CounterPunch, December 31, 2008

Targeting Islamic University 
Where's the Academic Outrage Over the Bombing of a University in Gaza? 


Not one of the nearly 450 presidents of American colleges and universities who 
prominently denounced an effort by British academics to boycott Israeli 
universities in September 2007 have raised their voice in opposition to 
Israel’s bombardment of the Islamic University of Gaza earlier this week. Lee 
C. Bollinger, president of Columbia University, who organized the petition, has 
been silent, as have his co-signatories from Princeton, Northwestern, and 
Cornell Universities, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Most 
others who signed similar petitions, like the 11,000 professors from nearly 
1,000 universities around the world, have also refrained from expressing their 
outrage at Israel’s attack on the leading university in Gaza. The artfully 
named Scholars for Peace in the Middle East, which organized the latter appeal, 
has said nothing about the assault.

While the extent of the damage to the Islamic University, which was hit in six 
separate airstrikes, is still unknown, recent reports indicate that at least 
two major buildings were targeted, a science laboratory and the Ladies’ 
Building, where female students attended classes. There were no casualties, as 
the university was evacuated when the Israeli assault began on Saturday.

Virtually all the commentators agree that the Islamic University was attacked, 
in part, because it is a cultural symbol of Hamas, the ruling party in the 
elected Palestinian government, which Israel has targeted in its continuing 
attacks in Gaza. Mysteriously, hardly any of the news coverage has emphasized 
the educational significance of the university, which far exceeds its cultural 
or political symbolism.

Established in 1978 by the founder of Hamas — with the approval of Israeli 
authorities — the Islamic University is the first and most important 
institution of higher education in Gaza, serving more than 20,000 students, 60 
percent of whom are women. It comprises 10 faculties — education, religion, 
art, commerce, Shariah law, science, engineering, information technology, 
medicine, and nursing — and awards a variety of bachelor’s and master’s 
degrees. Taking into account that Palestinian universities have been 
regionalized because Palestinian students from Gaza are barred by Israel from 
studying either in the West Bank or abroad, the educational significance of the 
Islamic University becomes even more apparent.

Those restrictions became international news last summer when Israel refused to 
grant exit permits to seven carefully vetted students from Gaza who had been 
awarded Fulbright fellowships by the State Department to study in the United 
States. After top State Department officials intervened, the students’ 
scholarships were restored — though Israel allowed only four of the seven to 
leave, even after appeals by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. “It is a 
welcome victory — for the students,” opined The New York Times, and “for 
Israel, which should want to see more of Gaza’s young people follow a path of 
hope and education rather than hopelessness and martyrdom; and for the United 
States, whose image in the Middle East badly needs burnishing.”

Notwithstanding the importance of the Islamic University, Israel has tried to 
justify the bombing. An army spokeswoman told The Chronicle that the targeted 
buildings were used as “a research and development center for Hamas weapons, 
including Qassam rockets. … One of the structures struck housed explosives 
laboratories that were an inseparable part of Hamas’s research-and-development 
program, as well as places that served as storage facilities for the 
organization. The development of these weapons took place under the auspices of 
senior lecturers who are activists in Hamas.”

Islamic University officials deny the Israeli allegations. Yet even if there is 
some merit in them, it is common knowledge that practically all major American 
and Israeli universities are engaged in research and development of military 
applications and receive money from the Pentagon and defense corporations. 
Weapon development and even manufacturing have, unfortunately, become major 
projects at universities worldwide — a fact that does not justify bombing them.

By launching an attack on Gaza, the Israeli government has once again chosen to 
adopt strategies of violence that are tragically akin to the ones deployed by 
Hamas — only the Israeli tactics are much more lethal. How should academics 
respond to this assault on an institution of higher education? Regardless of 
one’s stand on the proposed boycott of Israeli universities, anyone so 
concerned about academic freedom as to put one’s name on a petition should be 
no less outraged when Israel bombs a Palestinian university. The question, 
then, is whether the university presidents and professors who signed the 
various petitions denouncing efforts to boycott Israel will speak out against 
the destruction of the Islamic University.***

Neve Gordon is chair of the department of politics and government at Ben-Gurion 
University of the Negev and author of Israel’s Occupation (University of 
California Press, 2008).

Jeff Halper is the Director of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions 
(ICAHD) and author of An Israeli in Palestine: Resisting Dispossession, 
Redeeming Israel (Pluto Press, 2008). He can be reached at

Saut Situmorang

-During times of universal deceit, 
telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act 
(George Orwell)


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