Saturday, December 20, 2008 
19:56 Mecca time, 16:56 GMT 

      Somali fighters destroying shrines  
            Somali fighters used hammers to destroy the graves of clerics and 
other prominent people in Kismayo 
      Al-Shabab, an armed group fighting transitional government and Ethiopian 
forces in Somalia, is desecrating religious shrines in the south of the 
country, Al Jazeera has learned.

      The ancient graves of clerics and other prominent people are among holy 
sites being targeted by the armed group in the port city of Kismayo.

      Al-Shabab took control of Somalia's third-largest city about four months 
ago and quickly announced it would not tolerate anything it deemed un-Islamic.

      Al Jazeera correspondent Mohammed Adow said Kismayo's Roman Catholic 
church was torn down just days after they seized power through bloody fighting.

      "The 60-year-old church had not been used for nearly 20 years and not a 
single Christian lives in the city - but that was not a good enough reason for 
the militias to spare the building, he said."

      "They are planning to replace it with a mosque."

      Graves targeted

      The fighters then turned their hammers on graves, some of which contained 
the remains of followers of Sufi, a mystical form of Islam.

      The sites have been revered for decades and are regularly visited by 
people paying homage to the dead, a practice al-Shabab has condemned as being 
akin to idolatry.

      "We are a chosen lot by Allah to try and correct the mystics of the 
people and guide them," Hassan Yaqub, a spokesman for the Kismayo 
administration, told Al Jazeera.

      "We have a responsibility to the people to guard the people against all 
evil deeds."

      In Marka, another coastal town in the south of the country, Al Jazeera 
witnessed the public implementation of Sharia, or Islamic law.  

      Three men accused of smoking hashish were given a public flogging before 
the al-Shabab fighters set fire to the drugs that were purportedly found when 
the men were arrested. 

      Such practices have become more frequent as al-Shabab has increased its 
influence across southern and central Somalia, taking back many of the areas 
which were formerly controlled by the Islamic Courts Union until late 2006.

      In October, a 13-year-old girl was reportedly stoned to death in Kismayo 
after she was found guilty of adultery.

      The UN later said that she had been raped.

      Last month, 32 people were whipped for taking part in a traditional dance 
in the town of Balad, about 30km north of the capital Mogadishu.

      Public support

      The crowds which were made to witness the flogging in Marka appeared to 
be overwhelmingly supportive of the new measures being taken by the new 
Islamist authorities.  

            In depth 
                 Somali arms ban 'repeatedly broken' 
                 Somali fighters warn the West 
                 Profile: Somalia's al-Shabab 

            Videos  Al-Shabab's crackdown questioned 
                 Somali rebels gaining ground 
                 Graves and churches destroyed

      "We support their efforts 100 per cent. The establishment of Sharia is a 
source of joy for us all," one resident told Al Jazeera.

      Another said: "We are happy with the Islamists, we now have peace and the 
criminals have nowhere to hide."

      Somalia has had no effective government since a coup removed Siad Barre 
from power in 1991, leading to an almost total breakdown in law and order.

      The only relative stability areas of the country have enjoyed in recent 
years was during the short period of rule by the Islamic Courts Union in 2006.

      "For the Somali people the choice is really a very difficult one ... 
which one would they want to live with, a strict sharia or a situation with no 
security," Billow Kerrow, a Kenya-based regional analyst, told Al Jazeera.

      "I think in the beginning they might find it easier to implement a very 
strict code of Islam, but as the government responsibilities start setting in 
the challenges will be enormous ... to try and practice a system which will be 
accommodating to all."

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