Mimisan terjadi karena pembuluh darah hidung yang terlalu dangkal letaknya.
Begitu selaput lendir hidung membengkak atau terbentur, ia pun mudah pecah.
Selaput lendir hidung membengkak bisa karena kena udara yang terik, bisa
karena sedang pilek.
Bisa juga anak mudah mimisan karena ada kelainan di darahnya. Oleh karena
itu sebaiknya dibawa ke dokter THT/anak supaya dapat dijelaskan (tanya terus
sampai dia mau bercerita secara jelas).
-------Original Message-------
From: total_sacrifice
Date: 01/07/2008 14:24:39
To: wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [wanita-muslimah] Pak Ton Re: Abortion in Middle East
maaf OOT,
Pak Dokter,
anak sering mimisan kira2 penyebabnya apa Pak? Berbahaya ato tidak 
Saya dulu waktu kecil juga gitu, tapi sekarang alhamdulillah masih 
Apakah amandel yg bengkak juga bisa menjadi penyebab mimisan? Tapi 
amandel kakaknya juga bengkak tapi tidak pernah mimisan. mohon 

Terima kasih sebelumnya.
--- In wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com, "Kartono Mohamad" 
> Number of abortions rising in Middle East, experts say
> Changing social values and economic realities, along with 
demographic shifts
> are among the reasons, observers in the Arab world say.
> By Borzou Daragahi, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer 
> June 29, 2008 
> BEIRUT -- Unmarried and pregnant, Ranya gathered up her courage 
and confided
> to a friend that she was considering a drastic step: an illegal 
> She braced for criticism. But to her surprise, her friend 
disclosed that she
> had had one too. 
> Ranya asked another friend, who also said she'd had an abortion. 
And another
> gave her the phone number of a doctor in Beirut who would perform 
> procedure on the sly. The doctor used no anesthetic. The pain 
lingered for
> days, but the guilt engulfed her weeks later.
> "It doesn't make me feel guilty because of Islam," said Ranya, 29, 
a short,
> brown-haired artist, struggling with her words. "It's a very 
> guilt to explain. I tend to philosophize things. I feel guilty in 
a weird
> way. It crosses my mind all the time."
> Despite legal and religious restrictions against abortion in much 
of the
> Arab world, changing social values and economic realities as well 
> demographic shifts have contributed to an apparent increase in the 
number of
> the procedures in the Middle East.
> "There's definitely an increase compared to 10 to 15 years ago," 
> Mohammed Graigaa, executive director of the Moroccan Assn. for 
> Planning. "Abortion is much less of a taboo. It's much more 
visible. Doctors
> talk about it. Women talk about it. The moral values of people 
have changed.
> In most Middle East countries, the 15-to-24-year-old age group has 
grown to
> make up about a third of the population, but the percentage of 
> marriages is dropping. In Egypt, only 10% of 15-to-19-year-old 
females were
> married in 2003, down from 22% in 1976.
> As young people wait longer to marry, they're increasingly 
engaging in
> premarital sex. 
> "I think abortions are going up for just for one reason: Sex is 
> more permissive," said Wissam Ghandour, a Lebanese obstetrician 
and scholar.
> "I assure you that the majority of girls getting married now are 
> and sexually active."
> In addition, Arab youths receive little in the way of birth 
control or sex
> education, say family planning experts in the Middle East, many of 
whom work
> discreetly to provide reproductive health services in conservative 
> societies that hold women's maternal roles as sacrosanct.
> "If access to contraceptives was widely and freely available, 
> wouldn't be necessary," said an official at a Western family 
> organization in Yemen. She spoke on condition of anonymity for 
fear her
> organization would be targeted. Abortion, she said, is "a last 
> According to most interpretations, Islam strictly forbids abortion 
after the
> fetus has reached 4 months, and allows it before then only in 
cases of
> violent rape or when birth poses an extreme threat to the physical 
> psychological health of the mother. 
> Otherwise, abortion is tantamount to killing a living soul, a 
major sin in
> Islam, said Abdel Moati Bayoumi, a professor of the fundamentals 
of Islam at
> Cairo's Al Azhar University, the world's premier Muslim school of 
> education.
> "The rise of abortion and its acceptability in the Arab world 
reflects the
> decadence of societies in the region and how much people are 
drifting away
> from the teachings of Islam," he said in a telephone 
interview. "Abortion
> should not be taken lightly, because it involves killing a 
creature that
> belongs only to God."
> According to a poll released this month by WorldPublicOpinion.org, 
53% of
> Egyptians, 57% of Palestinians and 55% of Iranians oppose their 
> policies of making abortion a crime.
> But abortions are often tolerated, with law enforcement officials 
> prosecutors looking the other way unless a parent or husband files 
> complaint. Even open-minded clerics give tacit approval for 
abortions in
> some cases. They are performed by doctors or back-alley amateurs, 
many of
> them midwives.
> Statistics are sparse. Family planning experts said they detected 
a 100%
> increase in the number of abortions from two decades ago. Graigaa, 
> example, said the number in Morocco had doubled. 
> According to the United Nations, about one in 10 pregnancies in 
the region
> ends in abortion, half the rate of the United States.
> A study by the International Planned Parenthood Federation 
estimated there
> were 7 million abortions in the Arab world from 1995 to 2000. A 
1993 study
> showed that 14% of women in one rural Egyptian hamlet had had an 
> Researchers estimate that 100,000 abortions are performed a year 
in Iran, a
> non- Arab nation that stands out for its relatively progressive sex
> education and family planning policies. 
> Moroccan family planning experts estimate that 600 abortions a day 
> performed in the North African country, most involving unmarried 
women. Only
> a small percentage are victims of rape or sexual abuse, they say. 
> Despite the lack of frank public discussion of volatile issues 
such as
> abortion in the Arab world, there are signs that some taboos are 
> crumbling. Women are talking about abortions.
> "Things are changing," Graigaa said. "People in Morocco more and 
more accept
> abortion as a human right. The subject has become less of a taboo 
in the
> past three years. People feel they have the right to be informed 
> abortion."
> But botched procedures are still widespread. 
> In the spring of 2007, Iraqi obstetrician Donya Taher was on call, 
> her Baghdad hospital, when she was called to the emergency room. 
> The patient was bleeding heavily, and her blood was turning 
pinkish. They
> loaded her up with 10 pints of blood, six pints of plasma and a 
heavy dose
> of antibiotics.
> "She was dying," Taher recalled. The woman and her husband, both 
in their
> early 20s, said she had had a back-alley abortion. They already 
had two
> children and couldn't afford a third. 
> As soon as the woman recovered, the couple slipped away. 
> "We wanted to know who did this to her," Taher said. "But she 
wouldn't tell
> us. Whoever it was should be punished."
> Taher was enraged but not surprised. She said that only a few 
> perform relatively safe abortions in Baghdad, a capital city of at 
least 5
> million people. Although she has not detected any noticeable 
increase in the
> number of botched abortions, there is a steady stream of injured 
in the
> emergency room, she said. 
> "They use the feces of animals. There are many unscientific 
methods, herbal
> medicine," she said. "Sometimes it will cause septic shock."
> In some cases, abortion has become a lifestyle choice for Arab 
women no
> longer willing or able to care for huge families.
> "People are much better informed," Graigaa said. "They have much 
> religious and moral fears about undergoing an abortion."
> In the southern Iraqi city of Hillah, a 33-year-old woman named 
> realized this year that she was pregnant with her sixth child. She 
> she didn't want any more children. 
> A friend referred her to a doctor who gave her pills to induce a 
> When that didn't work, she went to a doctor at a private 
> With her husband's approval, she obtained an abortion. A Shiite 
> cleric in the nearby city of Karbala absolved her of guilt and 
urged the
> couple to ask God's forgiveness after each prayer.
> "I'm too exhausted," she said. "I already have five children. I 
just didn't
> want to go through the hassle of having to take care of another 
> Soaring prices for food and housing in the Middle East have put 
> pressure on families with modest incomes. For many couples, an 
> child might mean not being able to send the children to school.
> "Most families can't afford a sixth or seventh or 10th or 11th 
child," said
> the family planning expert in Yemen. "All the women who resort to 
> abortion already have as many children as they can manage."
> Family planning experts say laws and traditions are out of step 
with reality
> They point to the fact that women increasingly are coming to the 
> with their husbands instead of behind their backs. They ask 
questions about
> safety, cost and timing.
> "Often the husband consents and is usually present with his wife 
to support
> her during the operation and in the care period after the 
abortion," said
> Graigaa, in Morocco. "The society is more and more permissive to 
> done within the framework of a couple."
> Ranya's boyfriend was supportive, and her sorrow eventually waned. 
Over the
> last five years, she dived into her career and now shuttles around 
> region making documentaries. Married to a different man and hoping 
for a
> child, she recently confided to a new friend her experience that 
day at the
> clinic. 
> "I never expected it, but she told me, 'Me too,' " Ranya recalled. 
> "She seemed more conservative," she said. "We talked about it a 
little. She
> told me how she felt. But something stops you from going too deep. 
It's fear
> of confronting what's really painful."
> Special correspondent Raed Rafei in Beirut and a special 
correspondent in
> Hillah contributed to this report.


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