Tuesday October 14, 2008
No loot, so thief rapes Indonesian maid

IPOH: A thief raped an Indonesian maid in Manjung when he failed to get his 
hands on anything valuable.

He later tried to break into three other houses but only found a watch.

The thief found all the rooms in the first house locked, except for the maid's 

After raping her, the thief locked the 32-year-old maid in the bathroom. The 
only other person in the house at the time was the maid's 90-year-old employer.

The thief then attempted to break into the neighbour's house but failed to 
break the locks.

He then broke into two other houses before he was surprised by the owner of the 
last house.

The owner of the house had gone to check on her children when he saw the thief 
who was wearing a mask.

The thief was believed to be in his early 20s and was armed with a parang.

Manjung OCPD Asst Comm Mohd Jamil Osman advised residents to be more alert and 
reinforce the security of their homes with additional locks.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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