Saturday 4 April 2009 (08 Rabi` al-Thani 1430)

      OIC plans to set up Darfur aid project

      TRIPOLI: The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) yesterday 
announced a project to step up help to the troubled Sudanese region of Darfur 
following last month's expulsion of 13 international aid agencies.

      The plan envisages "urgent and continued aid services," help for refugees 
to go home and rebuilding in the war-torn western region, according to 
documents presented to a conference in Libya of humanitarian agencies in OIC 
member states.

      A Sudanese opposition leader has told a visiting US envoy that the 
government and its allies have forgotten the humanitarian crisis in Darfur. 
Islamist leader Hassan Turabi says that instead they are consumed with efforts 
to protect Sudanese president from the arrest warrant by an international 

      Turabi met yesterday with Scott Gration, the US envoy who is expected to 
visit Darfur. He warned that Bashir's expulsion of 16 foreign and local aid 
groups in retaliation for the warrant has deepened the misery of millions of 

      Meanwhile, the Sudanese election commission has put back both the 
presidential and the parliamentary elections planned for 2009 until next year, 
local media have reported.

      The Sudan Tribune quoted Abdellah Ahmed Abdellah, deputy chairman of 
Sudan's National Electoral Commission as saying yesterday that the commission 
had decided to postpone both polls by seven months, to February 2010. Sudan's 
last general election was in April 1986. In the 2005 Comprehensive Peace 
Agreement (CPA) that ended the decades-long civil war between the north and 
south of Sudan, a general election by July 2009 at the latest had been promised.

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