Last update - 23:22 10/02/2009     
      Qassam strikes near Sderot, half an hour before election polls close  
      By Amos Harel, Haaretz Correspondent and News Agencies  
      Tags: israel news, Qassam  

      A Qassam rocket fired by Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip exploded 
in an open field near the western Negev city of Sderot on Tuesday evening, just 
half an hour before the polls were to close on Israel's general election. 

      Also Tuesday night, someone opened fire on a car with Israeli license 
plates near the settlement of Beit El in the West Bank. No injuries were 
reported in the incident. 

      Security personnel who examined the scene of the shooting found 17 bullet 
shells on the ground. 
      More than 35 Qassam rockets, mortar shells, and Grad missiles have been 
fired at Israel since a shaky cease-fire with Hamas took effect over two weeks 
ago, according to the Israel Defense Forces. 

      Egypt is currently mediating separate talks with Hamas and Israel over a 
long-term truce in the embattled Gaza Strip. Delegates from both sides have 
been shuttling back and forth to Cairo in recent week in an attempt to reach a 
solution that would include an agreement on the release of abducted Israeli 
soldier Gilad Shalit and the opening of Gaza border crossings. 

      A Hamas representative in Lebanon on Tuesday said the group was waiting 
to see how the outcome of the Israeli elections would affect the negotiations 
over Gaza. 

      "It all depends on the ouctome of the Israeli elections," Osama Hamdan 
told Deutsche Presse-Agentur. 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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