Saudi women 'kept in childhood' 
Saudi women are being kept in perpetual childhood so male relatives can
exercise "guardianship" over them, the Human Rights Watch group has
The New York-based
group says Saudi women have to obtain permission from male relatives to
work, travel, study, marry or even receive health care. 
Their access to justice is also severely constrained, it says. 
The group says the Saudi establishment sacrifices basic human rights to 
maintain male control over women. 
Saudi Arabia is the only country in the world where women are not allowed to 
Saudi clerics see the guardianship of women's honour as a key to the country's 
social and moral order. 
'No progress'  
The report, Perpetual Minors: Human Rights Abuses Stemming from Male
Guardianship and Sex Segregation in Saudi Arabia, draws on more than
100 interviews with Saudi women. 
Farida Deif, women's rights researcher for the Middle
East at Human Rights Watch, said: "Saudi women won't make any progress
until the government ends the abuses that stem from these misguided

It's astonishing that the Saudi government denies adult women the right
to make decisions for themselves but holds them criminally responsible
for their actions at puberty  

 Farida Deif, 
Human Rights Watch 
The report says that Saudi women are denied the legal right to make
even trivial decisions for their children - women cannot open bank
accounts for children, enrol them in school, obtain school files or
travel with their children without written permission from the child's
Human Rights Watch says that Saudi women are prevented
from accessing government agencies that have no established female
sections unless they have a male representative. 
The need to establish separate office spaces for women
is a disincentive to hiring female employees, and female students are
often relegated to unequal facilities with unequal academic
opportunities, the report says. 
Male guardianship over adult women also contributes to
their risk of exposure to violence within the family as victims of
violence find it difficult to seek protection or redress from the
Social workers, physicians and lawyers say that it is
nearly impossible to remove guardianship from male guardians who are
abusive, the group says. 
"It's astonishing that the Saudi government denies
adult women the right to make decisions for themselves but holds them
criminally responsible for their actions at puberty," said Ms Deif. 
"For Saudi women, reaching adulthood brings no rights, only responsibilities." 
Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2008/04/21 10:37:32 GMT


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