-------Original Message-------
From: Mohammad Oryza Ananda
Date: 11/02/2009 15:28:08
To: anggotai...@yahoogroups.com;  kibar UK
Cc: Alumni Al-Azhar;  Alumni Al-Azhar 1987
Subject: Re: [anggotaicmi] FW: Nikmatnya Merokok : MaraiBoros

Pemerintah RI semustinya meniru England, harga satu bungkus rokok sekitar £5
atau sekitar Rp 45.000 , karena itu banyak smokers yang berhenti merokok

Stop smoking, start shopping 
Cigarettes are smelly, unhealthy and pricey. If you gave up today, look what
you could buy instead. 
After one week 
Money saved £38.50
Health benefits After one week, levels of carbon monoxide (a poisonous gas
that binds to red blood cells so that they carry less oxygen) return to
normal and your lungs start to clear. Toxins start leaving your body, and
you have more energy. 
What you can buy You'll be saving £5.50 a day – enough for a daily treat
such as a lipstick or frappucinos for you and a friend. Or save it till the
end of the week and you'll have £38.50 for a new haircut.
After one month 
Money saved £165
Health benefits Your senses of taste and smell return as the withdrawal
symptoms come to an end.
What you can buy A good digital camera; to keep a record of the good times.
After three months 
Money saved £495
Health benefits Your skin looks great and because your circulation’s better,
running for the bus is easy.
What you can buy Wish you were here? Your savings could now pay for a
holiday. Or a lot of shoes. 
After six months 
Money saved £990
Health benefits A breath of fresh air: your lungs are working up to 10% more
What you can buy A whole new wardrobe. No more excuses for wearing last
year’s outfit! And you’ve saved enough for about 100 CDs and DVDs. 
After one year 
Money saved £1,980
Health benefits Congratulations. You’re fitter, a lot richer – and your risk
of a heart attack has been halved.
What you can buy A designer watch – time to bring on the bling. Or new
wheels. Put down the deposit on a new car or buy one second-hand.
Not only is smoking expensive but it also ruins your looks. Click to watch
16 year old smoker Megan, discover the effect it could have on her



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