr Zalmai is paying for a crime he has not 

He has five children, and his family has been allowed to see him only once 
since his arrest. Despite an outcry among Afghans in the West, there has been 
no interest in his case expressed by Western governments, least of all the 
United States.

The Koran was translated and published in Farsi decades ago. But in Afghanistan 
these days, the Taliban's growing influence and the sensitivity of the 
increasingly de-legitimised Karzai government towards anything religious, are 
reason enough to teach others a lesson in servitude.

Nelofer Pazira is a journalist, film-maker and human rights campaigner

How you can save Pervez

The Independent campaign to save Sayed Pervez Kambaksh has attracted more than 
84,000 signatures. The Foreign Secretary, David Miliband, and the US Secretary 
of State, Condoleezza Rice, have discussed the case with President Hamid 
Karzai, who said only that "justice will be done". You can add your voice to 
the campaign to spare his life. Sign our e-petition at

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