Separuh korban flu ini,  meninggal di Indoneisa...

  Indonesia 'needs bird flu help'

      Indonesia needs more help to rein in the bird flu virus, the UN's Food 
and Agriculture Organisation has said.

The human death toll from bird flu in the country rose to 100 earlier this year 
- almost half of the total worldwide fatalities.

The FAO's chief veterinary expressed concerns that failure to tackle
the disease could lead the virus to mutate and cause a "human influenza

Most of those infected are thought to have caught the disease from poultry.

"The human mortality rate from bird flu in Indonesia is the highest in
the world and there will be more human cases if we do not focus more on
containing the disease at source in animals," said FAO Chief Veterinary
Officer Joseph Domenech in a statement on Tuesday.
 "The avian influenza situation in Indonesia is grave -
all international partners and national authorities need to step up
their efforts for halting the spread of the disease in animals and
making the fight against the virus a top priority."

Mr Domenech also expressed concerns about a possible mutation of the virus 
which could be easily passed from human to human.

"Furthermore, I am deeply concerned that the high level of virus
circulation in birds in the country could create conditions for the
virus to mutate and to finally cause a human influenza pandemic," he


Surveillance and response teams are working in 193 out of 448 districts
in Indonesia, yet birds in 31 out of 33 provinces are affected, Mr
Domenech said.

      Indonesia is facing an uphill battle against a virus that is difficult to 

Joseph Domenech
                          FAO chief veterinary officer

The virus is endemic in Java, Sumatra, Bali and southern Sulawesi with
sporadic outbreaks reported from other areas, the FAO said.
 By June 2008, more than 2,000 surveillance and response
teams will be active in more than 300 districts in areas of the country
where the disease is endemic, Mr Domenech said.

But that may not be enough.

"Indonesia is facing an uphill battle against a virus that is difficult
to contain. Major human and financial resources, stronger political
commitment and strengthened co-ordination between the central,
provincial and district authorities are required to improve
surveillance and control measures," Mr Domenech said.
 Since the first outbreaks in 2003, bird flu has spread
rapidly across Java into Bali, Kalimantan and Sumatra. In 2006, the
virus spread further east infecting Papua and much of Sulawesi.

Since the H5N1 virus emerged in South East Asia in late 2003, it has claimed 
more than 220 lives around the world.

          Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2008/03/19 12:11:51 GMT


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