Bbrp tahun lalu pelarian dari Irak juga buka mulut. "Ada WMD!!!"
Kentongan ditabuh bertalu-talu. Perang pecah. Sang diktator tumbang
dan digantung. Tak satupun WMD ditemukan. Sejuta jiwa telah melayang

On 3/19/09, Sunny <> wrote:
>             Last update - 20:21 19/03/2009
>       'Iran defector tipped off U.S. on Syrian nuclear ambitions'
>       By The Associated Press
>       Tags: Iran, Syria, Israel News
>       A top-ranked Iranian defector told the United States that Iran was
> financing North Korean moves to make Syria into a nuclear weapons power,
> leading to the Israeli air strike that allegedly destroyed a secret reactor,
> a report said Thursday.
>       The article in the Swiss daily Neue Zuercher Zeitung goes into detail
> about an Iranian connection and fills in gaps about Israel's September 6,
> 2007, raid that knocked out Syria's nearly completed al-Kabir reactor in the
> country's eastern desert.
>       Ali Reza Asghari, a retired general in Iran's elite Revolutionary
> Guards and a former deputy defense minister, changed sides in February 2007
> and provided considerable information to the West on Iran's own nuclear
> program, said the article, written by Hans Ruehle, former chief of the
> planning staff of the German Defense Ministry.
>       The biggest surprise, however, was his assertion that Iran was
> financing a secret nuclear project of Syria and North Korea, he said. No one
> in the American intelligence scene had heard anything of it. And the
> Israelis who were immediately informed also were completely unaware.
>       Ruehle, who did not identify the sources of his information, publishes
> and comments on security and nuclear proliferation in different European
> newspapers and broadcasts and has held prominent roles in German and NATO
> institutions.
>       U.S. intelligence had detected North Korean ship deliveries of
> construction supplies to Syria that started in 2002, and American satellites
> spotted the construction as early as 2003, but regarded the work as nothing
> unusual, in part because the Syrians had banned radio and telephones from
> the site and handled communications solely by messengers - medieval but
> effective, Ruehle said.
>       Intensive investigation followed by U.S. and Israeli intelligence
> services until Israel sent a 12-man commando unit in two helicopters to the
> site in August 2007 to take photographs and soil samples, he said.
>       "The analysis was conclusive that it was a North Korean-type reactor,
> a gas graphite model," Ruehle said.
>       Other sources have suggested that the reactor might have been large
> enough to make about one nuclear weapon's worth of plutonium a year.
>       Just before the Israeli commando raid, a North Korean ship was
> intercepted en route to Syria with nuclear fuel rods, underscoring the need
> for fast action, he said.
>       On the morning of September 6, 2007, seven Israeli F-15 fighter
> bombers took off to the north. They flew along the Mediterranean coast,
> brushed past Turkey and pressed on into Syria. Fifty kilometers (30 miles)
> from their target they fired 22 rockets at the three identified objects
> inside the Kibar complex.
>       "The Syrians were completely surprised. By the time their air defense
> systems were ready, the Israeli planes were well out of range. The mission
> was successful, the reactor destroyed," Ruehle said.
>       "Israel estimates that Iran had paid North Korea between $1 billion
> and $2 billion for the project," Ruehle said.
>       Israel has refused from the beginning to comment on, confirm or deny
> the strike, but after a delay of several months Washington presented
> intelligence purporting to show the target was a reactor being built with
> North Korean help.
>       Iranian officials were not available for comment because of a national
> holiday. In general, Iran has been silent about the Syrian facility bombed
> by Israel. Syrian officials could not be reached for comment. But Syria has
> denied the facility was a nuclear plant, saying it was an unused military
> building. It has also denied any nuclear cooperation with North Korea or
> Iran.
>       The International Atomic Energy Agency earlier this year said United
> Nations inspectors had found processed uranium traces in samples taken from
> the site.
>       Syria has suggested the traces came from Israeli ordnance used to hit
> the site, but the IAEA said the composition of the uranium made that
> unlikely. Israel has denied it was the source of the uranium.
>       Syria has told diplomats that it built a missile facility over the
> ruins of the site.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> ------------------------------------
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