Ole sio sayange, itu orang Hindu (mudah-mudahan bikan MGA) mulai dengan langkah 
yang salah: an elephant exhibition in a dark house Sio, kok pameran di tempat 
gelap, kok bikin pameran ayam terbang: "ayam hitam terbang malam hinggap 
dipohon rimbun"
Sio, itu yang pertama, yang kedua, kalaupun ada yang bikin pameran gajah atau 
ayam terbang seperti itu, ya yang ingin nonton pameran itu bawa lampu senter, 
atau lentera, atau pelita..

La Tando


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Dwi W. Soegardi 
  To: wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2008 10:54 AM
  Subject: Re: analogi ajaib was Re: [wanita-muslimah] Heran

  wah baru segitu dibilang ajaib.

  ok deh lebih lengkap lagi, biar tambah ajaib

  The Elephant in the dark, on the reconciliation of contrarieties

  SOME Hindus had brought an elephant for exhibition and placed it in a dark
  house. Crowds of people were going into that dark place to see the beat.
  Finding that ocular inspection was impossible, each visitor felt it with his
  palm in the darkness.

  The palm of one fell on the trunk.

  'This creature is like a water-spout,' he said.

  The hand of another lighted on the elephant's ear. To him the
  beat was evidently like a fan.

  Another rubbed against its leg.

  'I found the elephant's shape is like a pillar,' he said.

  Another laid his hand on its back.

  'Certainly this elephant was like a throne,' he said.

  The sensual eye is just like the palm of the hand. The palm has not the
  means of covering the whole of the best.

  The eye of the Sea is one thing and the foam another. Let the foam go, and
  gaze with the eye of the Sea. Day and night foam-flecks are flung from the
  sea: of amazing! You behold the foam but not the Sea. We are like boats
  dashing together; our eyes are darkened, yet we are in clear water.

  (Jalaluddin Rumi dalam Matsnawi)

  Sebagai salah seorang buta yang ikutan meraba-raba gajah,
  saya memahami kisah tersebut sebagai proses pencarian kebenaran,
  lagian siapa yang menganalogikan gajah dengan agama dan tuhan?


  2008/4/22 wawan wawan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

  > analogi2 yang aneh bin ajaib ...
  > level DWS dan TS memakai analogi ajaib kayak gini untuk agama dan Tuhan
  > ???
  > On 4/23/08, Dwi W. Soegardi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  > >
  > > Ada pula kasus klasik: orang yang ditutup matanya, meraba-raba gajah,
  > > dan mendeskripsikannya.
  > > Tentu yang pegang telinga, beda dengan yang meraba ekor, beda lagi
  > > yang memeluk kakinya.
  > > Semua dengan "benar" mendeskripsikan gajah sesuai dengan
  > > "pengalamannya" masing-masing.
  > >
  > > Salam,

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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